Manitoba History: Number 17, Spring 1989

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St. James Hotel, Winnipeg, hand-tinted photograph, 1939

Source: Western Canada Pictorial Index

Brandon, 1919: Labour and Industrial Relations in the Wheat City in the Year of the General Strike by Tom Mitchell

James Farquharson - Agent and Agitator by Allen Ronaghan

Documents and Archives: On Board the Steamer “Northwest”, Saskatchewan River

Reminiscences of a Manitoba Film Censor: An Interview with Locksley D. McNeill by James M. Skinner

Early Settlers’ Cairn at Pilot Mount by Mary Perfect

Silhouettes in Style

Panther and Python, a Reminder of Manitoba in a Paris Park by Hubert G. Mayes

Historical Tour: Dauphin by Leslie Hoffman

Reminiscences of a “Soldier of the Soil” by Gerry Andrews

The Winnipeg Art Gallery in 1912 and 1987: An Historical Assessment by Angela E. Davis

Site Review: Images of Our Past: A Celebration of Manitoba’s Peoples by Gerry Berkowski

Recent Polish Publications on Canada and the Emigration from Poland to Canada by A. B. Pernal


Karl A. Peter, The Dynamics of Hutterite Society by John Ryan

Ken and Victoria Zeilig, Ste. Madeleine: Community Without a Town; Métis Elders in Interview by Diane Payment

Angus McLaren and Arlene Tigar McLaren, The Bedroom and the State - The Changing Practices and Politics of Contraception and Abortion in Canada, 1880-1980 by David Neufeld

David Weiztman, My Backyard History Book. & Ontario Historical Society, Discovering Your Community by Karen Nicholson

Russell C. Shelton, From Hudson Bay to Botany Bay: The Lost Frigates of Laperouse by Gary Adams

Page revised: 20 April 2022