This two-storey brick block on Main Street in Winnipeg, measuring 25 feet by 80 feet, was designed and built in 1914 by the construction firm of M. S. Atkinson and Son for pharmacist Frederick Edwin “Fred” Doidge (1886-1937) and his brother Walter Alexander Doidge (1890-1919) at a cost of about $11,500. The building had Fred Doidge’s Lincoln Park Drug Hall on its first floor facing the street and three residential apartments in the remainder of the space.
Lincoln Park Block (November 2020)
Source: George Penner
Lincoln Park Block (January 2025)
Source: Jordan MakichukSite Coordinates (lat/long): N49.92774, W97.12363
denoted by symbol on the map above
City of Winnipeg Building Permit 1259/1914, City of Winnipeg Archives.
Winnipeg fire insurance map, #305 January 1957, City of Winnipeg Archives.
Henderson’s Winnipeg and Brandon Directories, Henderson Directories Limited, Peel’s Prairie Provinces, University of Alberta Libraries.
Death registration [Walter Alexander Doidge], Manitoba Vital Statistics.
Walter Alexander Doidge, FindAGrave.
Preparation of this page was supported, in part, by the Gail Parvin Hammerquist Fund of the City of Winnipeg.
This page was prepared by Nathan Kramer, Gordon Goldsborough, George Penner, and Jordan Makichuk.
Page revised: 31 January 2025
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