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The cornerstone for the Portage Collegiate was laid in 1904 but the construction of the building was not completed until the next year. The eight-classroom brick structure was built by contractors F. G. Humber and W. J. Simmons at a cost of $21,400. Its five teachers, under the principalship of George Young, then assumed responsibility for the education of older children, formerly done at the Central School across the street. Over the years, eight more classrooms were added.
The building and all its contents were destroyed by fire in May 1954 and a replacement school was erected on the same site. A four-classroom addition, designed by the architectural firm of Smith Carter and Katelnikoff, was constructed in 1957.
Notable students of the Portage Collegiate included artist and writer Jackson Beardy, community activist Joseph Irvine Keeper, hockey player John Sherratt “Black Jack” Stewart, and four Premiers of Manitoba: Douglas Lloyd Campbell, Sterling Rufus Lyon, Walter Cox-Smith Weir, and Brian William Pallister.
Mr. S. Phillips BA
John Houston (1848-1938)
School closed due to town bankruptcy
William Piritte Argue (1868-1965)
Herbert William Baker (1869-1959)
George Young (1865-?)
Samuel Carson Lee (1872-1926)
James Reid Hamilton (1861-1954)
George Isaac Herman Garrett (1884-1977)
Peter Renwick Stewart (1902-1974)
William Charles “Bill” Taylor (1914-2004)
Gudjon Ray Johnson
James W. “Jim” Pehura
Gregg Waldvogel
Ferris Cameron Metcalfe (1912-2004)
James D. “Jim” Hamm (1942-2023)
James W. “Jim” Pehura
Mark Diboll
Barbara Kehrstephan
Bob Kriski
Gregg Waldvogel
Assistant Principal
Bob Kriski
,School Year
School closed due to town bankruptcy
Mrs. M. Andrews, Mr. Chesley, Miss Etta Crewson, Mrs. M. Elder, Miss C. M. Finlay, Miss Edith MacDonald, Ferris Cameron Metcalfe, Harold Preston Moffat, Miss V. Roxburgh, Miss Agnes J. Souter, Miss C. Stanger, Mr. Stewart, Mrs. E. Sykes, Miss Webster
Mrs. M. Andrews (Physical Training, Biology, Music, Mathematics), Miss Etta Crewson BA (English), Mrs. M. Elder BSc (Home Economics), Miss C. M. Finlay BA (Mathematics, History), George Isaac Herman Garrett (Physics, Geometry), Mr. M. E. Gill (Business. Arithmetic, Science, Mathematics), Mr. G. E. Henwood (Industrial Arts), Miss Edith MacDonald BA (French), Ferris Cameron Metcalfe (History, English, Geometry), Harold Preston Moffat (Chemistry, Physics, Cadets), Mrs. J. Rea (English), Miss V. Roxburgh (English), Miss Agnes J. Souter BA (History, English, Business Arithmetic), Miss C. Stanger, Graduate of Edinburgh Provincial Training College (Art, French, Geography, Physiology), Mrs. E. Sykes BA (Latin)
Mrs. M. Andrews (Girls’ Physical Training, Biology, Music, Mathematics), Miss Etta Crewson BA (English), George Isaac Herman Garrett (Physics, Geometry), Mr. M. E. Gill (Science, Mathematics), Mr. G. E. Henwood (Industrial Arts), Miss I. Johnson BA (Mathematics), Miss Edith MacDonald BA (French), Ferris Cameron Metcalfe (History, English), Harold Preston Moffat (Chemistry, Physics, Cadets), Mrs. S. Peckover, Miss Agnes J. Souter BA (History, English), Miss C. Stanger (Art, French, Geography, Physiology), Mrs. E. Sykes BA (Latin), Miss E. Wyatt (English, Physiology)
Miss R. C. Barry (Mathematics, Science, English, Girls’ Physical Training), Miss Etta Crewson, BA (English), George Isaac Herman Garrett (Physics, Geometry), Mr. M. E. Gill (Science, Mathematics), Mr. G. E. Henwood (Industrial Arts), Miss Edith MacDonald BA (French), Miss Frances V. McColl BSc (Home Economics), Miss C. McLean (English, Music), Ferris Cameron Metcalfe (History, Composition), Harold Preston Moffat (Chemistry, Physics), Miss Agnes J. Souter BA (Health, English, History), Miss C. Stanger (Art, History, French, Health), Mrs. E. Sykes BA (Latin), William Charles “Bill” Taylor (Mathematics, Cadets), Miss E. W. White (Geography, English, Health)
R. C. Barry, W. H. Bradley, Etta Crewson BA, George Isaac Herman Garrett, George Gordon Grigg, V. Halstead, G. E. Henwood, Edith MacDonald BA, Frances V. McColl BSc (HEc), Ferris Cameron Metcalfe, C. Stanger, Agnes J. Souter BA, E. C. Sykes BA, William Charles “Bill” Taylor, E. W. White
