Located in the southwestern area of Memorial Park in Winnipeg, this stone monument commemorates Manitoba’s fallen Peace Officers, Firefighters, and those who died of workplace injuries and occupational diseases.
The origins of this monument date to 2007 with the passing of Bill 22 - The Firefighters, Peace Officers and Workers Memorial Foundations Act, which respectively created the Workers Memorial Foundation, Peace Officers Memorial Foundation, and Firefighters Memorial Foundation. Work on the monument began in 2013 following an agreement between the three foundations and the provincial government, along with donations from the government and the Manitoba Government Employees Union. The monument was designed by Scatliff Miller Murray and it features engravings on three large granite slabs.
A groundbreaking ceremony was held on 27 April 2018, one day before that year's National Day of Mourning, and it was unveiled officially at the National Day of Mourning on 28 April 2022, that day having been federally designated under the Workers Mourning Day Act in 1991.
Manitoba Workers Memorial (October 2024)
Source: Nathan Kramer
Manitoba Workers Memorial (October 2024)
Source: Nathan KramerSite Coordinates (lat/long): N49.88601, W97.14917
denoted by symbol on the map above
Name begins: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Death Date
Harry Adams
Winnipeg Fire Department
George Anderson Adams
Ste. Anne Fire Department
2 February 1996
Allan Assiniboine
Conservation Officer, Department of Mines and Natural Resources
27 July 1976
Keith Murray Bartley
Department of Natural Resources, Conservation Officer
29 November 1989
Bernard Bartmanovich
Winnipeg Fire Department
Eric Basarowich
Winnipeg Fire Department
Robert Beatson
Winnipeg Fire Department
John Beattie
Winnipeg Police Department, Constable
13 April 1911
Ronald Charles Bloomfield
RCMP, Constable (Swan River Detachment)
9 July 1954
Frank Brigham
Winnipeg Fire Department
Frederick J. “Fred” Brown
Brandon Fire & Emergency Services
6 April 1953
Les Brown
Winnipeg Fire Department
Robert Alexander James Brown
Manitou Fire Department
15 January 1930
Brian Bruce Brusegard
Winnipeg Fire Department, Captain
29 December 2013
John Campbell
Swan Lake Fire Department
Keith Campbell
Winnipeg Fire Department
Thomas P. Carroll
Barry J. Chipka
Winnipeg Fire Department
Frank Christie
Winnipeg Fire Department
John W. Clarkson
Municipal Constable, Deputy Sheriff
17 November 1905
Rhonda L. Commodore
The Pas Correctional Centre, Correctional Officer
6 November 2014
Winnipeg Fire Department and Canadian Corps of Firefighters, Senior Fireman
3 July 1944
Kenneth Davidson
Winnipeg Fire Department
Charles Dawson
Winnipeg Fire Department
Bruce Lindberg Davis
RCMP, Constable (Portage la Prairie Detachment)
8 January 1979
George de Beaujeu
Felix Desrochers
Winnipeg Fire Department
Harris Clarke Diack
Winnipeg Fire Department
18 June 2006
Fredrick “Fred” Dolding
St. James Fire Department
12 August 1929
Robert Dougherty
Winnipeg Fire Department
Gerald Doyle
Winnipeg Fire Department
Nestor Dudar
Winnipeg Fire Department
Leo Dusablon
Winnipeg Fire Department
Ron W. Dysart
Murray G. Eastoe
Winnipeg Fire Department
John Elgar
Winnipeg Fire Department
Ron Ellie
Winnipeg Fire Department
William Farrington
Winnipeg Fire Department
Ron J. Fehr
Winnipeg Fire Department
Gary Fenske
Winnipeg Fire Department
Anton Fladeby
Walter S. Flood
Alvin French
Winnipeg Fire Department
Albert ”Bert” Fries
Portage la Prairie Fire Department
Werner R. Friesen
Brian Earl Fuller
Winnipeg Fire Department, Captain
2 July 2023
Anthony Gallager
Winnipeg Fire Department
Lawrence C. Gant
Lionel Aime Gauthier
La Broquerie Fire Department
9 December 2022
Ervin Jack Giesbrecht
RCMP, Corporal (Hybord Detachment)
20 June 1964
Henry Giesbrecht
Winnipeg Fire Department
Charles Gillis MM
Winnipeg Police Department, Constable
7 February 1936
Lorne O. Green
Winnipeg Fire Department
Stanley Green
