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This junior high school on Fifth Street NW in Altona was designed by architect Rudolf Paul “Rudy” Friesen and constructed between 1976 and 1977 by the B. F. Klassen Construction Company at a cost of about $929,000. The building contained six standard classrooms, a multi-purpose area, science laboratory, industrial arts area, gymnasium, and staff offices. The total area was 26,250 square feet of floor space. It accommodated 200 students in grades 7 and 8, along with Special Education. The school's initially flat roof was subject to water infiltration and was later replaced by the present peaked roof.
In 2011, its name changed to Ecole Parkside School.
Melvin Klassen
William Arthur “Art” Wiebe
Karl Dreger
Leanne Dick Braun
No information.
No information.
Secretary / Administrative Assistant
Delores Braun Smith
Edna Letkeman
Sandra Zacharias Klassen
Parkside Junior High School (February 2024)
Source: Art Wiebe
Parkside Junior High School (February 2024)
Source: Art Wiebe
Parkside Junior High School commemorative plaque (February 2024)
Source: Art WiebeSite Coordinates (lat/long): N49.10762, W97.56727
denoted by symbol on the map above
See also:
Manitoba Business: B. F. Klassen Construction Company
“Tender call for the construction of a new junior high school in Altona, Manitoba for Rhineland School Division No. 18, Altona, Manitoba,” Winnipeg Free Press, 12 June 1976, page 21.
This page was prepared by Art Wiebe and Gordon Goldsborough.
Page revised: 29 February 2024
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