R. C. Barry, W. H. Bradley, Etta Crewson BA, George Isaac Herman Garrett, George Gordon Grigg, W. R. Hooper MA, Edith MacDonald BA, Frances V. McColl BSc (HEc), Ferris Cameron Metcalfe, P. R. Mudery, C. Stanger, Agnes J. Souter BA, E. C. Sykes BA, William Charles “Bill” Taylor, E. W. White
J. Arthur BA, A. D. Brady BSc, Etta Crewson BA, George Gordon Grigg, L. E. Harvey, W. R. Hooper, Edith MacDonald BA, Frances V. McColl BSc (HEc), Ferris Cameron Metcalfe, P. R. Mudery, R. H. Stevens, Peter Renwick Stewart, Agnes J. Souter BA, E. C. Sykes BA, William Charles “Bill” Taylor, E. W. White
J. Arthur BA, A. D. Brady BSc, Etta Crewson BA, George Gordon Grigg, W. R. Hooper, Mrs. M. M. Lazowska, Edith MacDonald BA, Frances V. McColl BSc (HEc), Ferris Cameron Metcalfe, P. R. Mudery, Peter Renwick Stewart, Agnes J. Souter BA, E. C. Sykes BA, William Charles “Bill” Taylor
A. D. Brady BSc, Etta Crewson BA, George Gordon Grigg, W. R. Hooper, M. M. Lazowska MA, Miss Edith MacDonald BA, Frances V. McColl BSc (HEc), Ferris Cameron Metcalfe, V. Moscal, Agnes J. Souter BA, Peter Renwick Stewart, Lillian P. Strom, E. C. Sykes BA, William Charles “Bill” Taylor
Miss J. Arthur BA (Math), Mr. P. Black (grades 9, 10 Science, Health, Spelling) Miss Etta Crewson BA (grades 11, 12 English), George Isaac Herman Garrett (grades 10, 11, 12 Geometry, Physics), George Gordon Grigg (Health, Chemistry), Mrs. J. M. Halley (grades 9, 10, 12 Physical Training, grade 9 Music, Art, English), Mr. A. Hattie BSc BPaed (grades 9, 10 Science), Mr. W. R. Hooper (Business Practice, Math, Boys Physical Training, Guidance), Miss Edith MacDonald BA (grades 9, 10, 11, 12 French), Ferris Cameron Metcalfe (grades 10, 11, 12 History), Mrs. J. T. Robertson BSc (Hons) (grades 9, 10 Math, French), Mrs. L. Samson BA (grade 9 English, Grammar grade 10 Literature), Miss Agnes J. Souter BA (grades 9, 10, 11, 12 Geography), Mrs. E. C. Sykes BA (grades 9, 10, 11, 12 English, Guidance, Latin), William Charles “Bill” Taylor (grade 12 Math), Miss E. White (grades 9, 10 Social Studies, Literature)
Mr. P. Black (grades 9, 10 Science, grade 10 Health), Mr. G. Chauviere BA (grades 9, 10, Math, grade 9 French), Mrs. M. Coltart BA (grades 9, 10 Literature), Miss Etta Crewson BA (grade 11 Composition, grade 12 English), Miss P. Elliott BFA (grade 9 Art), Mr. A. Ewaschyshvn BA (grade 9 Math, Health, grades 9, 10, 11 Boys’ Physical Training, Guidance), George Isaac Herman Garrett (grade 11 Geometry, grades 11, 12 Physics), Mrs. R. Gibson MA (grade 9 English, French, grades 9, 10, 11 Girls’ Physical Training), Mrs. L. Giesbrecht BSc (HEc) (grades 9, 10 English), George Gordon Grigg (grades 11, 12 Chemistry), Miss E. Helgason BSc (HEc) (grades 9, 10 Home Economics, grade 9 Guidance), Miss Edith MacDonald BA (grades 10, 11, 12 French), Ferris Cameron Metcalfe (grades 10, 11, 12 History), Mr. A. D. Petkau BSc (grades 9, 10 Math, grade 9 Science), Mrs. J. T. Robertson BSc (Hons) (grades 11, 12 Math), Mrs. L. Samson BA (grades 10, 11 Literature), Miss Agmes J. Souter BA (grades 10, 11, 12 Geography), Mr. J. Stokotelny MTI (grades 9, 10 Shops, grade 9 Spelling), Mrs. E. C. Sykes BA, (grade 10 English, grades 10, 11 Guidance, grades 9, 10, 11, 12 Latin), Miss E. White (grade 9 Social Studies, librarian)
Mr. P. Black (grades 9, 10 Science, grade 10 Health), Mrs. Blight BA (grades 9, 10 Math), Mr. G. Chauviere BA (grade 10 Math, grade 9 French), Miss D. Cooper BSc (HEc) (grades 9, 10, 11 Home Economics), Miss E. Crewson BA (grade 11 English, grades 9, 10 Literature, grade 12 Novel and Composition), Mr. S. Floyd (Physical Education for all Portage Schools), Miss Fraser (grades 9, 10 French, English), George Isaac Herman Garrett (grade 11 Geometry, grades 11, 12 Physics), Mrs. L. Giesbrecht BSc (HEc) (grade 9 Literature, grade 10 English), George Gordon Grigg (grades 11, 12 Chemistry), Mrs. Halley (grade 9 English, Girls’ Physical Training), Miss Edith MacDonald BA (grades 10, 11, 12 French), Miss S. Matchett BA (grade 9 Spelling, Social Studies, grade 10 History, Geography, Literature), Ferris Cameron Metcalfe (grades 10, 11, 12 History), Mr. Paine BSA BFA (grade 9 Art), Mr. A. D. Petkau BSc (grade 9 Science, grade 10 Math), Mr. C. D. Roberts BSA (grade 9 Math, Health, grades 9, 10, 11 Cadets, Boys’ Guidance), Mrs. J. T. Robertson BSc (Hons) (grades 11, 12 Math), Mrs. L. Samson BA (grades 11, 12 Literature), Miss Agnes J. Souter BA (grades 10, 11, 12 Geography), Mr. J. Stokotelny MTI (grades 9, 10, 11 Shops, grade 9 Spelling), Mrs. E. C. Sykes BA (grades 9, 10, 11, 12 Latin, grades 10, 12 Guidance), Miss E. White (grade 9 Social Studies, librarian)
