A two-storey, red-brick veneer residence southeast of Carberry in the Municipality of North Cypress-Langford was built in 1896 for businessman and MLA Robert F. Lyons, who occupied it until 1919. It was purchased by farmer Thomas Switzer (1864-1943) who lived here until 1927, then by his son and daughter-in-law Willard and Margaret Switzer until 1952. The final occupants appear to have been Stanley Paluch (1899-1983), Madeline Sokryka Krawec (1915-2009) and their four children. The elder Paluchs moved to a farm at McCreary in 1964 after selling the property to Harold Shirtliff of Starbuck. At the time of a 2016 site visit, the structure was badly deteriorated and densely encroached by vegetation.
Lyons House (no date)
Source: Carberry Plains Museum
The former Lyons House (1970)
Source: Ed Paluch
Members of the Paluch family at a meal in the former Lyons House (1972)
Source: Ed Paluch
The former Lyons House (no date)
Source: Ed Paluch
The former Lyons House (June 2016)
Source: Gordon Goldsborough
The former Lyons House (June 2016)
Source: Gordon Goldsborough
The former Lyons House (May 2021)
Source: Rose Kuzina
The former Lyons House (May 2021)
Source: Rose Kuzina
Interior of the former Lyons House (June 2016)
Source: Gordon GoldsboroughSite Location (lat/long): N49.85965, W99.34836
denoted by symbol on the map above
See also:
Memorable Manitobans: Robert Fern Lyons (1856-1926)
Memorable Manitobans: Thomas Willard Harper Switzer (1901-1995)
Historic Sites of Manitoba: Abandoned Manitoba
Carberry Plains - Century One: 1882-1982 by Carberry History Book Committee, 1982, page 137.
Canadian voter lists, Ancestry.
Obituary [Stanley Paluch], Winnipeg Free Press, 27 December 1983, page 45.
The People of the Big Plain by Carberry-North Cypress 125 History Book Committee, 2007, page 511.
Obituary [Madeline Paluch Kasprick], Neepawa Banner, 20 February 2009, page 14.
We thank Reid Dickie, Ed Paluch, and Rose Kuzina for providing additional information used here.
This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough.
Page revised: 24 July 2021
Historic Sites of Manitoba
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