The village of Pierson was named for Jean Louis Pierson (1854-1944).
Mr. Pierson was head of an Amsterdam finance house, which had invested
in the Canadian Pacific Railway.
The first regular passenger train came to Pierson February 19,1892.
Settlers coming to fulfill their homestead commitment were offered
special rates for shipping their effects on the Canadian Pacific
The first building erected in Pierson was a grocery store belonging to
Gould & Elliot. The usual assortment of services followed in a
building boom.
Around 1900, the businessmen of Pierson, especially J. F. Dandy, saw a
need for more accommodations for the travelling public.
The Avondale Hotel featured a large dining room, reading room, lobby,
kitchen and sample room, as well as12 second-floor bedrooms. It was
later named the “Leland Hotel”. Pierson quickly became the service
centre for the southwest corner.
GPS: Downtown Pierson
49* 10’ 46.70” N
101* 15’ 43.63” W
Pierson Post Office Building
80 Railway Ave.
Former site of Lefty’s Cafe

Pierson United Church
Elva St.
Presbyterian Church 1902 - 1925

Used for High School classes in 1959 while new school was being built.
Re-sided, renovated

Pierson Bible Chapel
Railway Ave.
The first Bible Chapel ca. 1941

Former Warehouse & Hall
10 Broadway
“In the fall of 1891 a large warehouse was
built where Mr.
Gregory Nicholls now lives. It was owned by Sherriff's and Company. The
lower part housed machinery, sleighs, cream separators, parts and feed.
The upper part was used as a hall. “
First school located in the upper hall.
Converted to a residence by Dr. Morrison
Gregory Nicholls

Two-storey bay

Johns House
20 Broadway
ca. 1900
Reportedly once owned by a banker.
Dr. Shier House
Broadway & Arthur
Previous site of Ben Shannon’s Pierson Bakery.
Mrs. Rookes
Dr. Shier
Dr. R. L. (Roy) Shier came to Pierson upon graduation in the spring of
1910. He was gazetted Provincial Coroner in 1911 and made health
officer in 1914. He enlisted in the Medical Corps in 1916 and was
wounded in 1918. He returned from active duty to points in northern
Manitoba and came back to Pierson in 1941 as Municipal Doctor. He went
to Lyleton one day a week, with his office in Mrs. Boyle's house. He
continued to work as Municipal Doctor as long as his health allowed
(until 1953).
Side dormer
Enclosed Porch
Original hardwood floors, French doors

Kenner House
Latham Ave
402.C.4 .
Keilhorn 1955
Well designed – gingerbread, gables, bays
Tom Fennell House
Tom Fennell
Coop Manager
Don McDermot
Ken Jacobson
Brad Lee

One of the earliest residences.

Former Methodist Manse
Broadway & Gov’t Rd
Ca. 1895
Methodist Church
George Barrows
Bill Milne
Original siding

Lottie & George Barrows

Broadway as it looked in 1910.
Pitt House
48 Gov’t Rd.
Robert Pitt, early Pierson entrepreneur
J.R. Pitt
Richard Phair
Bay window, piano window
Built-in Hutch
Robert Pitt bought an implement business from Sid Davis in 1906. He
sold his coal dealership to Art Browton in 1931. He took over the
duties of secretary-treasurer of the R.M. of Edward from 1931-1934.

Neumann House
52 Eunola at Gov’t Rd.
ca. 1910
Moved from Waskada
Former Daniel’s Nursing Home
10 Elmore
Mrs. William (Ethel) Daniels came to North Antler from Tilley, Alberta,
in 1925. Expectant mothers were soon requesting her assistance and in
1944, she and her husband secured a licensed nursing home in the
village of Pierson. Services were given for $1 a day. She cared for
mothers and babies from Lyleton, Gainsborough, Winlaw, Tilston,
Fertile, Storthoaks, Elva and Pierson. Dr. Shier acted as attending
physician. This was the only nursing home ever in the Edward
Between 1944 and 1951, 80 children were born here.
Lee House
Elmore & Souris
Ken Lee
ca. 1910
House brought in from west of Pierson when Ken Lee bought the land from
the CPR Demonstration Farm
Also known as the Harwood House, a Guest House
Gingerbread trim added / Re-sided

Rueben Ede House
25 Souris
Small bungalow with tin siding
Rebon Ede
Sid Baker
Chas. Dandy
Manuel & Kaye Schultz
Mr. Ede moved to town in 1913 from his farm on 14-2-29.
Basted House
ca. 1910
Bay window / Dumbwaiter
J.R. Pitt House
20 Arthur
ca. 1910
Tom Cuthbert
Modern addition.

Former Anglican Rectory
Built by J.R. Pitt
Anglican Church
Royal Bank Manager

Centennial Lodge
Gov’t Rd. Allowance
Seniors’ Residence
12 suites & common areas
Former site of Halbert’s Garage & Lee’s Garage

Former United Church Manse
Former Doctor’s Office
ca. 1920
At least one Doctor from Melita used this small house as an office
while serving the Pierson area.

Patterson Elevator
Railway Ave.

By 1900 there were four elevators in Pierson

Former Pool Elevator
Railway Ave.
1939. Annex in 1967

Built by Manitoba Pool
Now Patterson
Replaced a 1928 elevator that burned down.

Former Red & White Store
Railway Ave.
ca. 1915
Sam Myers – Butcher Shop
Confectionary / Café

Former Minshull Blacksmith Shop
Elmore St.
ca. 1900
Built in ca. 1900 for Thomas Minshull on NW
7-20-26, in the R.M.
of Silverton. Moved to Pierson in 1992 and to this site in 1994.

Original storage cabninet.
Former Cuthbert School
Eunola at Souris St.
Cuthbert School District: 1891- 1923
The first school district formed in this area was Cuthbert No. 633 in
1891. It was built on the west side of 20-3-28 in 1891 of logs. Covered
with milled lumber. It was moved to 13-3-29 on the northwest corner of
the section.

Pierson Cemetery
Hwy 256

Land donated by Mr. Mundell in 1903.
Opened ca. 1897
Plaques on the gateposts commemorate local residents killed during
service in the First World War and Second World War.
GPS Reading: N49.17758, W101.24938
Kal-Lee Barn
Gov’t Rd
Site of the CPR Demonstration Farm
Replaced an older barn
“In 1912, the C.P.R. Company decided to develop a Demonstration farm
and so built up a full line of modern buildings, including a two-storey
cottage roof house, size 28 by 28 feet. The lower storey was covered
with white siding, the second story with green shingles as was the
cottage roof.
The out buildIngs consisted of an outside toilet, granary, pig house,
hen house and a dairy building for the cream separator and churn, with
a wash up space. There was a modern-type barn with a loft and storage
space in the centre of the barn.
This barn was in use until Mr. S. Lee and boys purchased it. They
replaced it in 1960 with a modern hip-roof barn. The house, pig house
and hen house are still on the property but the big house has been sold
and a more compact one replaces it on the farm now owned by Ken Lee. “
Pierson Community Hall
Elva St.
Al Boyd – Construction Foreman
Jerry Drier – cement foreman
Dring rafters
Maple hardwood floor
Jim Dandy Park
Railway Ave.

Digital Sign
Interpretive Sign provided by the Turtle Mountain-Souris Plains
Heritage Association