Mr. P. Black (grades 9, 10 Science, grade 10 Health), Mrs. Blight BA (grades 9, 10 Math), Miss D. Cooper BSc (HEc) (grades 9, 10, 11 Home Economics, grade 9 Guidance), Miss Etta Crewson BA (grade 11 English, Literature, grade 12 Novel and Composition), Miss Fraser (grade 9 French, grade 10 English), George Isaac Herman Garrett (grade 11 Geometry, grades 11, 12 Physics), Mrs. Gibson MA (grade 9 Music, English, grades 9, 10, 11 Physical Education), Mrs. L. Giesbrecht BSc (HEc) (grade 9 Literature, grade 10 English), George Gordon Grigg (grades 11, 12 Chemistry, grade 10 Health, Science), Miss E. MacDonald BA (grades 10, 11, 12 French), Miss S. Matchett BA (grade 10 History, Geography, Literature), Ferris Cameron Metcalfe (grades 11, 12 History), Mr. O. L. Ostrowski BA BPaed (grade 9 English, grades 9, 10 Math, grade 10 Geography), Mr. Paine BSA BFA (grade 9 Art), Mr. C. D. Roberts BSA (grade 9 Math, Health, grade 9, 10, 11 Boys’ Guidance, Cadets), Mrs. L. Samson BA (grades 11, 12 Literature), Mr. C. W. Shirriff BSc (grade 9 Health, Science, grade 11 Chemistry, Geometry), Miss Agnes J. Souter BA (grades 10, 11, 12 Geography), Mr. J. Stokotelny MTI (grades 9, 10, 11 Shops, grade 9 Spelling), Mrs. E. C. Sykes BA (grades 9, 10, 11, 12 Latin, grades 9, 10, 11 Girls’ Guidance), Mr. Z. B. Syrnick BA (grade 11 Algebra, grade 12 Math), Mr. Tole BA (grade 9 Spelling, grades 9, 10 Literature, grade 10 French, English), Miss E. White (grade 9 Social Studies, Librarian)
Mr. A. Black (grades 9, 10 Science, grade 10 Health), Miss Etta Crewson BA (grade 11 Prose and Literature, grade 12 Composition and Prose), Mr. R. Dunham BSc (grades 10, 11 Math), Mr. E. Fitzell BSc (grades 11, 12 Chemistry grades 11, 10, 12 Boys’ Guidance), Miss A. Fraser (grade 9 French), Miss R. Freeberg BSc (grades 11, 12 Math), Mrs. J. Galbraith BSc (HEc) (grades 11, 10, 12 Home-Making), George Isaac Herman Garrett (grade 9 Science, Health, grade 11 Chemistry), Mrs. L. Giesbrecht BSc (HEc) (grade 9 Literature, Spelling), Mrs. M. Hatlelid (grade 9, 10 Math), Mr. L. Klarke (grades 9, 10, 11 Shops), Mr. A. Labun BSc (grade 9 Science, Math, grade 10 Science, Health), Miss E. MacDonald BA (grades 11, 12 French), Ferris Cameron Metcalfe (grade 11 History), Miss G. Mueller BA (grade 10 Literature and Composition), Mr. O. Ostrauski BA BPaed (grade 10 Math, Geography), Mrs. N. Owens (grade 9 Composition, Spelling, grade 10 Composition), Mr. L. Paine BSA BFA (grade 9 Art), Mr. G. Robb BA (grade 9 Math, grades 10, 11 History, grades 9, 10, 11 Cadets), Mrs. M. Rudyk BA (grade 9 Social Studies, grade 10 Business Practice, grade 11 Composition), Mrs. L. Samson BA (grade 11 Literature, grade 12 Drama and Poetry), William Shirriff BSc (grades 11, 12 Physics, grade 11 Chemistry), Miss Agnes J. Souter BA BEd (grades 10, 11, 12 Geography, grade 12 History), Mrs. E. C. Sykes BA (grades 9, 10, 11, 12 Latin, grades 9, 12 Girls’ Guidance, grade 12 Guidance), Mr. D. Tole BA BPaed (grade 9 Literature, Health, grade 10 French), Miss D. Uman BFA (grade 9 Spelling, Composition, Health, grades 9, 10, 11 Girls’ Physical Education), Miss E. White (grade 9 Social Studies, grades 9, 10, 11, 12 Library)
