Notable People

Potentially Significant People  / CLERGY


Brown, Rev. John

Biography: Died 1892
Claims:  Minister, Elva Presbyterian & Melita  1886-1891
Probable Significance: Medium
Source: Our First Century /86
Images: As Above
Content: Some additional information

Rochester, Mr. W.M.

Claims:  Student Missionary – first Presbyterian in district
Probable Significance: Medium
Source: Our First Century / 87
Images: N/A
Content: No additional information

Stocker, Rev. William

Claims:  Supervised the building of the Christ Church Anglican (as architect). Carved the communion table.
Probable Significance: High
Source: Our First Century / 80
Images: As Above
Content: Some additional information


Switzer, Rev. A.J.

Claims:  First minister in new Methodist Church 1896-1899
Probable Significance: Medium
Source: Our First Century / 97
Images: N/A
Content: Some additional information

Wheeler, Rev. A.D.

Claims:  Conducted  the first Church Service in the region in Alf Gould’s house on the first Sunday in August, 1882.. Also Great West Life Insurance Agent. First teacher in Melita School 1887.
Probable Significance: Medium
Source: Our First Century / 372 / 244 / 3
Images: N/A
Content: Some additional information