3. The Fur Trade

Brandon House – on the Assiniboine River south-east of the Brandon, (Archives of Manitoba)

About three miles north of the little village of Treesbank the Souris River empties into the Assiniboine. The site today is virtually uninhabited and this area that was once the hub of commerce and communication, in both the days of the fur trade and the early pioneer times, shows little evidence of it's busy past. In pioneer times it was home to one of the first Land Titles Offices in the area, one of the first post offices, and a school. Millford, just upstream, was a thriving boom town. Earlier, around 1800, it was home to trading posts that represented the interests of the major trading companies; The Hudson Bay Company, The Northwest Company, the XY Company, and the independents.

When the first traders set up posts near the mouth of the Souris River, just before 1800, they were surprised that some neighboring natives could recite Catholic prayers. This was a tribute to the persuasive powers of a priest brought to the region by Sieur de La Verendrye some five decades earlier. LaVerendrye did not establish any posts in the immediate vicinity, but he did do enough exploring (or consultation with the native inhabitants) to map the area roughly.

The first Brandon House was located in the small clearing just right of centre, about 100 metres north of the river. The YY and Northwest Co. posts were opposite. 

Before the traders, and before LaVerendrye, the area was home to the Nakota, whom they called the Stone Indians (Ossinepoilles / Assiniboines), The visitors assigned them that name from their practice of using hot stones to cook meat. A hole in ground lined was lined with buffalo hide. Water was poured in, meat was added and then they put in heated stones. This method served them well until kettles we introduced. While the traders of the Northwest Company referred to the major tributary of the Red River as the "Upper Red", it was soon generally known as the Assiniboine, and the territory surrounding it was "Assiniboia". 

In the period around beginning of the 19th century, as many as five competing trading posts were operating in the Souris Mouth area. They were often similar in pattern. They had to be strategically created for defense against, yet for trade with, the Aboriginal people. They were near the old trails, on knolls or elevations.

This photo was taken from the north. The first Brandon House was located in the small clearing just right of centre, about 100 metres north of the river. The YY and Northwest Co. posts were south of the river.    

The Souris enters the Assiniboine

Approaching the Brandon House site from the river, in 2017.

A slight depression, formerly a basement, is one of the few remaining signs  of human habitation is of 2017.

The H.B.C. post Brandon House was a good example. It was accessible to river, and had a good view of both banks and surrounding country, but it was approached with difficulty from land because it was surrounded by swamps.

A stockade was built, possibly of 8 - 10 ft. poles. The buildings would usually include a two story structure like a hotel that served as a store. It was located just inside gate and had two parts - one with a counter open to Indians - the other for stores and arms Several dwellings provided residences for the "Winterers" (more important factors or managers).

The XY and La Souris Forts

Internal strife in the Northwest Company caused the breakaway of a group who called themselves the XY Company, so named for the large XY they marked on their bales of fur to distinguish them from the produce of the North West Co. They located on the south bank across from Assiniboine House. In 1805 the breakaway XY co reunited with the NW Co.. Both Fort XY and Fort Assiniboine closed and a new fort was built in same quarter section on the south bank.

The rivalry between the competing fur traders was carried on in a somewhat gentlemanly fashion for many years. Harmon recounts the story of his visit to the Souris Mouth area in 1805 that Mr. Chaboillez, the manager of the Northwest fort invited people of the other two forts to a ball. Drinking went on into the night and was followed up with breakfast in the morning. The trade had its ups and downs, but when game was abundant there was food for all and trade enough to support the various factions. Other forces were coming into play however. Lord Selkirk's Red River Settlement was not well received by the Northwest Company and many of the Metis who made their livings trading and hunting. As competition became fiercer, hostilities broke out.

In 1816 a group of Metis, who were in league with the Northwesters (some would say manipulated by them), and who were on their way to what eventually became known as the massacre at Seven Oaks, looted and burned the buildings at Brandon House. This was in response to an HBC edict banning trade in pemmican, which was in turn a measure to ensure adequate supply for the Red River colonists. It was rebuilt in summer and fall but was again attacked. A decision was made to rebuild on the south side of the river. Peter Fidler who was in charge at the time reports that in 1818 it was comprised of smith and cooper's shops, a trading room, provisions stores, stables, and houses. It was rebuilt twice more and operated at a location upstream, overlooking Glen Souris, from 1828 until it was closed in 1832.

Life in the Forts

The inhabitants of the forts varied with seasons. The more or less permanent guards stayed year round with their wives and children. Various hunters and peddlers were less permanent residents. The traders set out from Michilmacimac or Fort William in early spring. The boats were rowed by "comers and goers" also called "the pork eaters". It was a two month trip. They brought rolls of Brazil tobacco, kegs of powder, cloth, wine, vermilion, beads, and axes. All value was computed in reference to beaver pelts. For example, one horse would equal sixty skins, a gun might be fifteen skins.

