Archibald, Hugh James

Biography: Born 1848, Nova Scotia
Claims: Elva’s first Postmaster.
Coal merchant who received the first shipment of coal in 1892 on the
new rail line.
Still working at age 82.
Probable Significance: Medium
Source: Our First Century / 415
Images: As Above
Content: Some additional information
Barker, G.B.
Claims: Came 1892 from England – worked for R.M. Graham
Bought a building and opened a Men’s and Boy’s Shoes and Clothing Store
G.B. Barker 1907 (Barkers Men’s Wear) New building 1915
First Barker’s building on this site in 1899
Probable Significance: High
Source: Our First Century / 431
Images: N/A
Content: Some additional information
Briggs, G.E.
Biography: Died 1921
Claims: G.E. Briggs 1915 (Metropolitan Hotel Owner 1918 – 21)
Mrs. Briggs operated it until 1930.
Probable Significance: Medium
Source: Our First Century
Images: As Above
Content: Some additional information
Cameron, Albert Edward

Biography: Born Scotland; Died 1932
Claims: 1892 formed a Partnership with James Duncan – former agent for
the Implement Firm Frost & Wood at Melita. Cameron & Duncan
established 26 agencies and warehouses in Mb & Sk.; 1908 Cameron
& Duncan agency dissolved.
Cameron Siding / Cameron School (South Antler)
Probable Significance: High
Source: Our First Century / 453
Images: As Above
Content: Some additional information
Cobb. John

Biography: Born Quebec
Claims: Logging in the Ottawa Valley. Hotel in Virden. Came to
Melita in 1890
Mr. Cobb built Metropolitan Hotel in 1891.
Probable Significance: High
Source: Our First Century 482
Images: As Above
Content: Some additional information
Winnipeg 1880
Contracts to build rail-bed for the C.P.R.
Family lived in a double-decker tent while Hotel being constructed –
also used as a hotel
Dobbyn. John

Biography: Born
Claims: With son Richard John, came in 1881. Mr. Dobbyn had
“Dobbyn City” surveyed on 36-3-27 in anticipation of a coming rail
line. In 1905 at 80 yrs. started Melita Brick & Tile Co. after
discovering red brick clay near the river. Involved son Richard,
Charles D. Lamont, Johnston & Pope.
Probable Significance: Major
Source: Our First Century / 508
Images: As Above
Content: Good additional information
Dodds, G.L.
Claims: Magistrate. Mr. Dodds had a Hardware & General store in
Manchester. Moved to the new town site in 1890. He served as a Land
Agent for CPR and Canada North West Land Co. Sold farms and traveled to
Ontario to solicit settlers.
Corner Stone of Victoria United – Aug. 10, 1897 laid by G.L. Dodds,
Reeve, and Mrs. J.C. Switzer, bride of the Pastor.
Probable Significance: Major
Source: Our First Century / 205 : Brandon Sun - March 26, 1890
Images: N/A
Content: Some additional information
Duncan, James

Biography: Born 1857, Scotland
Claims: James Came to Canada in 1882
Homesteaded in Wolsley NWT (Now Sk) and served in the 1885
Uprising Duncan worked as a blacksmith at Manchester in the early
Farm Implement Dealer, Justice of the Peace).
Came to Melita in 1888 – built the first brick house in town.
Probable Significance: Major
Source: Our First Century / 520
Images: As Above
Content: Some additional information
Estlin, A.B.
Claims: Mr. Estlin was a Grain Buyer, Insurance Agent. Contractor.
A.B. Estlin 1900 – Wawanesa Insurance Agent 1919-1936
He served as Secretary of the Melita - Arthur Telephone Co. established
in 1905. Built the Blackwell Block (originally at the Manchester Site)
which burned 1920.
Wrote several accounts of pioneer life (Local History)
Probable Significance: Majot
Source: Our First Century / 205
Images: As Above
Content: Good additional information
Graham, R.M.
Claims: Mr. Graham arrived in 1882 and set up a store and post office
in 1883, followed by a blacksmith’s shop that he rented out. The site,
known also as “The Corners”, became the village of Manchester – soon
changed to Melita. In 1891 he bought a store in Melita from Coughill.
Trustte. On first Melita School Board 1886
Probable Significance: Major
Source: Our First Century / 368 / 36/ 54
Images: N/A
Content: Some additional information
- Plan #2 – Souris River Registry, March 28, 1882
- Post Office granted but the name “Manchester” was taken. Melita
chosen from suggestions offered
- with arrival of railway – station placed on 1-4-27 and town
1882 – Town Plan registered
- strong advocate for rail service etc.
Conveyancer for Province of Mb
Commisioner for taking affidavits
Holden, Charles Parker

Claims: Mr. Holden was a prominent businessman, a Furniture Store &
Funeral Parlour.
C.P. Holden 1908 - Councilor & school board
Melita Band member 47 years. Board of Trade.
Probable Significance: High
Source: Our First Century / 572
Images: As Above
Content: Good additional information
Lamont, Dave

Claims: Owned Lamont’s Garage. President of the Auto Club in 1913.
Probable Significance: Medium
Source: Our First Century / 363
Images: As Above
Content: Some additional information
Love, Robert
Claims: 1910 – 1924 - “Melita Shoe Hospital” in Lefty’s Grill Building
– Main Street.
Built the Opera House in 1913 – for moving pictures and live
Harness maker, shoe repair
Probable Significance: Medium
Source: Our First Century / 301
Images: N/A
Content: Some additional information
McKay, Robert McBeth
Biography: Born 1871, Kildonan; Died 1910
Claims: Mr. McKay managed the Hamlin Bros Store in the Sturgeon or
Corner Block
Twice on Town Council. Band Leader. Led Choir of Presbyterian Church
Probable Significance: Medium
Source: Our First Century / 651
Images: N/A
Content: Some additional information
Murray, Robert Cecil
Biography: Died 1975
Claims: Murray Farm Equipment until 1955 – has remained in family
(Bernie Murray, Dwight Murray)
Probable Significance: Medium
Images: N/A
Content: Good additional information
Pettipher, Francis Edward

Biography: Born 1879, England
Claims: Machinist
Machine Shop attached to the flour mill owned by Jim McCallum and Tom
Est. Melita Machine Shop and operated it for 55 years
Skilled at all kinds of repairs
Probable Significance: Medium
Source: Our First Century / 684
Images: N/A
Content: Good additional information
Pope, Arthur
Claims: Opened the first Drug Store in 1891, in the Holden
Block on the SW corner of Main and Souris Streets.
Later operated out of the Morrow Building ca. 1900
Probable Significance: Medium
Source: Our First Century / 384
Images: N/A
Content: No additional information
Price, Mrs.
Claims: Milliner & Dressmaker from 1891 to 1900
Probable Significance: Medium
Source: Our First Century / 350
Images: N/A
Content: No additional information