Corrections, Carpentry instructor (Stony Mountain Penitentiary)
22 July 1974
Albert E. Grundy
Winnipeg Fire Department
Jerry Guenther
Winnipeg Fire Department
Paul J. Gyselinck
Winnipeg Fire Department
George Ronald Hawkins
RCMP, Corporal (Brandon Detachment)
6 June 1968
Andrew Hebenton
Winnipeg Fire Department
Preston R. Heinbigner
Winnipeg Fire Department
Leslie Helman
Winnipeg Fire Department
Winnipeg Police Department, Detective
27 June 1970
Robert Hughes
Winnipeg Fire Department
Robert Innes
Winnipeg Fire Department
Brian Edward Johnston
Winnipeg Fire Department
1 July 2002
Richard “Rick” Johnson
Springfield Fire & Rescue Services
Gary Johnson
Winnipeg Fire Department
Edward Paul “Ted” Jordan
Portage la Prairie Fire Department
21 August 2022
Kenneth “Ken” Joss
Winnipeg Fire Department, Captain
17 November 2021
Edward J. Kelsch
Winnipeg Fire Department
William “Bill” Kidd
Winnipeg Fire Department
David B. Kitching
Winnipeg Fire Department
Reynold Klassen
Winnipeg Fire Department
Elford Knox
Winnipeg Fire Department
John Krahn
Winnipeg Fire Department
Morris J. Lawrence
Winnipeg Fire Department
Stanley George Lee
Portage la Prairie Fire Department
Laurence Lees Jr
Dominion Forest Ranger (Riding Mountain National Park District)
13 July 1932
Harold A. Lessard
Winnipeg Fire Department, Captain
4 February 2007
Robert Craig Logan
Department of Mines and Natural Resources
3 November 1983
Guy Lovel
Winnipeg Fire Department
Glen A. Lucas
Winnipeg Fire Department
Frank Lunney
Winnipeg Fire Department
Donald Ross MacDonell
RCMP, Constable
19 April 1931
Peter Magdic
RCMP, Constable (Portage la Prairie Detachment)
18 November 2001
Tyler Riley Manych
Ronald Martin
Winnipeg Fire Department
William Martin
Winnipeg Fire Department
Norman Massan
RCMP, Special Constable
19 April 1931
Donald Ross MacDonell
19 April 1931
Douglas McAdam
Winnipeg Fire Department
David W. McCorriston
Winnipeg Fire Department
Peter McCrae
Winnipeg Fire Department
Alexander McCurdy
Manitoba Provincial Police, Inspector
11 November 1920
Alfred McDonald
Winnipeg Fire Department
James S. McDonald
Winnipeg Fire Department
John McDonald
Winnipeg Police Department, Constable
10 February 1940
Mel M. McEachern
Brandon Fire & Emergency Services
John McEwan
Winnipeg Fire Department
George C. McLean
Winnipeg Fire Department
Keith McLeod
Brandon Fire & Emergency Services
William McLeod
William McIlhagga
Winnipeg Fire Department
Charles McPherson
Winnipeg Fire Department
Edward McTaggart
Winnipeg Fire Department
Donald Melville
Winnipeg Fire Department
23 December 1926 (Winnipeg Theatre Fire)
Kenneth Merritt
Winnipeg Fire Department
Arthur Gary Miller
Winnipeg Fire Department
Edward Molyneux
Winnipeg Fire Department
Frederick [Fredrick] “Fred” Moose Sr.
28 June 1995
Harry Morphy
Charles Wickens Morrish
Department of Mines and Natural Resources, Conservation Officer
3 April 1966
Alexander “Alex” Morrison
St. James Fire Department
12 August 1929
James Thomas Murray
Winnipeg Fire Department
31 March 1940
Ronald Murray
Winnipeg Fire Department
Abe Neufeld
Winnipeg Fire Department
Richard Henry Nicholson
RCMP, Sergeant
31 December 1928
Thomas W. Nichols
Winnipeg Fire Department
John “Jack” Nicol (1935-2015)
Winnipeg Fire Department
James Aldridge O'Malley
RCMP, Sergeant (Gillam Detachment)
28 October 1970
George E. Olmstead
Winnipeg Fire Department
Dennis Anthony Onofrey
RCMP, Constable
23 January 1978
Edward J. Palamar
Winnipeg Fire Department
Alfred J. Papson
Winnipeg Fire Department
Willie R. Patchnose
Edwin Leinman Pearse
Manitoba Corrections, Guard (Vaughan Street Detention Home)
11 November 1943
Henry Harold Philpott
Winnipeg Fire Department, Acting Captain
22 December 2007
John Pitolay
Winnipeg Fire Department
Allan Douglas Poapst
RCMP, Constable
13 December 2019
Manitoba Provincial Police, Chief Constable
23 July 1880
Lawrence “Larry” Quinn
Winnipeg Fire Department
14 June 1990
Bruce Relke
Winnipeg Fire Department
Robert L. Richardson