The People

No account of the times would be complete without at least a brief look at some of the central characters. The Hudson Bay Company, in particular, has kept records of its commerce in the area but for more personal accounts we must rely on diaries, letters and journals. In fact several of the key figures in the exploration and exploitation of the area kept detailed journals.

At Brandon House in 1815 the bourgeois in charge was a surveyor by trade named Peter Fidler. Peter had, by that time, had a wide variety of experience across the west. Thanks to him we have some detailed accounts of life in that time and place. His reports on the daily life of the fort he managed and visited help give us a picture. He also left us with a rather good map of the region, though why it was drawn upside down we don't know.
As was the custom, he married an aboriginal wife. In other ways he was quite the eccentric. He is remembered for his rather unique will. He stipulated that, after other dispositions the remaining money was to be put in "public funds and the interest annually to be added to the capital" until 1969 (200 years after his birth and that the proceeds be given to the male heir in direct descent from his son Peter. He miscalculated, however, as there was no money left to invest. He was both eccentric and a bit optimistic.

The explorer David Thompson called Assiniboine House home for just over two months. This was just shortly after he quit the employ of the Hudson Bay Co, when they insisted he stop his exploration and map activities and concentrate on the fur trade. The rival Northwest Company was only too happy to enlist his services. He set out from Assiniboine House on Tue. Nov. 28 1797 on a journey south. On Dec. 7 he stayed at Ash House near Hartney. He traveled to the Missouri River. On the way back he stopped at Souris (Plum Creek). He arrived back at Assiniboine House on Feb. Feb. 3 1798. He also explored the sand hills that winter.

Thompson was a bit of a bit of an exception to the pattern his contemporaries had established. Being a devoutly religious man who neither drank nor cursed, he spoke out against the trading of alcohol to the Indians and seemed to be a defender of Indian culture in general. And although he did follow the custom of taking a native wife, unlike many others he regarded it as a permanent arrangement. His fourteen-year-old bride probably had no cause to expect such a commitment. They did indeed stay together 'til death." and raised thirteen children together.

For several years Alexander Henry (The Younger), another explorer who was to go on to bigger and better things, was stationed at the Northwest Fort at Pembina, where in addition to supervising operations there he experimented with gardening and kept a pet bear. On July 7, 1806 he set out from Pembina on a journey to the Mandan Villages in the Missouri River territory. He stopped at Pine Fort on July 12. He passed through the sand hills, to Brandon House (the opposing company), and they ferried him across to La Souris House. After two days rest he set out again on July 14 with seven men and eight horses.

He passed from Brandon House, over the Moosehead Hills (Brandon Hills) noted Lake Clementi and the view to the north where he could make out the spot where the Rapid River (Little Saskatchewan) entered the Assiniboine.

He stopped at Ash House near Hartney before going south to Mandan country. He returned to La Souris on August 9 by way of the Turtle Mountains. He crossed the Souris at a place he called the Grand Passage - between Margaret and Nesbitt a few miles above the input from the Rib-Bone lakes.

His journals contain a matter-of-fact daily account of his life and travels. They reveal a man who had little respect for his native contemporaries. Although he did acknowledge that the liquor trade was destroying them, he pressed on with business as usual.

Agriculture & Food

From the start the fur traders tried to supplement their provisions with some form of agriculture with mixed results. Cucumbers, melons and onions were grown. Potatoes had been introduced as early as 1780. Cabbages and turnip were main crops for a time. Wheat was grown, and oats were tried.

Wild rice was harvested in small lakes east of Brandon House. The rivers were full of fish. In the spring sturgeon would go upstream from Lake Winnipeg as high as the Shell River. The Aboriginals would build fences in the rivers to keep them from returning. In 1811 seed potatoes, horses, and perhaps seed grain were available at Brandon House.

The Hartney – Lauder Posts

Two groups of fur trading posts played a unique role in the history of the Southwest Corner.  Whereas the relatively short-lived Souris Mouth Posts were an important first step in the transition to the European based agricultural society that would later develop, the posts along the Souris in the Hartney-Lauder area provided a more direct link between the fur-trade economy and the settlement era.

The Lauder Sandhills

The Lauder Sandhills, were created between 10,000 and 8,000 years ago, when the glaciers from the last ice age receded to the north, leaving huge lakes in their wake. Glacial Lake Hind covered the area around present-day Hartney. Over the site of the Lauder Sandhills a delta formed where a river ran into the still body of Lake Hind. Sand deposits built up over this spot and remained after the glacial lakes had drained from the landscape.

