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Located at the southeast corner of Notre Dame Avenue at Sherbrook Street in Winnipeg, the Dominion Bank acquired an existing wooden two-storey building at this site around 1905 and opened a branch office. In 1910, the bank commissioned a new structure based on the architectural designs of George William Northwood. It was built by contractors Wallace and Akins at a cost of $25,000.
The new two-storey branch office, which measured 28 feet by 71.5 feet, was made of brick with terra cotta highlights. The old wooden building was temporarily relocated to the rear of the new bank and removed from the site in early 1911. Initially, the second floor contained living quarters for staff.
The branch office remained active with the Toronto-Dominion Bank following a merger with the Bank of Toronto. Later demolished and replaced, as of 2023 the bank retains an active presence at this since-expanded location.
Postcard view of the Dominion Bank Notre Dame Branch (no date)
Source: Rob McInnes, WP1170
Postcard view of the Dominion Bank Notre Dame Branch with Colcleugh’s Drug Store at right (no date)
Source: Rob McInnes, WP0441
Present Toronto-Dominion bank branch at the site (November 2023)
Source: Glen ToewsSite Coordinates (lat/long): N49.90089, W97.15797
denoted by symbol on the map above
See also:
Memorable Manitobans: George William Northwood (1876-1959)
Manitoba Business: Wallace and Akins
Manitoba Business: Dominion Bank
Charles E. Goad Company fonds, Insurance Plan of the City of Winnipeg August 1906 - Sheet 63, Library and Archives Canada.
City of Winnipeg Building Permit 1277/1910, City of Winnipeg Archives.
“Dominion Bank,” Winnipeg Tribune, 23 April 1910, page 1.
“Local paragraphs [Dominion Bank Extension],” Winnipeg Tribune, 23 April 1910, page 5.
“Varied statements made,” Winnipeg Tribune, 20 August 1910, page 17.
“Dominion Bank manager,” Manitoba Free Press, 6 December 1910, page 15.
“Tenders [... two storey frame building ...],” Manitoba Free Press, 24 February 1911, page 2.
“The Bominion Bank,” Manitoba Free Press, 4 April 1912, page 20.
“Toronto Dominion appointments,” Winnipeg Free Press, 13 July 1971, page 22.
Henderson’s Winnipeg and Brandon Directories, Henderson Directories Limited, Peel’s Prairie Provinces, University of Alberta Libraries.
We thank Rob McInnes and Glen Toews for providing additional information used here.
This page was prepared by Nathan Kramer.
Page revised: 26 December 2023
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