Memorable Manitobans: Harold Truman Martin (1925-1996)

Business executive.

Born at Winnipeg on 3 October 1925, son of Reginald Stephen Martin (?-?) and Violet Jackson (?-?), in 1951 he received a law degree from the University of Manitoba. He was Executive Vice-President and General Manager of the Montreal Trust Company and Senior Vice-President of the Central Guaranty Trust Company.

Active in the community, he served as President of the Red River Exhibition Association (1961-1962), President of the Carleton Club (?-?), Chairman of the Winnipeg Enterprises Corporation (?-?), and Vice-Mayor of Winnipeg Beach (?-?). He was a member of the Winnipeg Lions Club. He was married twice, first on 17 October 1952 to Shirley Ann Belcher (?-1979) with whom he had two daughters and a son. He later married Rita Hilda Croft.

He died at White Rock, British Columbia on 20 March 1996.


“Martin-Belcher wedding is candlelight ceremony,” Winnipeg Free Press, 23 October 1952, page 15.

Obituary [Shirley Ann Martin], Winnipeg Free Press, 13 December 1979, page 84.

Death registration, British Columbia Vital Statistics.

Obituary, Winnipeg Free Press, 24 March 1996, page 59.

This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough.

Page revised: 1 September 2024

Memorable Manitobans

Memorable Manitobans

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