Winnipeg Fire Department
David C. Rivers
Winnipeg Fire Department
Donald Robertson
Winnipeg Fire Department
Jamie Robertson
Charles Rooke
Manitoba Provincial Police, Constable
3 February 1913
Kenneth Ross
Winnipeg Fire Department
Fred Edgar Roy
Winnipeg Fire Department, Captain
15 October 2008
Norman J. Roziere
Brandon Fire & Emergency Services
Arthur James Ryan
Brandon Fire & Emergency Services
Norbert Sabourin
Winnipeg Fire Department
Walter Samson
Winnipeg Fire Department
Joseph Kasimir Sander
RCMP, Constable (Swan River Detachment)
Frank Sandison
Winnipeg Fire Department
24 March 1945 (Robinson-Webber Building Fire)
Barry P. Schedler
Winnipeg Fire Department
Pete Schesnuk
Brandon Fire & Emergency Services
Gerhard Schilke
Winnipeg Fire Department
Thomas W. Scrase
Dauphin Fire Department
Harold Stanley Seigel
RCMP, Constable (St. Pierre Detachment)
26 September 1971
Leonard Shakespeare
St. Boniface Police Department, Constable
18 July 1969
John G. Shaw
RCMP, Constable (Swan River Detachment)
4 October 1935
Robert Smith Shearer
Winnipeg Fire Department
23 December 1926 (Winnipeg Theatre Fire)
James Edwin “Ted” Sims
Winnipeg Police Department, Sergeant
16 July 1950
Kenneth Wayne “Ken” Skwark
Natural Resources Department, Officer (Winnipegosis Office)
28 June 1995
Arthur Robert Smith
Winnipeg Fire Department
23 December 1926 (Winnipeg Theatre Fire)
Gerald Bruce Smith
Winnipeg Fire Department, Captain
26 May 2021
James Mitchell Smith
Winnipeg Fire Department
24 March 1945 (Robinson-Webber Building Fire)
Bernard W. Snowdon
Winnipeg Police Department, Constable
5 April 1918
Jim “Jimmy” Spence
28 June 1995
Frank Albert John Spooner
Winnipeg Fire Department, Captain
9 August 2008
Thomas William Starmer
Winnipeg Fire Department, Captain
31 January 1913
Robert Stewart
Winnipeg Fire Department
23 December 1926 (Winnipeg Theatre Fire)
Winnipeg Fire Department, Captain
22 February 2003
RCMP, Constable
21 December 2001
Robert William Cochrane Thomas
RCMP, Special Constable
6 March 1986
Joseph Thor Thompson
RCMP, Constable (Lethbridge Detachment [Alberta])
18 December 1961
Allan Graham Turner
Winnipeg Fire Department, Lieutenant
14 February 2001
James Uttley
Manitoba Provincial Police, Constable
16 November 1920
John Verne
St. Boniface Police Department, Sergeant
24 July 1934
William Wainwright
Benito Municipal Constable
4 October 1935
Frank Hugh Watt
Brandon Fire & Emergency Services, Lieutenant
18 January 1997
Joseph George Wendl
Corrections, Guard (Stony Mountain Penitentiary)
13 July 1984
David George White
Winnipeg Parks Board, Constable
15 June 1927
Gordon Earl White
Brandon Fire & Emergency Services, Lieutenant
11 October 2012
John Williams
Corrections, Guard (Stony Mountain Penitentiary)
25 June 1926
Malcolm Normaine “Mac” Williams
RCMP, Sergeant
28 April 1995
James Roger “Jim” Woodman
Winnipeg Fire Department, Captain
22 April 2004
Albert “Al” Zembik
Winnipeg Fire Department
21 March 2022
Raymond Gordon “Ray” Zillman
Winnipeg Fire Department
3 July 2008
See also:
Historic Sites of Manitoba: Winnipeg Fire Fighters Memorial Monument (Brookside Cemetery, Winnipeg)
Death registrations [Charles Rooke, Laurance Lees, Robert Alexander James Brown, James Mitchell Smith, Donald Ross MacDonell], Manitoba Vital Statistics.
“Ex-Winnipeger is murdered [John Clarkson, former Policeman here ...],” Winnipeg Tribune, 18 November 1905, page 1.
“Horrible murder of Treherne man,” Manitoba Free Press, 18 November 1905, pages 1 & 12.
“Large crowd attends Constable’s funeral [John Beattie],” Manitoba Free Press, 17 April 1911, page 7.
“Constable lies at point of death [Charles Rooke],” Manitoba Free Press, 27 January 1913, page 1.
“Captain Starmer called by death [George W. Starmer, sic],” Manitoba Free Press, 1 February 1913, page 15.
“Death notice [Thos. William Starmer],” Manitoba Free Press, 1 February 1913, page 32.
“The funeral of Capt. T. W. Starmer [...],” Manitoba Free Press, 3 February 1913, page 22.