As European activity and settlement around Red River increased, the bison retreated westward and were attracted to the shelter provided by the Lauder Sandhills. The nearby the Souris River and surrounding grasslands made the hills an appealing sanctuary. The first fur trade posts in the Southwest Corner were located along the Souris River in the sandhills,

European fur traders began visiting the Souris River in the late 1770s to take advantage of the fur bearing creatures that lived along its banks. Starting in 1795, traders were building trading posts farther west, along the Souris River. Between Hartney and Lauder, four important posts have been identified. These posts were along the river and close to the grazing grounds of the buffalo.  The production and supply of pemmican, was a big part of their business. The posts had access to the surrounding plains - the grazing grounds of the bison and were key to the production and supply of pemmican, which supported the rest of the fur trade.

The first fur post established on the river was Ash Fort in 1795 by the X.Y. Fur Trading Company. Canadian explorer David Thompson spent about two days in the region in December of 1797.

The American Fort

On the north bank of the Souris, almost straight north of Lauder, is a site locals referred to as the American Fort, likely built by the American Fur Company in about 1810. The size of its chimney mounds indicate that it was in operation for some time, but few records have been found to tell us more.

Fort Mr. Grant

In 1824, Cuthbert Grant, a youthful Metis leader was encouraged by HBC Governor Simpson, to counter competition from Americans and other independent fur traders in the Souris Valley. He built Fort Grant on the Souris River, about two miles southwest of Hartney.

Maria, daughter of Cuthbert Grant, was born in 1820. She married Armand Breland who played an important part in the trading posts on the Souris River, and whose son, Thomas, would be one of the first homesteaders in Grande Clairiere.

Fort Grant operated from 1824-1861, part of this time as a winter fort only.

Fort Desjarlais

In 1836, Joseph Desjarlais, a man the Indians called “Hairy Legs" and who seemed to have a special status with the Indians established his post a few kilometres upstream, directly north of Lauder.

It featured a sturdy oak palisade surrounding a long log building and several smaller ones. The Souris River ran past the south wall. As the site was in the territory frequented by Dakota war parties it was well protected. At its peak there would often be over seventy men at the fort. It operated for about twenty years, and was likely destroyed in the great prairie fire that swept the region in 1856.

It is believed that Desjarlais and his men were also buffalo hunters - trading buffalo robes and selling pemmican to the Hudson Bay Company.

Hartney area resident Madame LaFontaine, whose father, Francois Jeannot worked in both forts Grant and Desjarlais, is another link to the Fur Trade era.  She married one of the workers at Fort Desjarlais and gave birth to Philomene (Vodon) and a son, Pierre, who together were have provided modern historians with first hand accounts of life at these posts.

This fort was very large for this area and few forts or posts Western Canada operated for such a long time.


A sketch from the “Souris Valley Plains” by Larry Clarke, based upon his extensive research.

A contingent of about 75 men occupied the post - perhaps so many were needed as protection from Cuthbert Grant. Grant's job was to remove the independent traders from the plains and stop trading with the Americans. Desjarlais had strong connections with the American Indians, so perhaps the post was an organized attempt by the Metis to continue this illegal trade.

Canadian fur traders used rum and wine extensively in their trade with the Indian' The volume of liquor was increased by mixing it with chewing tobacco, red pepper, red ink and water. This mixture was called "firewater". Joseph Desjarlais was charged on many occasions, by the Fort Garry authorities for his practice of using liquor to deal with the Indians. There also exists the possibility that Desjarlais was smuggling American corn liquor into Canada and Canadian furs into the United States.

A Changing Economy

Around 1850 the fur trade was becoming a less important part of the economy of our country. 

The young Dominion of Canada was turning its attention away from the industry of the fur trade and towards the agenda of agricultural settlement. During 1873 and 1874 the international boundary between Canada and the United States was marked and both countries began surveying the land, judging its suitability for agriculture and dividing it into the section-township-range system – for use as farms.


The Desjarlais site in 2016
A New Era

By 1850 independent traders in collusion with American fur buyers were destroying the HBC monopoly. The Red River Colony also resisted efforts to enforce the monopoly. The forts at Souris Mouth had all been abandoned by 1832. Fort Ellice, many miles upstream on the Assiniboine became the focal point for the HBC, while the forts of independents and Americans were located in the Hartney - Lauder area.

At the same time, railroads were being built westward in the US, threatening the Great Lakes trade route. North-South trade routes were established and flourished. The HBC was losing control.

