Manitoba Organization: Manitoba Film Censor Board / Manitoba Film Classification Board

This government body, known originally as the Manitoba Motion Picture Board of Censors, was established in 1916. It became the Manitoba Film Censor Board in 1923. New legislation passed in 1972 changed its mandate from that of overt censorship to mere classification, and the Board was therefore renamed the Manitoba Film Classification Board. The Board was dissolved in 2017.







Timothy Arthur Dent Bevington (1881-1966)


Locksley Donald Charles McNeill (1903-2001)


Clive Madison McCann (1880-1937)


Cecil Rice-Jones (1881-1972)


James Stuart Anderson (1911-1994)


Merlin Victor Borden Newton (1909-1987)


John J. Pungente (1939-2023)


Barbara Elaine Mills Weselake (1947-2016)


Hope Carroll


Ruby Donner


Barbara Cannell




Heather McFayden


Henry Huber



Other members of the Board included Valance St. Just Patriarche (1916-1936), Mrs. Luther (Gertrud) Lennox (1928-1944), Mrs. Norman Young (c1948), Mrs. D. C. McLeod (c1948), Hazel Howell (c1954), Mollie Irene Beard Ives (c1954), Roland Barley (c1964), Margaret McMullin (c1964), Amy Bilton (c1964), Charles “Charlie” Biesick (1970-?), Maurice Aujer (1972-?), Celeste Joseph Muller (1972-?), Maria Prenovauil (1972-?), Frederick Heiderich (1972-?), Anna Gordon (1972-?), Mitchell Neiman (1972-?), Margaret Sotas (1972-?), Barbara Weselake (1972-1976), Eileen Piasta (1972-?), Irene Spooner (1972-?), Edwin Kanaroski (1972-?), Thelma Henne (1972-?), R. F. E. Ranson (1972-?), Fran Lambert (1978-?), Ross Preston (1978-?), Marg Gillespie (1978-?), Paula Henry (1978-?), Gerry Mather (1978-?), Vi Kruetzer (1978-?), Doreen Cluett (1978-?), Barbara Cannell (1978-?), Father J. Radkewycz (1978-?), Les Matheson (1978-?), Sara "Sadie" Claydon (1978-?), John D. Limer (1978-?), Margaret Galloway (1978-?), Melvin Kachur (1978-?), James M. Skinner (1982-?), Leo Dufault (1982-?), Brad Casior (1982-?), Alma Cerilli (1982-?), Peter Regey (1982-?), Leslie Campbell (1982-?), Evelyn Livingston (1982-?), Zelda Greenwood (1982-?), Caroline Teffaine (1982-?), Waris Shere (1982-?), Ross Dobson (1982-?), Thomas Smeal (1982-?), Bradley Caslow (1982-?), Melinda McCracken (1982-?), Manjit Bhukar (c1986), Bruce McManus (c2000), and Parvin Shere (c2000).

See also:

Clean and Decent Movies: Selected Cases and Responses of the Manitoba Film Censor Board, 1930 to 1950 by James M. Skinner
Manitoba History, Number 14, Autumn 1987

Reminiscences of a Manitoba Film Censor: An Interview with Locksley D. McNeill by James M. Skinner
Manitoba History, Number 17, Spring 1989

A Leap in the Dark: The Transition from Film Censorship to Classification in Manitoba, 1970-72 by James M. Skinner
Manitoba History, Number 25, Spring 1993


“Appointment of L. D. McNeill is confirmed,” Winnipeg Tribune, 18 September 1934, page 3.

“Anderson heads board of censors,” Winnipeg Free Press, 9 February 1948, page 9.

“Full-time movie fans,” Winnipeg Free Press, 10 September 1954, page 10.

“Our censors are legal - finally,” Winnipeg Free Press, 21 February 1964, page 23.

“15 appointed to replace Censor Board,” Winnipeg Free Press, 16 September 1972, page 3.

“Banman replaces entire film classification board,” Winnipeg Free Press, 19 September 1978, page 103.

“Tory appointees swept out,” Winnipeg Free Press, 31 August 1982, page 3.

“Official supports video restriction,” Winnipeg Free Press, 19 October 1988, page 51.

“New film board named,” Winnipeg Free Press, 12 April 2000, page 49.

This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough.

Page revised: 19 May 2024