Mr. G. Alisch BA (grade 10 Composition, grade 11 Literature, History), Mr. P. Black BPaed (grade 10 Science, Math, Health, grade 11 Chemistry), Mr. W. Buggey BA (grade 10 Geography, Business Practice, grade 11 Composition), Miss Etta Crewson BA (grade 11 Literature and Composition, grade 12 Prose and Novel), Mr. R. Dunham BSc (grades 11, 12 Math), Mrs. Maxine Edmondson (grade 9 French), Mr. E. Fitzell BSc (grades 11, 12 Chemistry, grades 11, 10 and 12 Boys’ Guidance), Mrs. G. Fitzell BA (grades 10, 11 Literature, grade 12 Drama and Poetry), Miss Ann Fraser (grade 9 French), Mrs. J. Galbraith BSc (HEc) (grades 11, 10, 11 Home Economics), George Isaac Herman Garrett (grade 10 Math, Science, Geography), Mrs. L. Giesbrecht BSc (HEc) (grade 9 Literature, Spelling), Mrs. Mildred Hatlelid (grade 9, 10 Math), Mr. L. Goodman (grade 10, 11 Literature, Math), Mr. P. Klewchuk (grades 9, 10, 11 Industrial Arts), Mr. A. Labun BA (grade 10 Science, Literature), Mr. A. G. Lavitt BSc (grades 9, 10, 11 Physical Education, grade 9 Health), Miss E. MacDonald BA (grades 11, 12 French), Mrs. Beth MacLellan BA (grade 10 Literature, Composition, History), Ferris Cameron Metcalfe (grade 11 History), Miss Patricia Mueller BSc (grade 9 Math, Health, Science), Mrs. N. Owens (grade 9, 10, Grammar, Composition), Mr. A. E. Peters BSA (grade 9 Science, grade 11 Biology), Mr. G. Robb BA (grade 10 History, Math, Physical Education, Cadets), Miss H. Schroeder BA (grades 10, 11 Math, grade 10 History), Mr. William Shirriff BSc (grades 11, 12 Physics, grade 11 Chemistry), Miss Agnes J. Souter BA BEd (grades 10, 11, 12 Geography), Mrs. E. C. Sykes BA (grades 9, 10, 11, 12 Latin, grades 9, 10, 11 Girls’ Guidance, grade 12 Guidance), Mr. D. Tole BA BEd (grade 10, 11 French), Miss E. White (Librarian, grade 9 Social Studies)
H. Bickford (history, geography), Barry K. Bills (history, English, social studies), M. Boulet (French), G. Cochrane (physical education), Mrs. L. Duffin (English), Miss B. Feniak (English, literature, French), Mrs. M. Gibson (English, language arts), A. H. Groening (mathematics, physics), Miss R. Hacault (French, English), Mrs. M. Hatelid (mathematics), Mrs. L. Hecht (history, social studies), Miss M. Jones (English, science), T. Lai (physics, physical science, science), M. Mason (industrial arts), Miss H. McCleary (English, French), W. McCutcheon (chemistry, mathematics), Ferris Cameron Metcalfe (guidance), Mrs. H. Munro (science), Mrs. M. Neumann (French), W. Payne (history), James W. “Jim” Pehura (composition, literature), A. Peters (biology), J. Peters (literature, English), G. Reimer (mathematics, science), B. Serafin (law, business, science), Miss R. Shinnan (physical education), C. Shirriff (guidance), Miss D. Shirtliffe (home economics), Miss A. Souter (geography), Mrs. A. Strome (English), J. Swaluk (physics, mathematics), Audrey Evelyn Bowley Tufford (mathematics, remedial reading), G. Waligraski (chemistry, physics, mathematics), Miss E. White (library, social studies)
Barry K. Bills, Mrs. Bisson, Mr. Bohonos, Miss F. Burrows, E. Byrka, Mr. Cochrane, Mr. Froese, Denzil W. Gamble, Mr. Gehlin, Mr. Groening, Mr. Hesler, Mr. Hooper, Cameron J. Hoover, K. Lisowski, M. Mason, Mrs. McCallister, Mr. Morham, James W. “Jim” Pehura, Mrs. Peters, B. Sadler, Mrs. Shiak, Mr. Shwaluk, Mr. Smith, Mrs. Taylor, Mr. Trelenberg, Mr. Tschikota, Audrey Evelyn Bowley Tufford, S. Tunningley, Mr. Wolfe, Mr. Wright, Mrs. Yeo, Mr. Yeo
Mr. Adams, Miss Bell, Miss F. Burrows, E. Byrka, Mr. Cochrane, B. L. Coopsammy, D. A. Froese, D. C. Froese, Denzil W. Gamble, Mr. Harrison, Mr. Hessler, Mr. Hooper, Cameron J. Hoover, P. Kripky, K. Lisowski, M. Mason, Mrs. McCallister, Mrs. Mensch, Mr. Ndzamela, Miss D. Ott, James W. “Jim” Pehura, L. Popoff, B. Sadler, Mr. Shwaluk, Mrs. Siler, Mrs. E. Taylor, Audrey Evelyn Bowley Tufford, S. Tunningley, Mr. Wright, Mr. Yeo, Mrs. Yeo
Barry K. Bills, Miss F. Burrows, E. Byrka, B. L. Coopsammy, Mrs. D. Crabtree, Mrs. C. Fast, D. A. Froese, D. C. Froese, Denzil W. Gamble, Miss J. Hales, Mrs. A. Hancock, Cameron J. Hoover, P. Kripky, K. Lisowski, M. Mason, Mrs. B. Mitchell, Miss D. Ott, W. Payne, James W. “Jim” Pehura, L. Popoff, B. Sadler, Mrs. E. Taylor, Audrey Evelyn Bowley Tufford, S. Tunningley, B. Waters, B. Yeo, H. Yeo
R. Adams, Barry K. Bills, E. Bodin, Miss F. Burrows, E. Byrka, G. Cochrane, B. L. Coopsammy, Mrs. D. Crabtree, Mrs. C. Fast, Miss N. Didur, D. A. Froese, D. C. Froese, Denzil W. Gamble, Miss J. Hales, Mrs. A. Hancock, Cameron J. Hoover, P. Kripky, K. Lisowski, Mrs. B. Mitchell, M. Mason, Mrs. M. Murray, Miss D. Ott, W. Payne, James W. “Jim” Pehura, L. Popoff, B. Sadler, E. Taylor, S. Tunningley, B. Yeo, H. Yeo
