River East Collegiate

Historic Sites of Manitoba: River East Collegiate (295 Sutton Avenue, Winnipeg)

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The River East Collegiate was built in 1960 based on designs of the Winnipeg architectural firm of Ward and Macdonald. It opened to students on 20 December 1960, who had previously been attending staggered classes at the East St. Paul Collegiate. The River East School Division facility, built at a cost of $508,970, had 15 classrooms, auditorium/gymnasium, commercial rooms, home economics rooms, shops, and an assortment of additional rooms. It was opened officially on 27 February 1961. The original structure was expanded greatly in 1963, adding 20 classrooms, two commercial rooms, one laboratory, and increased automotive shops space. The expanded facility opened in late November 1963.

In June 1990, the River East Collegiate Student Association erected a monument in front of the school in honour of late Principal J. Bruce Brown.





Alexander “Alex” Smaluk (1920-2016)


James Bruce Brown (1939-1985)


Peter Friesen


William “Bill” Welsh (1936-2017)


Carolyn Isobel Ainslie Facia Lintott


Lauren Cartwright


Mr. J. Beveridge


D. Posthumus


Sandy Dzuba


Brian Locken





Charles Eber Douglas




Donald Ross “Don” McMaster (1931-2023)


Celina Mae Cook
Donald Ross “Don” McMaster (1931-2023)


Celina Mae Cook
Joseph Gardner Anthony “Joe” Degen (1929-2016)


James Bruce Brown (1939-1985)
Joseph Gardner Anthony “Joe” Degen (1929-2016)


James Bruce Brown (1939-1985)
Henry Jacob Dick


Henry Jacob Dick
Waldi Donald Wawrykow


Arthur Ben Funk
Henry Jacob Dick


Arthur Ben Funk
Heinrich Eduard Schroeder


Heinrich Eduard Schroeder
William “Bill” Welsh (1936-2017)




Luke Klassen
Colin McDonald
Jordan Zoppa


Luke Klassen
Tracey Lintott


Nadia Binda-Moir
Tracey Lintott
Dana Sands


School Year



Mr. P. Enns, Mr. L. E. Gendron, Mrs. M. E. Lee, Mr. W. J. MacNab, Miss S. Mandziuk, Mr. G. Michalchuk, Miss J. W. Milton, Mrs. M. I. Redgwell, Mrs. N. M. Reese, Miss P. R. Taylor, Mr. R. J. Wilson










Peter Jacob Olchowecki, ?


Peter Jacob Olchowecki, ?


Peter Jacob Olchowecki, ?


Peter Jacob Olchowecki, ?


Peter Jacob Olchowecki, ?


Lawrence Paul Huska, Peter Jacob Olchowecki, ?


Lawrence Paul Huska, Peter Jacob Olchowecki, ?


Mrs. C. A. Beek, Mr. G. C. Bell, Miss E. Berthaudin, Mr. D. M. Botting, Mr. J. B. Brown, Mrs. P. Budyk, Mrs. M. R. Campbell, Mr. A. N. Cooper, Joseph Gardner Anthony “Joe” Degen (guidance), Mrs. I. de Graff, Miss N. A. Dyck, Mrs. G. D. Fast, Mr. J. R. Fast, Mr. D. Friesen, Mr. J. I. Friesen, Mr. J. Froese, Mr. E. Gilroy, Mr. L. G. Goodman, Mrs. Goodspeed, Mr. A. D. Gregor, Miss D. Head, Lawrence Paul Huska, Mr. Ilavsky (guidance), Mr. F. Kahler, Miss S. Klassen, Mr. W. Klassen, Mr. J. Koshelanyk, Miss L. C. Madill, Miss Magnusson (guidance), Mr. B. McKinnon, Miss D. J. Moroz, Mr. R. G. Morris, Mrs. B. A. Nelson, Mrs. O'Connor, Miss E. O'Gorman, Peter Jacob Olchowecki, Mr. J. S. Oliver, Mrs. E. Pankiewicz, Mr. G. Pankiewicz, Mr. C. S. Pattle, Mr. R. Peniuk, Mr. P. Peters, Miss S. Porth, Mrs. J. G. Poudrier, Mr. P. Prystupa, Mr. Reeves, Mr. J. Regher, Mr. H. Rempel, Mrs. Roy, Mr. H. Schroeder, Mr. P. J. Spencer, Mrs. N. Staska, Mr. W. Staska, Harold Melville Stinson, Mr. G. Strempler, Mr. K. L. Sturk, Mr. L. B. Syrnick, Mr. N. W. Trevenen, Mrs. J. Unruh, Hendrikus “Henry” Visch, Mrs. J. Wawrykow, Mr. W. Wawrykow, Miss Young (librarian)


Lawrence Paul Huska, Peter Jacob Olchowecki, ?


