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A 50,000-bushel wooden grain elevator at Dauphin on the CNR Gladstone Subdivision was built for a local association of farmers by Manitoba Pool Elevators in 1927. It became known as “Pool B” when a new 40,000-bushel elevator designated “Pool A” was built beside it in 1948. Needing additional storage capacity by 1951, a balloon annex was built beside B while a new crib annex was attached to A, increasing their cumulative capacities to 95,000 and 115,000 bushels, respectively. The Pool B elevator was closed by 1983 and later demolished. The Pool A elevator closed in 1985 when a newly-built elevator on the edge of town opened.
Agent / Buyer
J. T. Taylor
P. J. Brown
Albert William Higgs (1909-1961)
Frank Cole McBurney (1909-1986)
J. Roy Robinson (1911-2002)
Don G. Longmuir
Harvey J. Couling
Ron Tycholes
Agent / Buyer
J. Roy Robinson (1911-2002)
Frank Cole McBurney (1909-1986)
Harvey J. Couling
Ron Tycholes
Manitoba Pool grain elevator with balloon annexes (no date)
Source: Manitoba Pool Fonds, S. J. McKee Archives, Brandon University.
Manitoba Pool grain elevator B at the left foreground, with the Pool A elevator beside it (1960)
Source: Agricore United Engineering Department, Tom Price (Mgr), provided by Glenn Dickson (University of Manitoba Archives & Special Collections)
Manitoba Pool grain elevator B at left, with the Pool A elevator and annex at right (1962)
Source: Agricore United Engineering Department, Tom Price (Mgr), provided by Glenn Dickson (University of Manitoba Archives & Special Collections)
Manitoba Pool grain elevator B and balloon annex with Pool A at right (no date)
Source: Agricore United Engineering Department, Tom Price (Mgr), provided by Glenn Dickson (University of Manitoba Archives & Special Collections)Site Location (lat/long): N51.15079, W100.05420
denoted by symbol on the map above
See also:
Historic Sites of Manitoba: Manitoba Pool Grain Elevator A / Pioneer Grain Elevator (Dauphin)
Historic Sites of Manitoba: Manitoba Pool Grain Elevator C (Jackson Street, Dauphin)
Historic Sites of Manitoba: Lake of the Woods Grain Elevator / Manitoba Pool Grain Elevator D / United Grain Growers Grain Elevator 2 (First Avenue SW, Dauphin)
Historic Sites of Manitoba: United Grain Growers Grain Elevator 1 (First Avenue SE, Dauphin)
Historic Sites of Manitoba: National Grain Elevator / Cargill Grain Elevator (First Avenue SW, Dauphin)
Historic Sites of Manitoba: Searle Grain Elevator / Federal Grain Elevator (First Avenue SE, Dauphin)
“First of this season’s crop unloaded at new elevator,” Dauphin Herald and Press, 1 September 1927, page 1.
Dauphin Valley Spans the Years by Dauphin Historical Society, 1970, pages 214-215.
Obituary [J. Roy Robinson], Brandon Sun, 30 November 2002, page B7.
Manitoba Pool Fonds, S. J. McKee Archives, Brandon University.
We thank Jordan Makichuk for providing additional information used here.
This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough.
Page revised: 30 December 2024
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