Historic Sites of Manitoba: Montrose School (691 Montrose Street, Winnipeg)

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Conceived as a temporary measure by the Winnipeg School Division to accommodate a pulse of students arising from the post-war baby boom in Winnipeg, the original Montrose School building was constructed between 1953 and 1954 at a cost of about $200,000.

In 1957, its 14-classroom configuration was expanded with five additional classrooms, a therapy room, and two washrooms by the Fraser Construction Company at a cost of $71,976.

By 1999, it was determined that the school no longer met the needs of the area so a new building was constructed beside the original one, which was then demolished. The new Montrose School featured eight classrooms, computer room, library, life skills area, counseling space, gymnasium, and daycare facility. It opened in May 2000.





Victor Snelgrove Dotten (1908-1977)


Margaret Katherine McKinnon (1909-1996)


Bernice Geraldine Hearn (1915-2001)


Alice Mary Elizabeth Cheatley (1918-2017)


Barry Berger


Jack Nunn


Velma Eliasson


Robert Stefaniuk


Suzanne Mole


School Year



Miss S. Coyle, Miss H. Forrest, Miss B. Graham, Miss M. J. Hardy, E. V. Hjartarson, Miss A. Jachetta, Miss N. McArthur, Miss M. McIntyre, Mrs. D. Morden, Miss H. Osiowry, Mrs. M. Saxton, Miss E. Shorthose


Mrs. L. Feinstein, Miss H. Forrest, Mrs. V. Fox, Miss J. Fuge, Miss E. Fyles, Miss M. J. Hardy, Miss A. L. Jachetta, C. A. Kitchen, Miss M. MacIntyre, Miss H. R. Osiowry, Mrs. M. Saxton, Miss C. Schellenberg, Miss E. Shorthose, Mrs. V. Yard


Mrs. Jean Ellard, Miss I. Epp, Mrs. L. Feinstein, Miss H. Forrest, Miss Vivian Fox, Miss J. Fuge, Miss M. Hardy, Miss A. Jachetta, Miss M. Kendrick, C. Kitchen, Miss M. McIntyre, Miss D. Murta, Miss H. Osiowy, Mrs. N. Robertson, Miss K. Thompson


Mrs. J. Ellard, Miss I. Epp, Mrs. L. Feinstein, Miss H. Forrest, Mrs. V. Fox, Mr. H. C. Gluth, Edna Ruth Halford, Miss A. Jachetta, Miss M. Kendrick, Miss E. Luffman, Miss M. MacIntyre, Miss L. Malakoff, Henry Andrew Moroz, Miss D. Murta, Miss A. Sherebrin, Mrs. G. Smith, Mrs. B. Stebbing, Miss K. Thompson, Mrs. E. Thorlakson, Miss J. Whalebone


Miss M. Brand, Miss I. Cherneski, Miss M. Dennis, Mrs. J. Ellard, Mrs. T. Enns, Miss E. Epp, Mrs. V. Fox, Edna Ruth Halford, Miss A. Jachetta, Mrs. M. Karpiuk, Miss M. Kendrick, Miss M. McIntyre, Miss D. Murta, Mrs. F. Patey, Mrs. G. Smith, S. Solmundson, Mrs. D. J. Stanley, Mrs. B. Stebbing, Miss K. Thompson


Miss D. Chater, Mrs. M. A. Cooper, Mrs. E. Dyck, Mrs. J. Ellard, Mrs. V. Fox, Edna Ruth Halford, Miss A. Jachetta, Mrs. M. Karpiuk, Miss M. Kendrick, Miss H. Krewda, Miss W. Leese, Miss M. MacIntyre, Mrs. F. Patey, Miss M. Penner, S. Solmundson, Mrs. D. Stanley, Mrs. B. Stebbing, Miss J. L. Tennant, Joan Eleanor Tostowaryk, Miss K. Thompson, Miss R. Wright


Elementary Department: Mrs. M. Cooper, Mrs. E. Dyck, Mrs. J. Ellard, Mrs. V. Fox, Edna Ruth Halford, Miss M. Hawkins, Miss A. Jachetta, Miss M. Kendrick, Miss W. Leese, Miss M. McIntyre, E. Mitchler, Miss M. Nikkel, Mrs. F. Patey, Mrs. M. Penner, Mrs. D. Smith, S. Solmundson, Mrs. D. Stanley, Mrs. E. Stebbing, Joan Eleanor Tostowaryk. Intermediate Department: Mrs. M. Filyk, M. Johnson


