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Tremblay School No. 707
Source: Gordon Goldsborough, October 2011.
This former one-room schoolhouse in the Municipality of Brenda-Waskada, in southwestern Manitoba, closed in 1946. |
The Justice Mill: George William Baker at the Winnipeg Police Court, 1901-1903
by Stephen Grandpre
The Making of a Manitoban Hero: Commemorating La Vérendrye in St. Boniface and Winnipeg, 1886-1938
by Scott Berthelette
The Early History of Brewing in Winnipeg, 1668-1902: From Hudson’s Bay to Patrick Shea
by Graham Stinnett
The Uno Railway Disaster
by Leslie Kozma
Manitoba’s Historic One-Room Schoolhouses
by Gordon Goldsborough
Behind the Bamboo Curtain: A Nineteenth-Century Canadian Adventurer in Japan
by David N. Cooper
Book Reviews
Review essay: Magda Fahrni and Esyllt W. Jones (eds.) Epidemic Encounters: Influenza, Society, and Culture in Canada, 1918-20. Gregory P. Marchildon (ed.) Making Medicare: New Perspectives on the History of Medicine in Canada. Laurie Meijer Dress, Healing Histories: Stories from Canada’s Indian Hospitals
by Diane Dodd
Doris Jeanne Mackinnon, The Identities of Marie Rose Delorme Smith: Portrait of a Metis Woman, 1861-1960
by Diane Payment
Patricia Demers (ed.), Travels and Tales of Miriam Green Ellis, Pioneer Journalist of the Canadian West
by Margaret Bertulli
Dora Dueck, What You Get at Home
by Frieda Esau Klippenstein
Cool Things in the Collection:
Hall & Lowe Cabinet Cards
by Katherine Pettipas |
Page revised: 3 April 2020