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The St. Eustache School District No. 943 was formally established in May 1898 by Judge Prud’homme but it was apparently operating as early as 1896, with 118 children of school age with 84 registered with Fortunate Létourneau as teacher. The first school, built in 1897, was a large square building with four classrooms. In 1940, with increased enrolment, the house belonging to a Mr. Benoit was purchased and moved between the larger school and convent, and used for the primary grades. In 1948, the present school building, with ten classrooms, was built by the town carpenter, Albert Gauvin, with community help. By 1961, eight classrooms were in use.
In June 1962, St. Eustache School, Baie St. Paul East School, Baie St. Paul West School, and Chabot School were merged to form the St. Eustache Consolidated School No. 2409. In 1967, the school was dissolved and became part of the White Horse Plain School Division No. 20. In 1969, grade 7 and 8 students were moved to St. Paul’s Collegiate in Elie. In 1978, St. Eustache School became a French Immersion facility for the southern part of the school division. A new gymnasium was completed on the north end of the school and it was officially opened in November 1984. By 1998, the school had an enrollment of 160 students from Kindergarten to grade 6, with nine teachers, a resource teacher, and principal.
Sister M. St. Aloysius
Sister M. Jean d’Avila
Sister Eleanor Page
Sister Mary St. Jude
Sister Mary St. Adele
St. M. St. Oliva
Leona Florence Desrochers Painchaud (1938-2014)
J. L. Létourneau, Vera M. Rhéaume, Ed. P. de la Forest, Miss H. Beaudin, Elodie Lacerte, Sarah McDougall, Athala Bonneau, Léocadie Leseur, M. E. Pitcher, Philomène Monchaux, Angèle Nuns
P. Monchaux, Marie Fatrigeon, M. A. Grimley, Thérèse Brun, A. Briscoe, Angèle Nuns, A. G. Werquin, J. Barnabé, Rose Alma Dandeneau, Bertha Cadieux, Bertha Todd, M. St. Camille, Sr. M. St. Angelo, Sr. M. St. Suzanne, Mary Meade, Phyllis Richardson, A. Richardson, Sr. B. Ramsay, Estelle Boyer
Martha M. Brunet, Sr. Mary Agnes, Sr. B. Ramsay, T. C. Brun, M. St. Léo, Sr. M. St. Allard, Sr. Réné, Sr. M. St. Isabelle, Sr. M. St. Marcel, Sr. St. Camille, R. A. Dandeneau, Marie Perron, Sr. Rosaline, Sr. Aloysius, Sr. M. St. André, Sr. M. St. Louise, Sr. M. Henriette
Sr. M. J. Avila, Sr. Mary Séraphin, Sr. M. St. Barnabé, Marie St. Germaine, Georgette Bissonnette, Sr. M. Ste. Adelaide, Sr. M. St. Marcel, Françoise Damphousse, Sr. M. Ste. Henri, Miss E. Lussier, M. C. de Moissac, M. Léo, Sr. M. St. Thaddeus, Sr. St. Yvonne, Sr. St. Aloysius, Christianne de Moissac, Gertrude Gisèle Lussier, Sr. M. St. Isabelle, Sr. B. Ramsay, Irène Léona Brière, Andrée Valcourt, Emérence V. Valcourt, Sr. M. St. Norbert, Charles A. Halpin, M. St. Ménard, Pauline A. Lachance, Florence Hogue, Marie René, Annette M. Desrosiers, Thérèse Aubin, Sr. M. Ste. Isabelle, C. B. Clément, Angéline Y. Kerbrat, Gidéon Trudeau, Sr. E. Pagé, Evéline Nault, Angèle Arnould, Irène Arnould, Laura M. Godin, Sr. Mary St. Jude, Sr. M. St. Jules, Yvette A. Perreault, Odette Lachance (Beaudin), Sr. Mary St. Adèle, Sr. Marie St. Gabriel, Sr. M. Ste. Denise, Marianne Riese, Lionel Fréchette, Mrs. A. Ménard, Hervé Marion, Sr. M. Ste. Denise, C. Cloutier
Jeannette Lachance, Marie Ange Vermette, Laura M. Godin, Paul E. Carrière, Sr. Marie Assomption, Jeannine Fillion, Claudette Nolette (Baril), Irène E. Cop, Lorraine Gevaert, Lucienne Tougas, Mrs. Odette Beaudin, Paul Baril, Sr. M. St. Gabriel, Olivier Beaudette
Sr. M. St. Gabriel, Sr. Marie Assomption, Claudette Nolette, Lucienne Tougas, Oliver Beaudette, Paul Baril, P. E. Carrière, Sr. Marie St. Thaddeus, Odette Beaudin, Léona Painchaud, Myron Yakimischak, Guy Lachance, Louis J. Régnier, C. Baril, Marie St. Jeanne, Sylvia Allard, Monique Allard, Benno Klaassen, Peter Susky, Estelle Rivard, Sr. Bernadette (Florence Fillion), Ellen Finnegan, H. Dufresne, Sr. Rose A. Belisle, Mrs. N. Jubinville, A. Jubinville, Bernard Balcaen, Sr. M. Beaucage, Diane Nadeau Désilets, Sr. Diane Belisle, Gisèle Lapierre, G. Pantel, Odile Bourrier, St. Y. Gervais, Marie Saquet, Denise Fayment, Lucie Balbo, hul Deschênes, T. R. Bellamy, Raymond Painchaud, Michael O'Brian, Myrna McKay, R. A. Champagne, Thérèse Paulhus, Yvonne Fleury, Ann Lacroix, Michelle Beaudin, A. Saugé, Gilles J. Jubert, H. Tiudel, E. Bosc, C. Briand, Irène Girard, Maurice St. Cyr, Christine McDonald
St. Eustache School (no date) by E. D. Parker
Source: Archives of Manitoba, School Inspectors Photographs,
GR8461, A0233, C131-2, page 27.
St. Eustache School (July 2020)
Source: George Penner
St. Eustache School commemorative monument (August 2010)
Source: Gordon GoldsboroughSite Coordinates (lat/long): N49.97379, W97.78120
denoted by symbol on the map above
Annual Reports of the Manitoba Department of Education, Manitoba Legislative Library.
One Hundred Years in the History of the Rural Schools of Manitoba: Their Formation, Reorganization and Dissolution (1871-1971) by Mary B. Perfect, MEd thesis, University of Manitoba, April 1978.
Treasures of Time: The Rural Municipality of Cartier, 1914-1984 by RM of Cartier, c1985. [Legislative Library of Manitoba, F5648.C37 Tre]
We thank George Penner for providing additional information used here.
This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough.
Page revised: 24 December 2020
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