Mrs. C. A. Beek, Mr. G. C. Bell, Miss E. Berthaudin, Mr. J. Bitchok, Mr. G. W. Bochinski, Mr. D. W. Botting, Mrs. P. A. Budyk, Mr. A. M. Cooper, Mr. H. Dick, Miss N. A. Dyck, Mrs. G. D. Fast, Mr. J. R. Fast, Mr. D. Friesen, Mr. J. I. Friesen, Mr. P. Friesen, Mrs. J. L. Froese, Mr. W. Funk, Mr. E. H. Gilroy, Miss S. G. Greening, Miss M. D. Head, Lawrence Paul Huska, Mr. J. Kasdorf, Mr. W. Klassen, Mr. J. Koshelanyk, Mr. K. J. Krawchuk, Mr. M. J. Krochak, Mr. E. J. Kuch, Mrs. G. L. Lakusiak, Miss L. C. Madill, Mr. B. McKinnon, Mrs. S. McLachlan, Miss D. J. Moroz, Mr. R. G. Morris, Mrs. B. A. Nelson, Miss O’Gorman, Peter Jacob Olchowecki, Mr. J. S. Oliver, Mrs. E. Pankiewicz, Mr. G. Pankiewicz, Mr. C. S. Pattle, Mr. R. Peniuk, Miss S. Porth, Mrs. J. G. Poudrier, Mr. P. Prystupa, Mr. D. M. Reed, Mr. J. Regehr, Mr. H. Rempel, Mr. L. W. Ruppel, Miss H. J. Rutherford, Harry Schellenberg, Mr. H. E. Schroeder, Mr. D. A. Sernyk, Mr. Smith, Mr. P. J. Spencer, Mrs. N. Staska, Mr. W. Staska, Miss H. Sukkau, Mr. Z. B. Syrnick, Mr. N. W. Trevenen, Mrs. J. Unruh, Waldi Donald Wawrykow (guidance counsellor)


Lawrence Paul Huska, Peter Jacob Olchowecki, Waldi Donald Wawrykow (guidance counsellor), ?


Lawrence Paul Huska, Peter Jacob Olchowecki, Waldi Donald Wawrykow (guidance counsellor), ?


Peter Jacob Olchowecki, Waldi Donald Wawrykow (guidance counsellor), ?


Waldi Donald Wawrykow (guidance counsellor), ?




Mr. Berger, Mr. D. Blais, Mr. Bochinski, Mr. Bradshaw, Mrs. Bradshaw, Mrs. Brocki, Mr. Carter, Miss Dale, Mr. Dentry, Miss Dyck, Mr. E. Dyck, Mr. Fast, Mr. Friesen, Mrs. Gamble, Miss Greening, Mr. Harvey, Mr. Kells, Miss Klassen, Mr. Klassen, Mr. Koshelanyk, Mr. Kozak, Miss Kran, Mr. Krawchuk, Mr. Krochak, Miss Laurie, Lynn Mattisen, Mr. McBurney, Mr. Metcalfe, Miss Moroz, Mr. Neil, Mr. Olfert, Mr. Oystryk, Mr. Pattle, Mr. Peniuk, Mr. Pomarenski, Mrs. Popeski, Mr. Puttaert, Mrs. Puttaert, Mrs. Redekop, Mr. Regehr, Mr. Rempel, Mrs. Rempel, Mr. Ruppel, Mr. Scheer, Harry Schellenberg, Mr. Schroeder, Mrs. Schurek, Mr. Scott, Mr. Shaw, Mr. Spencer, Mr. Staska, Mrs. Stoesz, Mr. Sutton, Mr. Syrnick, Mrs. Tegg, Mr. Tucker, Mrs. Vensel, Mr. Wiebe, Mr. Wilson, Mrs. Woolison, Mrs. Zubrycki, Mr. Zybrycki