Barry K. Bills, E. Bodin, E. Byrka, B. L. Coopsammy, Mrs. D. Crabtree, Miss N. Didur, Mrs. C. Fast, D. C. Froese, Denzil W. Gamble, Miss J. Hales, Mrs. A. Hancock, Cameron J. Hoover, P. Kripky, K. Lisowski, Mrs. B. Mitchell, M. Mason, Mrs. M. Murray, Miss D. Ott, W. Payne, James W. “Jim” Pehura, L. Popoff, B. Sadler, S. Tunningley, B. Yeo, Mrs. H. Yeo
Barry K. Bills, E. Byrka, Mr. Cochrane, B. L. Coopsammy, Mrs. C. Fast, D. C. Froese, Denzil W. Gamble, Miss J. Hales, Mrs. A. Hancock, Cameron J. Hoover, Mrs. Jensen, P. Kripky, K. Lisowski, M. Mason, Miss Milgrom, Mrs. M. Murray, Mrs. Oddy, Miss D. Ott, W. Payne, James W. “Jim” Pehura, L. Popoff, B. Sadler, Mrs. Sametz, Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Tully, S. Tunningley, Mr. Wright, Mr. Yeo
Mrs. Asham, Barry K. Bills, E. Byrka, Mr. Cochrane, B. L. Coopsammy, Mrs. Dahl, Mrs. C. Fast, D. C. Froese, Denzil W. Gamble, Mr. Gillies, Mrs. Godard, Miss J. Hales, Mrs. Holmes, Cameron J. Hoover, Mrs. Kudlovich, K. Lisowski, M. Mason, Miss Milgrom, Mrs. B. Mitchell, Mrs. Murray, Miss D. Ott, W. Payne, James W. “Jim” Pehura, L. Popoff, B. Sadler, Mrs. Sametz, Mrs. Stevens, Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Tennant, S. Tunningley, Mr. Wright, Mr. Yeo
Mrs. Askin, Mr. Beattie, Barry K. Bills, Mr. Byrka, Mrs. Calder, Mr. Cochrane, Mrs. Collett, Mr. Coopsammy, Mr. Froese, Denzil W. Gamble, Miss Hales, Mrs. Hogarth, Mrs. Kasijan, Mrs. Klippenstein, Mr. Kripky, Mrs. Kudlovich, Mr. Lisowski, Mr. Mason, Miss Milgrom, Mrs. Mitchell, Miss Ott, Mr. Pashe, Mr. Payne, Mr. Pehura, Mr. Popoff, Mr. Sadler, Mrs. Sloumatis, Ms. Squair, Mrs. Tennant, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Tuningley, Mrs. Wilson, Mr. Wright, Mr. Yeo
Mr. Beattie, Barry K. Bills, Mr. Brooker, Mr. Byrka, Mrs. Carter, Mr. Chase, Mr. Cochrane, Mrs. Collett, Mr. Froese, Denzil W. Gamble, Mrs. Hilliard, Mrs. Jensen, Mrs. Kasijan, Mrs. Kirton, Miss Komadowski, Mr. Kripky, Mrs. Kudlovich, Mr. Mason, Miss Milgrom, Mrs. Mitchell, Mrs. Nebbs, Miss Ott, Mr. Payne, Mr. Pehura, Mr. Popoff, Mr. Sadler, Mrs. Seeland, Mrs. Sobkowich, Mrs. Tennant, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Tuningley, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Wright, Mr. Yeo
Mrs. Asham, Mr. Beattie, Barry K. Bills, Mrs. Butler, Mr. Byrka, Mrs. Carter, Mr. Chase, Mr. Cochrane, Mrs. Collett, Mr. Froese, Denzil W. Gamble, Mrs. Higham, Mrs. Jensen, Miss Kachkowski, Mrs. Kasijan, Mrs. Kirton, Mr. Kripky, Bob Kriski, Mrs. Kudlovich, Mr. Mason, Mrs. McLeod, Miss Milgrom, Mrs. Nebbs, Miss Ott, Mr. Painter, Mr. Payne, Mr. Pehura, Mr. Popoff, Mrs. Seeland, Mrs. Sloumatis, Mrs. Sobkowich, Mrs. Tennant, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Tuningley, Mrs. Wilson, Mr. Wright, Mr. Yeo
Mrs. Asham, Mr. Baines, Mr. Beattie, Barry K. Bills, Mrs. Braden, Mr. Byrka, Mrs. Carter, Mr. Chase, Mr. Cochrane, Mrs. Collett, Mr. Froese, Denzil W. Gamble, Mrs. Higham, Mrs. Jensen, Mrs. Kasijan, Mrs. Kirton, Miss Komadowski, Bob Kriski, Mr. Kripky, Mrs. Kudlovich, Mr. Mason, Mrs. McLeod, Miss Milgrom, Miss Ott, Mr. Payne, Mr. Pehura, Mrs. Pehura, Mr. Popoff, Mr. Sadler, Mrs. Seeland, Mrs. Sobkowich, Mrs. Tennant, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Tuningley, Mrs. Wilson, Mr. Wright, Mr. Yeo
Mr. Beattie, Mrs. Beattie, Barry K. Bills, Mr. Borelli, Mr. Byrka, Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Chudzik, Mr. Cochrane, Mrs. Collett, Mrs. Fast, Mr. Fedyk, Mr. Froese, Mrs. Funk, Mr. Gamache, Denzil W. Gamble, Mr. Hay, Mr. Howie, Mrs. James, Mrs. Kasijan, Mrs. F. King, Mr. J. King, Mrs. Kirton, Miss Komadoski, Mr. Kripky, Bob Kriski, Mrs. Kudlovich, Mrs. Joan McCallister, Mrs. Judy McCallister, Mrs. McLeod, Mr. Mahoney, Mr. Mason, Mrs. Nelson, Miss Ott, Mr. Pehura, Mrs. Pehura, Mr. Staples, Mr. Pongoski, Mr. Popoff, Mr. Sadler, Mrs. Saurette, Mrs. Savitzky, Ms. Schroeder, Mrs. Seeland, Mrs. Shaw, Ms. Smoke, Mrs. Sobkowich, Mrs. Tennant, Mrs. Wharren, Mrs. Wilson, Mr. Wright, Mr. Yeo
