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The Silver Creek School District was organized formally in 1884 and a school building was erected at Silverton in what is now the Rural Municipality of Riding Mountain West. The original building was subsequently replaced by the present structure, which still stands on the original site. The district was dissolved in 1967 when students were sent to Russell Consolidated School No. 2454, which became part of the Pelly Trail School Division.
Among the teachers of Silver Creek School were N. D. Sheeke? (1884), Walter McKay (Spring 1885), Lizzie M. Peddie (Fall 1885), Martha W. Hogg (Spring 1886 - Fall 1887), Ruth E? Brant (Spring-Fall 1888), Donald McDonald (Spring 1889 - Fall 1892), R. M. Thorjaron? (Spring-Fall 1893), Hugh R. Ross (Spring - pt Fall 1894), Nettie Reekie (pt Fall 1895 - Spring 1896), Kate Stewart (Fall 1895 - Fall 1896), Robert Kiffen [Kippen?] (Spring-Fall 1897), Donald McKenzie (Spring 1898 - Fall 1900), Florence Yeates (Spring-Fall 1901), records not available (Spring 1902 - Fall 1904), Wilfred L. Atkinson (pt Spring 1905), Emily Shaw (pt Spring 1905), T. H. Squibb? (Fall 1905), Thomas M. Wallace (Spring-Fall 1906), Innis? McDonald (Spring 1907 - pt Spring 1909, Fall 1909), J. Mabel Davidson (pt Spring 1909, Spring 1910 - Fall 1911), Nellie W. Anderson (Spring 1912), Olga L. Clee (Fall 1912 - Spring 1913), Mabel Hainstock (Fall 1913 - Spring 1914), William John Hellis (Fall 1914 - Spring 1915), Jessie McIntyre (Fall 1915), Edith Greenwood (Spring 1916), O. E. Eleanor Hamlen (Fall 1916 - Spring 1919), Marion Campbell (Fall 1919 - Spring 1920), Edith E. Ward (Fall 1920 - Spring 1921), Gladys W. Moore (Fall 1921), Jessie M. Bell (Spring 1922 - Spring 1924), Henry R. Sallans (Fall 1924 - Spring 1926), Mary Louise Day (Fall 1926 - Spring 1928), Norah Jean Stewart (Fall 1928 - Fall 1929), Ella May Patterson (Spring 1930), Ruth Elizabeth Crowe (Fall 1930 - Spring 1933 & August 1933 - March 1934), Florence Lillian Crowe (April-June 1934), Doris Mary Chandler (Fall 1934 - Spring 1938), Eleanor Hannah Brook (Fall 1938 - Spring 1941), Gladys Irene Poole (Fall 1941 - Spring 1944), Margaret I. Proven (Fall 1944 - Spring 1945), Dorothy Isabel Whitmer (Fall 1945 - Spring 1946), Wanda Alexandria Lechowicz (Fall 1946 - Spring 1947), Annie E. Lawson (Fall 1947 - Spring 1950), Olga Elizabeth Zemliak (Fall 1950 - Spring 1952), Shirley Anne Hagglund (Fall 1952 - Spring 1954), Elsie Nawalkowski (Fall 1954 - Spring 1955), Theodore Michael Sherloski (Fall 1955 - Spring 1956), William Harvey Andrews (Fall 1956 - Spring 1958), Elizabeth Betke (Fall 1958 - Spring 1961), Nydia Evelyn Kostiuk (Fall 1961 - Spring 1964), and Tena Boryskiewich [Boriskavich] (Fall 1964 - Spring 1967).
The original Silver Creek School (no date) by G. W. Bartlett
Source: Archives of Manitoba, School Inspectors Photographs,
GR8461, A0233, C131-1, page 14.
The former Silver Creek School building (June 2012)
Source: Gordon GoldsboroughSite Coordinates (lat/long): N50.76769, W101.16021
denoted by symbol on the map above
See also:
Historic Sites of Manitoba: Silver Creek Centennial Monument (Angusville, RM of Riding Mountain West)
One Hundred Years in the History of the Rural Schools of Manitoba: Their Formation, Reorganization and Dissolution (1871-1971) by Mary B. Perfect, MEd thesis, University of Manitoba, April 1978.
A Study of Public School Buildings in Manitoba by David Butterfield, Historic Resources Branch, Manitoba Department of Culture, Heritage and Tourism, 1994, 230 pages.
Board of Education registers (A 0050), GR7643, Archives of Manitoba.
Summative half-yearly returns for school districts (A 0051), GR0571, Archives of Manitoba.
Board of Education meeting minutes and office files (A 0052), GR1622, Archives of Manitoba.
School division half-yearly attendance reports (E 0757), Archives of Manitoba.
Manitoba School Records Collection, Silver Creek School District No. 288 - Daily Registers, GR2061, Archives of Manitoba.
This page was prepared by Nathan Kramer and Gordon Goldsborough.
Page revised: 11 September 2023
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