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The Robert Kerr Residence, SE13-15-16-W1, abandoned since 1956
Source: Lorne Heska
Port Nelson and the Hudson Bay Railway by D. Malaher
Using the Hudson's Bay Company Archives for the Study of Social History: York Factory as a Case Study by Michael Payne
The Young Historian:
The Jewish Community of Portage la Prairie by Michael D. Greenberg
Prairie Endurance: The Robert Kerr Residence, Franklin, Manitoba by Ken Heshka, Lorne Heshka & Lindy Clubb
Historical Tour: Highway 26 by Rosemary Malaher
Using the Canada’s Visual History Series by Ken Osborne
Manitoba Bibliography/83 by Kay Gillespie
Fighting Days by E. Buffie
The Trials of Lord Selkirk by Robert Coutts
Granite Lips, a Stone Throat: The Voice of the Canadian Space. Jake MacDonald, Indian River & Jim Tallosi, The Trapper and the Fur-Faced Spirits by Daniel S. Lenoski
Martin Robin, The Saga of Red Ryan and Other Tales of Violence from Canada’s Past by Tim Trivett
Jewish Life and Times: A Collection of Essays by A. G. Levine
Leland Stowe, The Last Great Frontiersman by Keith D. Olson
James G. MacGregor, Vision of an Ordered Land: The Story of the Dominion Land Survey by Barry Kaye
Hugh A. Dempsey, Christmas in the West by Richard Grover
Virginia G. Berry (curator), A Boundless Horizon: Visual Records of Exploration and Settlement in the Manitoba Region 1924-1874 by W. Martha E. Cooke
Page revised: 4 September 2017