Mr. Beattie, Barry K. Bills, Mr. Borelli, Mr. Byrka, Mr. Cochrane, Mrs. Collett, Mrs. Daniels, Mr. Dzikowski, Mrs. Fast, Mr. Fedyk, Mrs. Funk, Mr. Gamache, Mr. Gartshore, Mrs. Hanson, Miss Haughton, Mr. Howie, Mrs. James, Mrs. Kasijan, Mrs. Kirton, Miss Komadowski, Mr. Kripky, Bob Kriski, Mrs. Kudlovich, Mr. Lejary, Mr. Mahoney, Mr. Mason, Mrs. Joan McCallister, Mrs. Judy McCallister, Mrs. McLeod, Mrs. Nelson, Miss Ott, Mr. Pehura, Mrs. Pehura, Mr. Pongoski, Mr. Popoff, Mr. Rud, Mr. Sadler, Mrs. Savitsky, Mrs. Seeland, Mrs. Shaw, Mrs. Sobkowich, Mrs. Tennant, Mrs. Wilson, Mr. Winter, Mr. Wright, Mr. Yeo
Mr. D. Beattie, Barry K. Bills, Mr. R. Borelli, Ms. G. Brick, Mr. E. Byrka, Mrs. B. Checkley, Mr. M. Cochrane, Mrs. S. Collett, T. Drohan, Mrs. C. Fast, Mrs. S. Funk, Mr. L. Gamache, Mrs. C. Garham, Mr. T. Gartshore, Mrs. M. Haughton, Mrs. V. James, Mrs. F. Kasijan, Mrs. S. Kirton, Bob Kriski, Mrs. D. Kudlovich, Mr. M. Lukyn, Mr. K. Mahoney, Mr. M. Mason, Mrs. K. McLeod, Mrs. S. McLenehan, Mrs. P. McRae, Mrs. C. Nelson, Miss D. Ott, Mrs. S. Pehura, Mr. L. Popoff, Mr. K. Pongoski, Mr. B. Rud, Mr. B. Sadler, Mrs. C. Savitsky, Mrs. K. Shaw, Mrs. N. Sobkowich, C. Stewart, Mrs. M. Wilson, Mr. A. Wright, Mr. B. Yeo
Ms. J. Asham, Mrs. A. Bachalo, Ms. B. Baker, Mr. D. Beattie, Mr. R. Borelli, Ms. G. Brick, Mrs. P. Chudzik, G. Cochrane, Mr. M Cochrane, Ms. S. Collett, Mr. A. Dhal, Miss. T. Drohan, Mrs. C. Fast, Mrs. S. Funk, Mr. L. Gamache, Mr. T. Gartshore, Mr. C. Glowatski, Mrs. M. Haughton, Mrs. C. Hoover, Mrs. V. James, Mrs. F. Kasijan, Mrs. S. Kirton, Bob Kriski, Mrs. D. Kudlovich, Mr. S. Lewis, Mr. M. Lukyn, Mr. K. Mahoney, Mr. M. Mason, Mrs. S. McLenehan, Mrs. P. McRae, Mrs. D. Moxham, Mrs. C. Nelson, Miss D. Ott, Mrs. S. Pehura, D. Perkins, Mr. K. Pongoski, Mr. L. Popoff, Mr. B. Sadler, Mrs. K. Shaw, Mrs. N. Sobkowich, Mr. A. Wright, Mr. B. Yeo
Ms. J. Asham, Ms. B. Baker, Mr. D. Beattie, Mr. R. Borelli, Ms. G. Brick, Mrs. P. Chambers, Mrs. P. Chudzik, Mrs. J. Cochrane, Mr. M. Cochrane, Ms. S. Collett, Mr. A. Dahl, Miss T. Drohan, Mrs. G. Duchesne, Mrs. C. Fast, Mr. N. Fedyk, Mr. T. Ferguson, Mr. T. Gartshore, Mr. C. Glowatski, Mrs. C. Hoover, Mr. L. Howie, Mrs. V. James, Mrs. N. Kasijan, Mrs. S. Kirton, Bob Kriski, Mrs. D. Kudlovich, Mr. S. Lewis, Mr. M. Lukyn, Mr. K. Mahoney, Mrs. S. McLenehan, Mrs. P. McRae, Mr. D. Middleton, Mrs. D. Moxham, Mrs. C. Nelson, Miss D. Ott, Ms. G. Patry, Mr. D. Patterson, Mrs. S. Pehura, Mrs. D. Perkins, Mr. K. Pongoski, Mr. L. Popoff, Mrs. N. Sobkowich, Mrs. K. Shaw, Mr. B. Sadler, Mrs. C. Stewart, Mr. J. Sushelnitsky, Miss A. Walker, Mr. A. Wright, Mrs. L. Wright, Mr. B. Yeo
Ms. J. Asham, Ms. B. Baker, Mr. D. Beattie, Mr. R. Borelli, Ms. G. Brick, Mr. B. Buchanan, Mrs. P. Chudzik, Mrs. J. Cochrane, Mr. M. Cochrane, Mrs. S. Collett, Mr. A. Dahl, Mrs. G. Duchesne, Mrs. C. Fast, Mr. N. Fedyk, Mr. T. Ferguson, Mr. T. Gartshore, Mr. C. Glowatski, Mrs. C. Hoover, Mrs. V. James, Mrs. N. Kasijan, Mrs. S. Kirton, Mr. J. Klyne, Bob Kriski, Mrs. D. Kudlovich, Mr. S. Lewis, Mr. M. Lukyn, Mrs. T. MacIntosh, Mr. K. Mahoney, Mrs. A. McAuley, Mrs. S. McLenehan, Mrs. P. McRae, Mr. D. Moxham, Mrs. C. Nelson, Miss D. Ott, Ms. G. Patry, Mr. D. Patterson, Mrs. S. Pehura, Mrs. D. Perkins, Mr. K. Pongoski, Mr. L. Popoff, Mr. D. Ryyppo, Mr. B. Sadler, Mrs. K. Shaw, Mrs. N. Sobkowich, Mrs. C. Stewart, Mr. J. Sushelnitsky, Mr. D. Uhyniuk, Mr. J. Wickberg, Mr. A. Wright, Mrs. L. Wright, Mr. B. Yeo
Ms. J. Asham, Ms. B. Baker, Mr. D. Beattie, Ms. G. Brick, Mrs. C. Brisebois, Mrs. S. Carter, Mrs. P. Chudzik, Mrs. S. Collett, Mr. A. Dahl, Mrs. G. Duchesne, Mrs. C. Fast, Mr. T. Ferguson, Mr. C. Glowatski, Mr. D. Halmarson, Mrs. C. Hoover, Mr. J. Lessard, Mrs. V. James, Ms. F. Kasijan, Mrs. S. Kirton, James Kostuchuk, Bob Kriski, Mrs. D. Kudlovich, Mr. S. Lewis, Mr. M. Lukyn, Mrs. T. MacIntosh, Mr. K. Mahoney, Mrs. A. McAuley, Mr. B. McCallum, Mrs. S. Lenehan, Mrs. P. McRae, Mrs. D. Moxham, Mrs. C. Nelson, Ms. D. Ott, Mrs. G. Patry, Mrs. S. Pehura, Mrs. D. Perkins, Mr. Pongoski, Mr. L. Popoff, Mr. B. Sadler, Mr. M. Schoofs, Mrs. K. Shaw, Mr. E. Shier, Mrs. N. Sobkowich, Mrs. C. Stewart, Mr. J. Sushelnitsky, Mr. J. Wickberg, Mr. A. Wright, Mrs. L. Wright
