Notable People

Potentially Significant People  / TOWN ADMINISTRATION


Anderson, John (J.J.)

Biography:  Born 1836, Scotland: Died 1916, Melita
Claims: Farmer, Lumber Dealer: Championship Curler – Brandon 1898
Council 1898 – 1901 ; 1904 - 1908
Reeve of Arthur 1901 - 1904
Probable Significance: High
Source: Our First Century / 407
Images: As Above
Content: Some additional information


Carels, Ken

Biography:  Born 1938 : Died 2005
Claims: Owner – Grocery Store: Town Council 1971.  Mayor 1980 - 2002. Director of the Union of Manitoba Municipalities from 1982 to 1998
Probable Significance: High
Source: Our First Century / 457
Images: As Above
Content: Good additional information

Manitoba Association of Urban Municipalities from 1978 to 1982 and a Director of the Union of Manitoba Municipalities from 1982 to 1998. He also served on the MHO, Manitoba Surface Rights Board, Wheat Belt Community Futures, MGRA, MARRC and others. He was an active member of the Lions Club, Kinsmen, K-40, Chamber of Commerce, Curling Club, Arena Board, Sacred Heart Church and many more. Ken was honoured to be presented with a commemorative medal marking the 125th anniversary of Confederation of Canada in 1993 and being named an honorary life member of the Association of Manitoba Municipalities in 2004. He had a passion for sports and loved curling, bowling, golfing, baseball, football and playing cards.


Campbell, J.L.

Claims:  Land Registrar. He and the office moved to Melita from Sourisford in 1896
Probable Significance: Medium Source: Our First Century / 4
Images: N/A
Content: No additional information

Dodds, G.L.

Claims: Magistrate. Mr. Dodds had a Hardware & General store in Manchester. Moved to the new town site in 1890. He served as a Land Agent for CPR and Canada North West Land Co. Sold farms and traveled to Ontario to solicit settlers.
Corner Stone of Victoria United – Aug. 10, 1897 laid by G.L. Dodds, Reeve, and Mrs. J.C. Switzer, bride of the Pastor. 
Probable Significance: Major
Source: Our First Century / 205 : Brandon Sun -  March 26, 1890
Images: N/A
Content: Some additional information

Downie, James

Claims:  First Reeve – 1884. President of Ag. Society1891
Probable Significance: Medium
Source: Our First Century / 39
Images: N/A
Content: No additional information

Reekie, A.M.

Claims:  First Customs Officer – 1900. The office was in Melita.
Probable Significance: Medium
Source: Our First Century / 44
Images: N/A
Content: No additional information

Thomas, Walter F.

Claims: Arrived in 1879 with with James Kinley, and Alfred Dugay 
Operated a ferry. Clerk R.M. of Arthur – nearly 50 yrs.
One arm amputated after a gunshot accident that happened while he was operating his ferry
Sec. Treas – Pioneer’s Association 30- yrs.
Probable Significance: High
Source: Our First Century / x
Images: N/A
Content: Some additional information