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A monument was erected by the Royal Canadian Legion and Auxiliary No. 208 in Domain, in the Rural Municipality of Macdonald, in memory of veterans of the First World War and Second World War.
Domain War Memorial (June 2012)
Source: Gordon Goldsborough
Domain War Memorial (August 2023)
Source: Glen ToewsSite Coordinates (lat/long): N49.61580, W97.32260
denoted by symbol on the map above
Birth Date
Death Date
Alvin Cox
Other veterans of the Domain area who served were Klyne Cox, Lionel Cox, John C. Dryden, Glen Reis, Alex Sim, Walter Swenson, and Rev. J. Whillans.
Birth Date
Death Date
207 Squadron, Royal Canadian Air Force
Flight Lieutenant
8 April 1922
11 April 1945
14 RAF Squadron, Royal Canadian Air Force
Flying Officer
7 March 1911
23 November 1942
Richard Carswell
Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders of Canada
15 December 1909
19 August 1942
Royal Canadian Air Force
4 March 1923
2 July 1942
Leslie Charles Manness
Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry, Royal Canadian Infantry Corps
4 November 1912
23 May 1944
Donald Colin McLeod
[Stonewall, Stony Mountain]Fort Garry Horse, Royal Canadian Armoured Corps
19 December 1919
6 June 1944
Michael “Mike” Mostowy
99 RAF Squadron, Royal Canadian Air Force
Flight Sergeant
5 September 1922
5 June 1945
Other veterans of the Domain area who served were Alan Anderson, Bill Anderson, Edgar Bartlette, Donald Bower, Warren Breyfogle, George Burney, Allan Carswell, Donald Carter, Jim Cox, Edna Curtain, Andrew Dryden, Murray Dryden, Richard Dryden, Robert Dryden, Bruce Durnin, Herman Dyck, Abe Enns, John Enns, More Gilbert, Hilda Harder, Charles Harrison, Elmer Johnson, Glen Jones, Jim Jones, Stanley Jones, Allan Kemp, Jim Litster, Pete Lozinsky, Douglas Manness, Fred Manness, Gordon Manness, Sidney Manness, Thomas Manness, James Manson, John McLarty, Walter McLeod, Bill Mills, Gordon Milne, Mary Milnes, Tony Pasieczka, Walter Pasieczka, Elizabeth Postello, Henry Rempel, Walter Roberts, Harry Saunders, Percy Thompson, and Ernest Wiens.
For the names of First World War casualities from Manitoba who do not appear on any physical monument in the province, see the Manitoba Historical Society War Memorial. If you know of a name that is omitted from this list, please contact the MHS War Memorial Researcher Darryl Toews (
Soldiers of the First World War - Canadian Expeditionary Force, Library and Archives Canada.
Canadian Virtual War Memorial, Veterans Affairs Canada.
Financial support for research reported on this page was provided by the Manitoba Heritage Grants Program (2015-2016).
We thank Vaughan McLeod and Glen Toews for providing additional information used here.
This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough and Darryl Toews.
Page revised: 8 October 2023
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