J. Asham, B. Attwood, B. Baker, D. Belinski, C. Bennet, C. Brisebois, T. Brydges, S. Carter, S. Collett, G. Duchesne, C. Fast, T. Ferguson, B. Froese, D. Halmarson, C. Hoover, D. Hussey, V. James, F. Kasijan, S. Kirton, James Kostuchuk, D. Kudlovich, J. Lambert, S. Lewis, M. Lukyn, T. MacIntosh, K. Mahoney, K. Martel, A. McAuley, B. McCallum, S. McLenehan, P. McRae, D. Middleton, D. Moxham, C. Nelson, D. Ott, G. Patry, L. Pederson, S. Pehura, D. Perkins, G. Pongoski, K. Pongoski, L. Popoff, C. Robinson, R. Rose, B. Rud, G. Ryppo, B. Sadler, K. Shaw, E. Shier, N. Sobkowich, C. Stewart, J. Sushelnitsky, D. Tennant, J. Wickberg, A. Wright, L. Wright
B. Allen, J. Asham, B. Baker, B. Barnett, D. Belinski, C. Bennet, C. Brisebois, B. Burke, S. Carter, S. Collett, C. Fast, T. Ferguson, B. Froese, D. Halmarson, C. Hoover, D. Hussey, V. James, F. Kasijan, S. Kirton, James Kostuchuk, D. Kudlovich, G. Lepine, S. Lewis, M. Lukyn, N. MacAulay, T. MacIntosh, K. Martel, A. McAuley, B. McCallum, S. McLenehan, P. McRae, D. Middleton, N. Miller, L. Montanti, D. Moxham, C. Nelson, D. Ott, E. Parker-Beddome, G. Patry, A. Patterson, L. Pederson, S. Pehura, G. Pongoski, K. Pongoski, L. Popoff, J. Reynolds, C. Robinson, B. Rud, G. Ryppo, D. Sadler, K. Shaw, N. Sobkowich, C. Stewart, D. Tennant, C. Troop, T. Vanstone, J. Wickberg, A. Wright, L. Wright, B. Zwiep
J. Asham, B. Baker, B. Barnett, D. Belinski, G. Bell, C. Bennet, C. Brisebois, B. Burke, D. Burton, C. Carroll, S. Carter, C. Davidson, C. Fast, T. Ferguson, B. Froese, D. Halmarson, C. Hoover, V. James, James Kostuchuk, C. Ketchen, D. Kudlovich, T. Lehman, G. Lepine, S. Lewis, M. Lukyn, K. Martel, A. McAuley, B. McCallum, S. McLenehan, P. McRae, D. Middleton, N. Miller, L. Montanti, D. Moxham, C. Murkin, C. Nelson, D. Ott, E. Parker-Beddome, G. Patry, A. Patterson, S. Pehura, D. Phillips, C. Pickering, G. Pongoski, K. Pongoski, L. Popoff, J. Reynolds, C. Robinson, B. Rud, G. Ryppo, K. Shaw, N. Sobkowich, C. Stewart, D. Tennant, T. Vanstone, J. Wickberg, A. Wright, H. Yeo, B. Zwiep
J. Asham, P. Bedford, D. Belinski, G. Bell, C. Bennet, M. Biddell, C. Brisebois, D. Burton, M. Caners, C. Carroll, S. Carter, C. Dengate, C. Fast, T. Ferguson, B. Froese, R. Gamache, D. Halmarson, D. Holmes, C. Hoover, B. Inthirath, B. Jack, V. James, B. Klassen, James Kostuchuk, T. Lehman, C. Lenting, S. Lewis, M. Lukyn, K. Martel, A. McAuley, B. McCallum, S. McLenehan, P. McRae, N. Miller, L. Montanti, D. Moxham, C. Murkin, C. Nelson, D. Ott, E. Parker-Beddome, G. Patry, J. Patsack, A. Patterson, S. Pehura, R. Pongoski, L. Popoff, J. Reynolds, C. Robinson, R. Romanow, R. Rose, L. Sharp, K. Shaw, N. Sobkowich, C. Stewart, D. Tennant, L. Twist, T. Vanstone, H. Yeo
S. Anderson, C. Arundell, C. Asham, R. Audino, P. Bedford, D. Belinski, G. Bell, S. Benedictson, C. Bennet, L. Bjornson, C. Blackbird, B. Boak, L. Boyachek, B. Boyle, H. Braden, J. Bradford, H. Briggs, J. Cain, H. Cardinal, C. Carroll, J. Clarke-Gillespie, S. Cleaver, K. Clifford-Bousquet, T. Clink, D. Cote, B. Cousins, D. Davis, C. Dengate, J. Elliott, T. Elliott, M. Essay, B. Farncombe, C. Fast, T. Ferguson, B. Foster, B. Froese, R. Gamache, L. Giffin, S. Gilbert, P. Goulet, J. Green, D. Guy, D. Halmarson, O. Hamm, K. Henry, B. Hinch, D. Holmes, R. Holtmann, C. Hoover, B. Jack, V. Jackson, V. James, A. Kalinowich, James Kostuchuk, A. Krynski, L. Krynski, L. Lanouette, T. Lehman, C. Lenting, T. Leonhardt, R. Lepine, T. Lilley, M. Lukyn, A. MacInnes, K. Martel, M. Martin, C. Mason, J. McAllister, A. McAuley, B. McCallum, S. McLenehan, B. McRae, P. McRae, D. Michie, L. Miller, N. Miller, L. Montanti, D. Moxham, J. Mueller, R. Muirhead, R. Mulligan, M. Munro, C. Murkin, T. Murray, C. Nelson, D. Nutbean, D. Ott, E. Parker-Beddome, G. Patry, A. Patterson, S. Patel, C. Pedden, R. Pehura, S. Pehura, L. Pond, K. Pongoski, R. Pongoski, L. Popoff, D. Pruden, B. Reimer, J. Reynolds, P. Rheault, C. Rintoul, R. Romanow, R. Roteliuk, D. Ryyppo, G. Ryyppo, D. Sandney, P. Saunders, T. Shackleton, L. Sharp, K. Shaw, E. Shier, G. Shindle, L. Smith, N. Sobkowich, S. Sobkowich, A.J. Spiller, C. Stewart, P. Stinson, K. Tabas, R. Talavera, D. Tennant, S. Thomson, P. Tidsbury, K. Tooth, C. Troop, F. Turko, R. Ukno, T. Vanstone, J. Walld, J. Wermie, B. Westbrook, D. Williams, L. Xoumphonphackady, L. Young