Mr. W. Berger, Mr. Blais, Mr. Bochinski, Mr. Bradshaw, Mrs. Bradshaw, Mrs. Brochi, Mr. Carter, Miss Dale, Mr. Dentry, Mr. E. V. Dyck, Miss N. A. Dyck, Mr. Esselmont, Mr. Fast, Mr. Friesen, Mrs. Gamble, Miss Greening, Mrs. Harvey, Mr. Kells, Miss S. Klassen, Mr. B. Klassen, Mr. Koshelanyk, Mr. Kozak, Miss Kran, Mr. Krawchuk, Mr. Krochak, Miss Laurie, Miss Mathers, Mr. McBurney, Mr. Metcalfe, Miss Miller, Miss Moroz, Mr. Neil, Mr. Olfert, Mr. Oystryk, Mr. Pattle, Mr. Peniuk, Mr. Pomarenski, Mrs. Popeski, Mr. Puttaert, Mrs. Puttaert, Mrs. Quinton, Mrs. Redekop, Mr. Regehr, Mr. Rempel, Mrs. Rempel, Mr. Staska, Mrs. Stoesz, Miss Sutton, Mr. Sutton, Mr. Syrnick, Mr. Tucker, Mr. Wiebe, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Zubrycki








































Mrs. Bistyak, Mr. Blais, Mr. Bochinski, Mr. Bohardt, Mr. Chartrand, Mr. Clark, Ms. Doell, Miss Drzystek, Ms. Ens, Mr. Esselmont, Mr. Fast, Mr. Gagne, Mr. Graham, Mr. Habing, Ms. Harris, Mr. Harvey, Mr. Hildebrandt, Mr. Janz, Mr. Kasian, Mr. Koshelanyk, Ms. Kraemer, Ms. Kraemer, Miss Kran, Mr. Krawchuk, Mrs. Mackay, Mrs. MacLaren, Mr. Magnifico, Ms. Markusa, Mrs. Marsland, Miss Mathers, Mr. Matte, Mr. McBurney, Mrs. Miller, Mr. Mohammed, Mr. Munro, Mr. Neil, Mr. Neufeld, Ms. Neumann, Mr. Oystryk, Mr. Panas, Mr. Pedersen, Mrs. Powell, Mrs. Pura, Mr. Puttaert, Mrs. Ramsay, Mr. Redekopp, Miss Richardson, Mrs. Ridd, Mr. Ruppel, Mr. Shaw, Ms. Skublics, Mr. Sparkes, Mr. Stankevicius, Mrs. Stephens, Mr. Struch, Mr. Sutton, Mrs. Tate, Mr. Tucker, Mrs. Vukets

Among the other teachers of River East Collegiate was Robert James Harris.

Photos & Coordinates

Entrance to River East Collegiate with commemorative monument
for Principal J. Bruce Brown

Entrance to River East Collegiate with commemorative monument
for Principal J. Bruce Brown
(October 2015)
Source: Nathan Kramer

Site Coordinates (lat/long): N49.94304, W97.08108
denoted by symbol on the map above


“River East School Division No. 9,” Winnipeg Free Press, 23 November 1960, page 29.

[Photo caption], Winnipeg Free Press, 25 February 1961, page 6.

“Know your Principal,” Winnipeg Free Press, 13 May 1964 page 3.

“Male lead Mike finds lost chord,” Winnipeg Free Press, 24 February 1967, page 21.

“Students not rushing to bars at noon, Syms says,” Winnipeg Free Press, 15 March 1977, page 4.

“Staggered classes set at East St. Paul Collegiate,” Winnipeg Free Press, 28 August 1960, page 48.

“River East School Division No. 9 public notice,” Winnipeg Free Press, 29 September 1962, page 36.

“Many suburban acclamations but bylaws may lure voters,” Winnipeg Free Press, 23 October 1962, page 3.

“Tenders - addition to River East Collegiate,” Winnipeg Free Press, 15 February 1963, page 36.

“New River East Collegiate addition opening Friday,” [unlisted newspaper clipping], November 1963. [North East Winnipeg Historical Society].

School division half-yearly attendance reports (E 0757), Archives of Manitoba.

School division student yearly attendance reports (E 0758A), Archives of Manitoba.

We thank Jim Daher and Peter Dyck for providing additional information used here.

This page was prepared by Nathan Kramer and Gordon Goldsborough.

Page revised: 1 February 2025

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