The Giroux School District was organized formally in May 1914 and a school building was erected in Giroux, in the Rural Municipality of Ste. Anne. It closed in June 1966, as the area became part of the Hanover School Division. The building was demolished in 2011.
Among the teachers who worked at Giroux School were: Helen Winstone, May Chalmers, Brenda MacLean, Fred MacLean, Lizzie Wilson, Mrs. W. H. Cook, Ruby W. Wood, Mary M. MacLean, William Maynard, Christina Keating, Clara E. Chalmers, Nora Singleton, Julia Louise Baldwin, Miss Annie Kowalson (1930-1934), Hannah Keating, Edith Kelly, Ida Pearl Irwin Rougeau, Helen K. Paterson, Alice Benoit Belanger (1944-1946), Frances Rodgers MacCoy (1946-1947), Cecile Lambert (1947-1948), Betty Teichrobe, Minty Reimer, Elizabeth McKenzie Borden (1949-1950), Lawrence W. Ulasy (1950-1955), Leo Carriere, Josephine Sinclair, Gilbert P. Unger, Lawrence McGill (1962-1963), Neil McTavish (1963-1966), and Eva Barkman (1966).
A monument commemorating the school was dedicated at a reunion held on 12 July 2014.
Giroux School (no date) by A. A. Herriot
Source: Archives of Manitoba, School Inspectors Photographs,
GR8461, A0233, C131-3, page 27.
The former Giroux School building (circa 1986)
Source: Historic Resources Branch, Public School Buildings Inventory, slide 1217.
The former Giroux School building (circa 1986)
Source: Historic Resources Branch, Public School Buildings Inventory, slide 1218.
The former Giroux School building (no date)
Source: Ken Jacobs
The former Giroux School building (May 2008)
Source: Ernest Braun
The former Giroux School building (no date)
Source: Oscar Reimer
Giroux School commemorative monument (July 2014)
Source: Giroux School Reunion CommitteeSite Coordinates (lat/long): N49.57509, W96.56624
denoted by symbol on the map above
One Hundred Years in the History of the Rural Schools of Manitoba: Their Formation, Reorganization and Dissolution (1871-1971) by Mary B. Perfect, MEd thesis, University of Manitoba, April 1978.
A Study of Public School Buildings in Manitoba by David Butterfield, Historic Resources Branch, Manitoba Department of Culture, Heritage and Tourism, 1994, 230 pages.
Schools - Our Heritage: From 46 School Districts to Hanover Unitary School Division (1878-1968) by John K. Schellenberg, The Board of The Hanover School Division No. 15, May 1985, ISBN 0-919673-93-7.
Memories: 1915 to 1966, Giroux School Reunion, July 12, 2014, Giroux School Reunion Committee, 2014.
We thank Ken Jacobs, Oscar Reimer, Gerry McDonald, Ernest Braun, Sharon Mann, and Nathan Kramer for providing additional information used here.
This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough.
Page revised: 21 November 2020
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