S. Anderson, C. Arundell, C. Asham, J. Asham, R. Audino, A. Beaulieu, P. Bedford, D. Belinski, G. Bell, S. Benedictson, C. Bennet, L. Bjornson, B. Boak, L. Boyachek, B. Boyle, H. Braden, H. Briggs, H. Cardinal, C. Carroll, J. Clark-Gillespie, S. Cleaver, K. Clifford-Bousquet, T. Clink, B. Cousins, D. Davis, C. Dengate, J. Elliott, T. Elliott, M. Essay, B. Farncombe, C. Fast, T. Ferguson, K. Kischer, B. Foster, B. Froese, R. Gamache, L. Giffin, S. Gilbert, P. Goulet, H. Grant, J. Green, D. Guy, D. Halmarson, O. Hamm, J. Hay, D. Heintz, B. Hinch, D. Holmes, C. Hoover, J. Houle, V. Howard, W. Hrechka, B. Inthirath, B. Jack, V. Jackson, V. Jacobsen, V. James, A. Kalinowich, T. Keep, S. Keomisy, James Kostuchuk, A. Krynski, L. Lanouette, T. Lehman, C. Lenting, T. Leonhardt, R. Lepine, P. Letkeman, T. Lilley, M. Lukyn, A. MacInnis, C. Mason, A. McAuley, B. McCallum, J. McDonald, S. McLenehan, B. McRae, P. McRae, D. Michie, D. Miller, L. Miller, N. Miller, L. Montanti, D. Moxham, J. Mueller, R. Muirhead, R. Mulligan, C. Murkin, T. Murray, C. Nelson, D. Nutbean, D. Ott, E. Parker-Beddome, A. Patterson, C. Pedden, R. Pehura, S. Pehura, K. Perry, M. Poirier, K. Pongoski, D. Pruden, B. Reimer, J. Reynolds, P. Rheault, C. Rintoul, C. Robinson, R. Romanow, R. Roteliuk, D. Ryyppo, G. Ryyppo, D. Sandney, P. Saunders, J. Sevcenko, T. Shackleton, L. Sharp, K. Shaw, E. Shier, W. Shirriff, L. Smith, N. Sobkowich, S. Sobkowich, C. Stewart, P. Stinson, K. Tabas, R. Talavera, D. Tennant, G. Tennant, M. Thompson, S. Thomson, P. Tidsbury, K. Tooth, C. Troop, F. Turko, T. Vanstone, R. Ukno, J. Walld, J. Wermie, D. Williams, L. Xoumphonphackdy, L. Young
Portage Collegiate Building (1905)
Source: Education Department Report, 1905, Manitoba Legislative Library.
Postcard view of the Portage Collegiate (no date)
Source: Gordon Goldsborough, 2013-0086
Portage Collegiate (no date) by A. B. Fallis
Source: Archives of Manitoba, School Inspectors Photographs,
GR8461, A0233, C131-1, page 5.
Portage Collegiate (March 2021)
Source: Rose KuzinaSite Coordinates (lat/long): N49.97253, W98.29723
denoted by symbol on the map above
See also:
MHS Centennial Organization: Portage Collegiate Institute
Lansdowne College - A Product of the Depression of 1885 by Norman J. Williamson
Manitoba Pageant, Volume 21, Number 4, Summer 1976Historic Sites of Manitoba: Lansdowne College (Portage la Prairie)
Historic Sites of Manitoba: Arthur Meighen High School (201 River Road, Portage la Prairie)
Historic Sites of Manitoba: Central School / Portage Normal School / Prince Charles School (Third Street Southwest, Portage la Prairie)
Manitoba Business: Smith Carter and Katelnikoff / Smith Carter Architects and Engineers / Architecture49
“Portage la Prairie,” Manitoba Daily Free Press, 21 December 1882, page 8.
“Educational [Protestant Public Schools],” Manitoba Daily Free Press, 30 December 1882, page 5.
“Portage la Prairie [Successor to Mr. Phillips],” Manitoba Daily Free Press, 11 April 1883, page 1.
“Reportorial round [Mr. W. S. Argue],” Winnipeg Daily Tribune, 3 August 1895, page 8.
“Reportorial round [William P. Argue],” Winnipeg Daily Tribune, 26 December 1895, page 8.
“Portage lists teaching staff as school opens,” Winnipeg Free Press, 5 September 1951, page 34.
“$355,000 blaze destroys collegiate at Portage,” Winnipeg Free Press, 27 May 1954, page 1.
“School addition tender notice [Portage la Prairie Collegiate],” Winnipeg Free Press, 25 January 1957, page 17.
A History of Portage la Prairie and Surrounding District by Anne M. Collier, 1970, pages 146-7.
We thank Nathan Kramer, James Kostuchuk, Rose Kuzina, Liliana Lopez, and Madison Poitras for providing additional information used here.
This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough.
Page revised: 14 November 2024
Historic Sites of Manitoba
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