Historic Sites of Manitoba: Norwood United Church / Winnipeg Church of Christ (170 St. Mary’s Road, Winnipeg)

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Clerics | Photos & Coordinates | Sources

This United Church in the Norwood area of Winnipeg was built between 1947 and 1948 to replace an earlier church, formerly the Norwood Presbyterian Church at the corner of Eugenie and Kenny streets, that served local Presbyterians and Methodist after the 1926 union of these churches. Presbyterians who rejected union started a separate Norwood Presbyterian Church. In 1951, an addition to the building was made by contractor Gerard Alphonsus “Gerry” Baert.

In 2009, the building was purchased by the Winnipeg Church of Christ.

Clerics (Norwood Presbyterian)




J. D. McRae


R. J. Hay


Lennox Fraser


Dan McIvor

After 1926

See Norwood Presbyterian

Clerics (Norwood Methodist)




J. W. Melvin


R. L. McTavish


J. W. Runions


F. W. Bailey


Thomas Neville


J. A. Haw

Clerics (Norwood United)




J. A. Haw
Dan McIvor


J. E. Ramsden


John Fullerton Stewart (1879-1968)


T. M. Badger


W. J. Spence


Keith Donald Boughton (1927-2014)

Photos & Coordinates

Winnipeg Church of Christ

Winnipeg Church of Christ (February 2019)
Source: George Penner

Site Coordinates (lat/long): N49.87661, W97.12212
denoted by symbol on the map above

See also:

Manitoba Business: G. A. Baert Construction Company

Historic Sites of Manitoba: Norwood Presbyterian Church / Norwood Elks Lodge / Crossroads Mennonite Brethren Church (231 Kitson Street, Winnipeg)


“Norwood United to speed Sunday School, steeple,” Winnipeg Free Press, 21 April 1951, page 10.

Ville Cathedral de Saint Boniface: The Cathedral City, promotional pamphlet, c1958.

Obituary [John Fullerton Stewart], Winnipeg Tribune, 25 September 1968.

We thank Anthony Wlock for providing additional information used here.

This page was prepared by George Penner and Gordon Goldsborough.

Page revised: 15 February 2025

Historic Sites of Manitoba

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