Brandon House

One of the most historically significant spots in Westman.

The first Brandon House was established here in the fall of 1793 by "Mad" Donald McKay in the service of the Hudson's Bay Company.
It was one of several competing Fur Trade Posts in the "Souris Mouth" area, which was the hub of economic activity for what is now Southwestern Manitoba.

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Brandon House - 1810 - Sketch by Larry Jamieson

Art by Terry McLean

The trail - rough but quite passable in dry weather.

This photo was taken from the north. The first Brandon House was located in the small clearing just right of centre, about 50 metres north of the river. The YY and Northwest Co. posts were south of the river.    

The clearing remains free of trees, perhaps because of all the refuse etc.

The clearing created for the post remains open  200 years after the operation moved upstream.
The depression visible at the centre is over a metre deep - likely a cellar.

River landing - note the island - also visible in the aerial photo and on Google Earth

Directly accross is Mair's Creek, (also "Five Mile Creek") along which as
many as four other Fur Trade Posts operated between 1793 and 1810.

Trail Head:  49.680033  / 99.620794
Site: 49.675260 / 99.627355

The site of Brandon House 4 - upstream from the first sites.

Recent Reseach Report

More than pretty pictures: Drones, bison kills, and considerations of cultural landscapes
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Lakehead University Thunder Bay Campus

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