The McFarlane School District was established in February 1910, named for municipal official Victor William McFarlane, and a one-room schoolhouse operated at SE19-17-1E in the Rural Municipality of Rockwood. The district was dissolved in 1967 and its catchment area became part of the Interlake School Division.
Among the teachers who worked at McFarlane School before 1920 were Ernest A. Frayne, Ken McLaughlin, I. Espe, I. Wager, S. Cox, L. Baldwin, H. Burke, and B. Curtis. In the 1920s, teachers included I. Espe, S. Cox, L. Krueger, G. Laycock, J. Gordon, L. Tait, and P. Riddell. Those in the 1930s were Hedwig Margaret Billson, L. Werier, E. C. Spence, G. Peterson, C. Perry, and E. Edwards. Teachers in the 1940s were E. Lavender, M. Selgren, and L. Sturdevant, and ones in the 1950s were E. Lavender, R. Mireault, Miss Perkins, P. Hunt, L. Trupp, J. Axelson, A. Paul, J. Yaremkievich, A. Arbuckle, and H. Ball. During the 1960s were L. Torske and E. Ternowski.
McFarlane School (no date) by H. D. Cumming
Source: Archives of Manitoba, School Inspectors Photographs,
GR8461, A0233, C131-2, page 133.
McFarlane School (no date) by W. J. Sisler
Source: Archives of Manitoba, W. J. Sisler fonds, MG14, C28, Box 2/19, 1949-1952.Site Coordinates (lat/long): N50.46935, W97.43786
denoted by symbol on the map above
See also:
Memorable Manitobans: Victor William McFarlane (1878-1925)
Historic Sites of Manitoba: Norris Lake Cemetery (RM of Rockwood)
Teulon East topographic map, 62I/6 East, Edition 1, 1956, Series A743 [UFS Reference Collection].
One Hundred Years in the History of the Rural Schools of Manitoba: Their Formation, Reorganization and Dissolution (1871-1971) by Mary B. Perfect, MEd thesis, University of Manitoba, April 1978.
The Interlake Beckoned: A History of Inwood and Surrounding Districts by Inwood History Book Committee, 1980. [Manitoba Legislative Library, F5648.I59 Int]
We thank Nathan Kramer and Milan Lukes for providing additional information used here.
This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough.
Page revised: 10 November 2024
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