Historic Sites of Manitoba: Doroshenko School No. 1730 (Municipality of Ethelbert)

The Doroshenko School District was organized formally in February 1914, named for noted Ukrainian author John Doroshenko. A school building was erected on two acres of land purchased from Fred Michaluk, on the southwest quarter of 31-28-21 west of the Principal Meridian in what is now the Municipality of Ethelbert. After the school closed in 1967, with remaining students going to Ethelbert Consolidated School No. 1021, the building was sold and moved 1/8 mile north, to the opposite side of the road, where it was used as a storage shed.

Among the teachers of Doroshenko School were John Wojciechowski (1914), Terlelski, Batanchuk, M. Demchuk, John Tkachyk (1922-1923), Annie Gregor (1923-1924), Julia Chorneyko (1924-1925), Mary Williams (1926), A. Shuselnycki, William Fraser (1926-1927), Olga Chorneyko (1927-1928), L. J. Symyk (1928-1931), Paul N. Kozak (1931-1936), William C. Kozak (1936-1937), Annie L. Shumka (1937-1939), Dmetro Kozak (1939-1941), Ross Kozak (1941-1942), Arlene Lesiuk (1942-1943), Vera Gnazdowsky (1943-1944), Harry J. Maksymetz (1944-1945), Mary Ewashko (1945-1948), Marie N. Glena (1948-1949), Elsie Yarish (1949-1950), John Shewchuk (1950-1951), Emie Stefanuik (1951-1952), Mrs. Herman (1952-1953), Sylvester Symyk (1953-1954), Ann Ezowski (1954-1957), Joyce Borkowski (1957-1963), Linda Zurkowski (1963-1965), and Eleanor Kuzyk (1965-1966).

Doroshenko School

Doroshenko School (no date) by J. S. Peach
Source: Archives of Manitoba, School Inspectors Photographs,
GR8461, A0233, C131-3, page 24.

The former site of Doroshenko School

The former site of Doroshenko School (September 2012)
Source: Alan Mason

The former Doroshenko School building

The former Doroshenko School building (September 2012)
Source: Alan Mason

Site Coordinates (lat/long): N51.43475, W100.41669
denoted by symbol on the map above


School District Formation Files [Doroshenko School District No. 1730], GR1688, E0027, Archives of Manitoba.

One Hundred Years in the History of the Rural Schools of Manitoba: Their Formation, Reorganization and Dissolution (1871-1971) by Mary B. Perfect, MEd thesis, University of Manitoba, April 1978.

The Ties That Bind: A History of Ethelbert and District by Ethelbert History Book Committee, 1985, page 49.

Cooking With Class: A Century of Community Schools, A 2008 Fundraising Project of the Ethelbert District Community Fund.

This page was collected by Alan Mason and Gordon Goldsborough.

Page revised: 26 January 2021

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