Notable People Index

Adams, Rev. G.K.
Claims:   Methodist Minister for the Millford / Souris City circuit. Ca. 1883. Parsonage at Souris City.
Probable Significance: Modest
Source: Sipiweske:  Prairie WASP 84
Images: No image
Content: Some additional information

Bunt, Rev.
Claims:   Methodist Minister in Wawanesa area ca. 1890
Probable Significance: Modest
Source: Sipiweske:  12
Images: As Above
Content: Little additional information

Currie, Rev. Alex
Claims:  Minister of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church 1899. Also travelled to rural churches.
Probable Significance: Medium
Source: Sipiweske:  92
Images: No image
Content: Little additional information

Hall, Rev. Thomas Wellington
Claims:   First Methodist Minister in Millford. He had arrived in the community with the first wave of settlers in the summer of 1880. Credited with saving the life of Lizzie Mooney in the first years of the Millford settlement. Served in Souris City as well.
Probable Significance: Medium
Source: Sipiweske:  Prairie WASP 83
Images: As Above
Content: Little additional information

Hoskins, Rev. M.
Claims:   Presbyterian Minister for the Souris City area. ca. 1883.
Probable Significance: Modest
Source: Sipiweske:  Prairie WASP 85
Images: No image
Content: Little additional information

Kelly, Rev.
Claims:  One of the early Souris City Presbyterian ministers.
Probable Significance: Modest
Source: Sipiweske: 76
Images: No image
Content: No additional information

Kinley, Frank
Claims:   The first Sunday School in the district was started by Frank Kinley in Northfield School in 1882
Probable Significance: Medium
Source: Sipiweske: 102 
Images: As Above
Content: Little additional information

McKay, Rev. J.S
Claims:   First Presbyterian Missionary in the region. His services were conducted every fortnight in Mr. Harrison’s store, and he appreciated that the storekeeper, a Methodist incidentally, made it available.
Probable Significance: Modest
Source: Sipiweske:  
Images: As Above
Content: Little additional information

Mr. J.S. McKay, Presbyterian missionary to the area provides a detailed account of his region in which he refers to Souris City as, “a somewhat pretentious place” consisting of “ a saw and grist mill, two stores, hotel, five private residences, a blacksmith shop, and several tents.” He goes on to extol the agricultural potential of the region, to bemoan the fact that although there were “ten Presbyterian families and about a dozen young men,” they were  “very careless” about church attendance. He should be forgiven if he seems to regard the local Methodists with a somewhat jealous eye, as he notes that they are in the majority and that they “have service every day”.  His services were conducted every fortnight in Mr. Harrison’s store, and he appreciated that the storekeeper, a Methodist incidentally, made it available. He concludes the Souris City portion of his report by allowing that, “Should a railway be constructed through it, Souris City may come to be an important place.”

Robinson, Rev. Isaac Newton
Biography:  Died at Souris City of typoid in 1887.
Claims:  One of the early Souris City Methodist ministers.
Probable Significance: Modest
Source: Sipiweske: 76 Prairie WASP 82
Images: No image
Content: No additional information

Rounthwaite, Rev. John Frederick
Biography:  Born England. Died 1883.
Claims:   Educated at St. John’s College, Cambridge University. Ordained 1867 in the Church of England. Arrived in Rounthwaite in 1882 and overƒsaw the completion of St. John’s Anglican Church. (Now at the Sipiweske Museum).
Probable Significance: Modest
Source: Sipiweske:   91
Images: As Above
Content: Little additional information

Wilson, Rev. T.B.
Claims:   First Methodist Minister in Wawanesa , 1890
Probable Significance: Modest
Source: Sipiweske:   91
Images: As Above
Content: Little additional information

Content: Good additional information