Pre-Contact, Aboriginal and First Nations

1. Successful bison hunt like a shopping spree
   By Fraser Taylor
WESTERN PEOPLE        July 7, 1978     

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2. The  Mission School at the Turtle Mtn. Reserve
A Pamphlet by the Deloriane Mb. Branch of the Christian Endeavor Society about the Mission School that operated on the Turtle Mountain Indian Reserve in the mid 1890's.

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3. Cherry Point - A Pre-Contact Bison Kill Site on Oak Lake,  By Ken Storie
West Souris River Conservation District & Mb. Historical Resources

Cherry Point is on the north shore of Oak Lake. Some interpretive signs, a few benches, and a small parking lot welcome the visitor. 

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4. Massacre in the Hills  By John Peter Turner
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Quarterly    January 1941, p. 302 - 309

“Countless deeds of perfidious robbery, of ruthless murder done by white savages out in these Western wilds never find the light of day . . . My God, what a terrible tale could I not tell of these dark deeds done by the white savage against the far nobler red man!”

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5. Memoirs of an Indian Police Scout    By S/Cst. Paul W. Fox
RCMP Quarterly            October, 1947        p. 162 - 169

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6. The Birtle Residential School
A short history - unattributed - construction details and dates etc.   

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 7. Canupawakpa dakota first nation inquiry turtle mountain surrender claim
Commissioner Roger J. Augustine Commissioner Daniel J. Bellegarde Commissioner Sheila G. Purdy

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8. A Field of Dreams: The Story of the Manitoba Indian Agricultural Program
By Bret Nickels

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9. Re-examination of the Plains Woodlan Snyder II Site. S.W. Manitoba
By Scott Hamilton, E. Leigh Sims, Terry Gibson

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10. Vickers Focus and Mortlach - Examining Cultural Connections in the Makotchi-Ded Dontipi Locale
By Lorie Mokelki

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11. The Sioux - Metis Wars
Book Review By Virginia Barter of a  Book By George & Terry Goulet

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12. Making Pemmican
From "The Souris Plains"

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13. Living With Strangers
The Nineteenth-Century Sioux
and the Canadian-American Borderlands
by David G. McCrady

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14.  Bison play role in regenerative agriculture
A Pierson-area bison ranch and grain farm is using regenerative agricultural practices to protect the environment and help its herd flourish.
By: By Miranda Leybourne Local Journalism Initiative Posted: 2:00 AM CDT Thursday, Sep. 29, 2022
Brandon Sun, Oct 8, 2022

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15. Roots Run Deep
Long before European settlers arrived, Indigenous peoples had established complex agricultural practices that are still relevant today By: Jay Whetter Posted: 6:00 AM CDT Saturday, Oct. 8, 2022

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16. Seeds of Knowledge
Long before European settlers arrived, Indigenous peoples had established complex agricultural practices that are still relevant today By: Jay Whetter Posted: 6:00 AM CDT Saturday, Oct. 8, 2022

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17. Cherry Point

A pre-contact bison kill site on Oak Lake

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