Was agriculture viable on these prairies? The HBC wasn't interested in an objective answer, but many years earlier the people in charge of the forts had already determined much earlier that "anything will grow here." But could it be grown in quantities, and efficiently enough to still be a cash crop once you factor in transportation to the market - meaning the cities of Upper and Lower Canada?

The Canadian government commissioned Professor Henry Youle Hind, a Toronto geologist to explore the region in light of that question. During the summer of 1859 he and his party of 13 men explored southwestern Manitoba. They camped at the mouth of the Souris and took the first photographs of that river. They were particularly impressed by the grasshoppers which Hind insisted took only ten minutes to destroy three pairs of woolen trousers, but they also noticed the numbers of fish rising to catch grasshoppers. They were watchful of the Sioux whom Hind called the "tigers of the plains", and they noted the beauty of the Brandon Hills. They noted the lack of timber, but found what they were looking for - fertile land.

By this time the invention of machine pressed cloth felt was beginning to kill the beaver trade. Glossy top hats replaced "beavers" as fashionable headgear in Western Europe. Lower demand for beaver, coupled with the fact that they were increasingly hard (time-consuming, expensive) to find, spelled the beginning of the end for the fur trade. 
In 1869 HBC sold most of Rupert's Land to Dominion of Canada. In 1870 Manitoba joined as the fifth province. Before long settlers lured by cheap land - "without the tedious and exhausting labour of years required in woodland farming...." were finding their way westward.

For $10 you got a quarter section provided certain improvements were made within a three year period. You could also apply for a pre-emption on an additional quarter. It was too good a deal for an adventuresome person to pass up.

The Manitoba Boom of the 1870's and 80's affected the Souris Mouth particularly in the years from 1879 to 1882.

In 1879 the first European settlers to the Westman area were favouring the region to the north of the Assiniboine. The wooded valley of the Little Saskatchewan River was attractive. The towns of Minnedosa and Rapid City were established, and there was considerable expectation the rail link to the west would pass through the region. The Grand Valley / Currie's Landing settlements were established

By 1880 settlement had started in the Souris Mouth area, where Millford became the first established village south of the Assiniboine.

As settlement proceeded along the Souris Valley and to the south, the Millford area was a well-traveled corridor and a centre of commerce for the region. Souris City, located about half way between Millford and the Souris Bend, became the second trade centre in the area.

By 1882 the first wave of settlement had occupied most of the prime farm land. What followed was a sort of settling-in period as people became accustomed to the new way of life and patterns of commerce and transportation sorted themselves out.

In a few short years, the area went from being largely uninhabited to being well populated.


Brown, Mrs. A.E. , The Fur Trade Posts of the Souris-Mouth Area, The Historical and Scientific Society of Manitoba Papers Series III
Brown, Roy, The Brandon Hill Connection, Tourism Unlimited, Brandon Mb
Brown, Roy, The Fort Brandon Story, Tourism Unlimited, 158 8th St. Brandon Mb
Clarke, Lawrence, B. Souris Valley Plains: A History , Souris Plaindealer, Souris Mb.
Mackie, H., Pine Fort: A Preliminary Report , Manitoba Museum of Man and Nature, 1972
McMorran, Souris River Posts, Souris Plaindealer, 1950
Kavanagh, Martin, The Assiniboine Basin, The Gresham Press, Old Woking, Surrey, England
Welsted, John, Everitt, John, And Stadel, Christoph : The Geography of Manitoba : Its Land and People. University of Manitoba Press

Identifying the Sites

Roy Brown's 1974 book, "The Fort Brandon Story" examines earlier research and conludes that Brandon House #1 was on the north west side of the river across from Mair's Creek.

The region as Hind saw it in 1858.

A cairn erected at the site of Brandon House #3

The region in the early 1800's - showing Thompson's route.


Brown, Mrs. A.E. , The Fur Trade Posts of the Souris-Mouth Area, The Historical and Scientific Society of Manitoba Papers Series III
Brown, Roy, The Brandon Hill Connection, Tourism Unlimited, Brandon Mb
Brown, Roy, The Fort Brandon Story, Tourism Unlimited, 158 8th St. Brandon Mb
Clarke, Lawrence, B. Souris Valley Plains : A History , Souris Plaindealer, Souris Mb.
Mackie, H., Pine Fort : A Preliminary Report , Manitoba Museum of Man and Nature, 1972
McMorran, Souris River Posts, Souris Plaindealer, 1950
Kavanagh, Martin, The Assiniboine Basin, The Gresham Press, Old Woking, Surrey, England
Welsted, John, Everitt, John, And Stadel, Christoph : The Geography of Manitoba : Its Land and People. University of Manitoba Press