Notable People Index

Potentially Significant People  / MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION

Couling, Pierce
Biography:  Married Susan Payne in 1903. Died 1947
Claims:  Pioneer (1881) also served as Mayor (1910 –1912). Moved to Carroll in 1913. Back in 1927.
Probable Significance: Medium
Source: Sipiweske:  15, 257
Images: As Above: 46, 258
Content: Good additional information

Elliott, James
Biography:  Brother of Jabez and Joshua. From Port Hope ON. 
Claims: Pioneer. Coucillor 1886. Director of the local branch of the  Manitoba and North West Farmer’s Co-operative and Protective Union 1883.
Probable Significance: High
Source: WASP 91, 130
Images: As above, 164
Content: Some additional information

Kerr, Charles D.
Claims:  Bookkeeper from Souris. Co-Founder of the Wawanesa Mutual. First Wawanesa mayor - 1909
Probable Significance: High
Source: Sipiweske:  15
Images: As Above:  46, 170
Content: Some additional information

Kinsley, Richard
Claims:  The Oakland Municipality elections of 1884 saw Richard Kinsley Esq. of Souris City, returned as a Reeve.
Probable Significance: Modest
Source: Sipiweske:  15
Images: As Above
Content: Little additional information

Nichol, Thomas.
Biography:  Father of schoolteachers, Jenny and May Nichol
Claims:  Replaced William Scott as the resident overseer of the townsite of Souris City in 1884.  In 1884, with a good crop and surplus grain piling up, the settlers were becoming quite concerned. Thomas Nichol of Souris City, presumably on behalf of “The Toronto Company” (Souris City town site owners) offered to supply the rails if the municipalities of Oakland and Cornwallis would do the grading for a railway from Brandon to Souris City. The offer was not accepted.

Probable Significance: Major
Source: Sipiweske  9 / Prairie WASP 83, 164
Images: N/A
Content: Some additional information