Baldur is to be commended on its splendid march of continuous progress from its first rural school of Tiger Hills to its present fine school and staff, and its many rural schools and their teachers.

The School Trustees for the first school in Baldur were as follows:

Messrs. Albert Cramer, G. Griffiths and Joseph Wray,


Teachers employed by the district since the formation up til 1905:

Jan. 1891—Miss Jennie Wells.
Aug. 1893—Mr. G. M. Robinson.
July 1894—Robt. MacMillan.
Nov. 1894—Miss K. Murray (Mrs. Dr.Cleghorn) Baldur.
Dec. 1895—Miss Van Alstine (deceased) .
July 1896—Mr. S. H. Home.
January 1897—Miss Ada Clark (Mrs. Monkman).
July 1898—Mr. Chas. C. Parker.
July 1898—Miss V. McBride.
July 1900—Mr. D. J. Hartley.
Aug. 1901—Miss Sadie McLean.
Feb. 1902—Miss Annie Playfair.
July 1903—Mr. F. J. Jollow.
Aug. 1904—Miss Conklin.        
Aug. 1904—Jas. H. Plewes.


The Memorial Hall in Baldur was built in 1938. It is controlled by a joint stock company as the Baldur Community Hall and Improvement Society. Ltd. The hall was made possible by the very generous request of $2,000.00 under the will of the late John Clark. This fund, plus subscription of an equal amount made the erection of the building possible. Under the terms of its charter the hall is named Memorial and it dedicated to the memory of Hannah Clark, wife of John Clark, to all pioneer women who helped build
up the settlement in Argyle and to men who gave their lives in the Great War of 1914-1918.

Tourist—"Quite a town you have here. How many men and women were born here in the last five years?
Brushville Native—"None, stranger, but quite a number of babies were.'”


The eldest daughter of G. W. Playfair, Lizzie, was the first bride in the municipality, marrying Mr. Albert Cramer.

Katy Wilhelmina Playfair, now Mrs. G. W. Brisbin of Pilot Mound, the youngest child of G. W. Playfair was the first child born in this municipality.

Mrs. Curtis decorated and embroiŽdered the altar cloth in the Anglican Church.

Interesting Stories of the Early History of Baldur

Mr. Chris. Johnson, who handled farm machinery on the S. Christopherson lot until the construction of the Fowler block in 1899, bought and moved to a lot on the corner of Elizabeth and First Street. In 1914 C. Johnson' son, John, joined in partnership, and the business is called C. Johnson & Son. Tom Johnson, upon his return from the war in 1919, joined, and installed a gasoline station in 1921.   In 1935 John died and Tom now manages the business.

Messrs. J. A. Playfair and Geo. Playfair were in partnership in the lumber business till 1911. John owned the garage behind and when George died the Home Lumber Yard took over his interests in 1921, which was succeeded by the Monarch Lumber Company in 1928. Mr. Kilgour was successful in getting the car agency and bought the business from John Playfair, and then traded the garage to Jim Strang for a half a section of land. The Andersen Bros. bought the garage business from Jim Strang. Gam Low bought the main building from Mr. Kilgour and then decided to go to China. Gam Low returned to Baldur and has used this building for a restaurant to the present, with part of the building for a residence.

Mr. A. Fowler carried on a saddlery and bicycle business in the Lee Foon present building previous to the completion of his block and his residence at the back of that building, previous to his brick house. In 1903, Lee Foon bought and moved it further back, built an addition to the front and has operated a confectionery and restaurant ever since. The family lives up stairs. Mr. Fowler has proven to be one of the most successful business men in Baldur and has managed his saddlery business in his block from the time it was built in 1899 to the present day. He also has had since the commencement of his business a boot and shoe repairing shop, with Arni Bjarnson as the repairer.

Wm. Hearn was the first Massey-Harris agent from the year 1896 to 1908 with office in the Stillwell building on Second Street. Jack Snydal and Joe Lyons were successive agents for two years. C. Smith and J. Graham were agents from 1910 to 1913, and W. R. Price from that time till 1918. W. A.
Hopcroft was the agent for the next two years and 0. Lodge from 1920 to 1926. Mr J. C Skardal has held the office since and also the British American agency from 1928, and partner in the Baldur Transfer since its commencement in 1934.

Steps for fire protection took place on June 30, 1904 at a citizens' meeting it was decided to have a fire hall on Second Street, the present site and has been in operation since. Baldur is one of the most fortunate towns in Manitoba, having but four serious fires in its history, namely, the livery barn in 1931, Mundy Johnson's house in 1931, Tristy Frederickson's home in 1933, and Hunter's hardware store in 1940.

The Baldur Cemetery Company was organized on May 25th, 1907. Shareholders of stock paid $10.00 per share, in cash, entitling them to a plot 8x16, with deed for same. The cemetery consisted of two acres, situated a quarter mile south of town, and was in time enclosed by a barbwire fence. Previous to that Argyle

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