Miss M. Birt, Mrs. M. Cooper, Miss C. Dalton, Miss M. Darby, Mrs. J. Ellard, Miss M. Enns, Miss L. Feser, Mrs. V. Fox, Mrs. I. Goodridge, Miss A. Jachetta, Miss M. Kendrick, Miss W. Leese, E. Mitchler, Miss D. Murta, Miss M. Penner, Miss G. Robertson, Mrs. D. Smith, S. Solmundson, Mrs. D. Stanley, Joan Eleanor Tostowaryk




Mrs. E. Arnason, Miss L. Asgierson, Mrs. S. Aylward, Miss M. Darby, Mrs. J. Ellard, Mrs. V. Fox, Miss A. Jachetta, Miss A. McIntyre, Miss M. McTaggart, E. Mitchler, Miss M. Penner, Miss G. Robertson, Miss M. Smigelski, Mrs. D. Smith, Miss A. Wharry, C. Wilde, J. Young


Mrs E. Arnason, Miss L. Asgierson, Mrs. S. Aylward, Mrs. E. Black, Miss M. Darby, Mrs. J. Ellard, Miss D. Fahner, Miss A. McIntyre, Miss M. McTaggart, E. Mitchler, Miss M. Penner, Miss H. Schellenberg, Miss M. Smigelski, C. Wilde, Miss A. Wharry, J. Young


Mrs. E. Arnason, Mrs. S. Aylward, Mrs. E. Black, Mrs. J. Carlson, Mrs. D. Cowan, Miss M. Darby, Mrs. J. Ellard, Mrs. R. George, Miss A. McIntyre, Miss M. McTaggart, E. Mitchler, Miss M. Penner, Miss M. Smigelski, W. Vargo, Miss A. Wharry, J. Young


Mrs. E. Arnason, Mrs. J. Carlson, Mrs. R. George, Miss S. Logan, Miss A. McIntyre, E. Mitchler, Mrs. V. Pelletier, Mrs. S. Rye, Miss M. Smigelski, Miss J. Summers, W. Vargo, Mrs. M. J. Walker, Miss A. M. Wiebe, Mrs. M. Wilcosh, J. Young


Mrs. E. Arnason, Mrs. M. Bennett, Mrs. J. Carlson, Mrs. R. George, Mrs. M. Gingras, Miss R. Love, Mrs. H. Merrill, Miss E. Metz, E. Mitchler, Mrs. M. Rye, Miss D. Sharpe, Natalie “Nellie” Sozansky, Mrs. A. Sweet, Mrs. V. Thornton, Mrs. J. Walker, Miss A. Wiebe, Mrs. L. Young


Mrs. E. Arnason, Mrs. M. Bennett, Mrs. J. Carlson, Mrs. J. Chapple, Mrs. I. Corroll, Ivor J. Davies, Mrs. E. Gebauer, Mrs. R. George, Mrs. M. Gingras, Miss P. Johnstone, Miss R. Love, Miss J. McKenzie, Mrs. H. Merrell, Miss E. Metz, Mrs. N. Rooke, Mrs. M. Rye, Miss D. Sharpe, Natalie “Nellie” Sozansky, Mrs. J. Walker


Ivor J. Davies, ?

Among the other teachers of Montrose School was Hildur Emily Sandberg (c1972).

Photos & Coordinates

Montrose School

Montrose School (1958)
Source: Archives of Manitoba, Government Photographs (CH 0267), GR10030, WG-7-13

Site Coordinates (lat/long): N49.85652, W97.18049
denoted by symbol on the map above

See also:

Historic Sites of Manitoba: Montrose School No. 242 (Municipality of North Cypress-Langford)


“$71,000 school addition endorsed,” Winnipeg Tribune, 6 March 1957, page 11.

Winnipeg School Division: Celebrating One Hundred Fifty Years, 1871-2021 by Winnipeg School Division, 2021.

We thank the Winnipeg School Division, Nathan Kramer, Ivor Davies, Avery Gillman, and Rick Wishart for providing information used here.

This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough.

Page revised: 6 March 2025

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