cemetery, 3 miles south of town, was used frequently for burial, others preferred to bury their dead on their own lots.

Mr. Curtis rented his store to the Playfair Bros. for a general store in 1905; Allison and Macdonald succeeded the Playfair Bros. in 1908, until 1918 when Mr. Macdonald removed his stock to Elgin and the store was vacant until Frederickson and Son took it in hand for general merchandise purposes, which they conducted until 1925 when Mr. G. Kilgour bought it for a general store

Mr. W. J. S. Waugh in 1903 sold his business to Messrs. Oli Andersen and Playfair where W. Peterson grocery store is now. In 1908 Oli Anderson retired and Playfair Bros. moved into the Curtis Block. Dr. Cleghorn has the rental agency and rented this building at different times. In 1930 Jim McLelIan bought it and started a grocery store and a butcher shop combincd, which he

discontinued in 1939.

This year, Mr. Wm. Peterson, who had previously had a grocery store in the back part of the Kilgour building rented from Jim McLellen and has handled a good grade of groceries until the present time.

The Post Office was in the Chester house with Jesse Chester as postmaster who was succeeded by W. 0. Fowler after the election, and held office in his block where W. Peterson has his grocery store.

The present postmaster, Alex Fowler took office in 1903, with postal services in his own block. The public expressed preference for a separate post office, so the inspector got permission for Mr. Fowler to build a post office. In 1933 a new building was erected on First Street behind the Fowler block.

Anderson's Millinery Store, originally the front half of C. Playfair's residence (the other half across the  track occupied by Chris. Frederickson as a residence) was moved to its present site in 1927. It is the only Millinery Shop in Baldur and handles a good stock of fashionable dresses and other ladie’s’wear.

The butcher business, handled by various butchers at different places was under the management of Joe Lyons in 1912 when he sold it to H.G. Brown. In the fall of 1913 W.H. Bray bought the business and conducted. It until 1920 when he sold it again to Joe Lyons. In 1924 J. S. McLennen took charge and later service discontinued in the location, which was the building Peterson now occupies and a new site opened up for the butcher business by S. Gadd, who is the present own Mr. W. H. Bray held this occupation in Baldur for the longest stretch of all, and for the past 27 years he has been the auctioneer and livstock buyer for Baldur and district.

The Present Barber Shop building once occupied by Schultz Second Hand Store, was rented by J. Breault in 1905 for a tailor shop. In a few years time Mr. Goodman rented this building for a shoe repairing shop, succeeded by J. S. Johnson. Later Dunc. Campbell moved in and conducted a barber business until the winter of 1923. Mr. Pete Natsuk, On January 22 1924 opened up a barber shop and has been the practicing barber.

Some of the barbers that have had a business in Baldur until today are: Messrs. Forester, Watkins, Duncan, Dunlop. B. Deizville, McNutt, Stephens, Frank Farent, Kenion and D. Campbell..

The garage behind Gam Lou's restaurant originally owned by G. W. Playfair in 1889, succeeded by J. Strang and Kilgour was rented to the Anderson Bros. in 1925 till 1927. In 1927 E. A. and S. A. Andersen built on the corner east of the Sexsmith Hotel near the skating rink, a very up to date garage, including a gasoline filling station. This is a convenient location and classed as the best equipped garage in the municipality.

The Monarch Lumber Company took over the Home Lumber Company, lumber and coal business in 1928 and in 1930 they built their own plant. Mr. Hanson managed the lumber yard for about a year and retired. Mr. M. A. Hill became manager and operated

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