Historic Sites of Manitoba: Grand Rapids Fish Hatchery (McKay Avenue, Grand Rapids)

This two-storey concrete building at Grand Rapids near the Grand Rapids Generating Station was designed by the architectural firm of McFeetors Tergesen Sedun and built for the Manitoba government between 1971 and 1972 by the B. F. Klassen Construction Company of Winnipeg. It contained equipment for breeding, hatching, and rearing fish as well as laboratories and office space for biologists and administrative staff.

The hatchery was sold to Manitoba Hydro in 2007 but was operated in partnership with the provincial government until 2012.

Grand Rapids Fish Hatchery

Grand Rapids Fish Hatchery (October 2023)
Source: Glen Toews

Grand Rapids Fish Hatchery

Grand Rapids Fish Hatchery (October 2023)
Source: Glen Toews

Grand Rapids Fish Hatchery

Grand Rapids Fish Hatchery (October 2023)
Source: Glen Toews

Site Coordinates (lat/long): N53.16304, W99.27727
denoted by symbol on the map above

See also:

Manitoba Business: McFeetors Tergesen Sedun Architects

Manitoba Business: B. F. Klassen Construction Company

Manitoba Business: Manitoba Power Commission / Manitoba Hydro-Electric Board / Winnipeg Hydro / Manitoba Hydro

Historic Sites of Manitoba: Grand Rapids Generating Station (Saskatchewan River, Grand Rapids)


“Province of Manitoba notice of tender,” Winnipeg Free Press, 28 August 1971, page 59.

“Fish matchery [sic] to be built at Grand Rapids,” Winnipeg Free Press, 11 December 1971, page 21.

Grand Rapids Fish Hatchery, Nelson River Sturgeon Committee.

Fisheries and Stewardship, Manitoba Hydro.

We thank Glen Toews for providing additional information used here.

This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough.

Page revised: 22 October 2023

Historic Sites of Manitoba

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