“Woman confesses Baran fired shot [Charles Rooke],” Manitoba Free Press, 4 February 1913, pages 1 & 11.
“Constable killed on Main Street,” Manitoba Free Press, 6 April 1918, page 1.
“Johnson to pay with life for Snowdon murder,” Manitoba Free Press, 28 June 1918, page 1.
“St. Boniface murderer is still at liberty,” Manitoba Free Press, 12 November 1920, pages 1 & 2.
“Alex. McCurdy in Manitoba for more than 30 years,” Manitoba Free Press, 12 November 1920, page 2.
“Bandit under arrest was leader in St. Boniface murder, witness says,” Manitoba Free Press, 16 November 1920, page 1.
“Constable Uttley dies,” Brandon Daily Sun, 16 November 1920, page 1.
“Tribudes to devotion of deceased officer,” Manitoba Free Press, 19 November 1920, page 11.
“Penitentiary guard killed by blast at Stony Mountain [John Williams],” Manitoba Free Press, 26 June 1926, page 1.
“Victim of blast at penitentiary buried,” Manitoba Free Press, 1 July 1926, page 7.
“Death of Constable will be investigated,” Manitoba Free Press, 16 June 1927, page 6.
Obituary [David George White], Manitoba Free Press, 18 June 1927, page 4.
“Two St. James firemen meet death when auto truck is overturned [Fred Dolding, Alex Morrison],” Manitoba Free Press, 13 August 1929, pages 1 & 3.
“Fire truck overturns - two firemen killed [Fred Dolding, Alex Morrison],” Manitoba Free Press, 13 August 1929, page 3.
Last Post - Mac/Mc, [Regimental #10399 - Constable Donald R. MacDonell], Royal Canadian Mounted Police Vets Net.
“Forest Ranger murdered in home,” Winnipeg Free Press, 16 July 1932, page 2.
“Police check scores of clues in search for slayer of Lees,” Winnipeg Free Press, 19 July 1932, page 6.
“Policeman critically wounded attempting to capture bandit,” Winnipeg Evening Tribune, 24 July 1934, page 1.
“Thousands pay last tribute to Sergeant Verne,” Winnipeg Evening Tribune, 28 July 1934, page 1.
“Memorial in honor of Sergeant John Verne is unveiled on Wednesday,” Winnipeg Free Press, 25 July 1935, page 3.
“Rural Municipality of Swan River - Council Minutes [... the resignation of William Wainwright, Municipal Constable at Benito ...],” Swan River Star and Valley Times, 16 May 1935, page 2.
“Two police officers are brutally slain in Arran, Sask. district [J.G. Shaw sand William Wainwright],” Winnipeg Free Press, 8 October 1935, page 1.
“Bandits victim [Constable J. G. Shaw],” Winnipeg Evening Tribune, 8 October 1935, page 3.
“Police murderers are taken into custody; one of trio killed,” Swan River Star and Valley Times, 10 October 1935, page 1.
“Benito notes [William Wainwright],” Swan River Star and Valley Times, 17 October 1935, page 1.
“Murder charge,” Winnipeg Free Press, 8 February 1936, pages 1 and 7.
“Daddy’s gone [John McDonald],” Winnipeg Tribune, 12 February 1940, page 5.
“Forone who served [John McDonald],” Winnipeg Free Press, 15 February 1940, page 1.
“Veteran fireman dies at blaze [James Thomas Murray],” Winnipeg Free Press, 1 April 1940, page 20.
“Three boys are charged with Winnipeg murder [Edwin Pearse],” Winnipeg Tribune, 12 November 1943, page 1.
Obituary [J. S. “Jack” Coull], Winnipeg Free Press, 10 July 1944, page 4.
“Killed [J. S. “Jack” Coull],” Winnipeg Tribune, 12 July 1944, page 6.
“Blaze breaks out again,” Winnipeg Free Press, 26 March 1945, page 11.
“Fireman waged “heroic battle” to save pals,” Winnipeg Tribune, 26 March 1931, page 16.
“Full enquiry ordered in Firemen’s deaths [Frank Sandison and James Mitchell Smith],” Winnipeg Tribune, 27 March 1945, page 12.
“21 witnesses at fire inquest,” Winnipeg Tribune, 6 April 1945, page 13.
“Detective slain in gunfight [James Edwin Sims],” Winnipeg Tribune, 17 July 1950, page 1.
“Henry Malanik committed for jury trial,” Winnipeg Free Press, 31 August 1950, page 1.
“Fireman lost life as block burned,” Brandon Daily Sun, 7 April 1953, page 1.
“$250,000 inferno kills Fire-Fighter,” Winnipeg Free Press, 7 April 1953, page 1.
“Firefighter accorded last tribute [Frederick J. Brown],” Winnipeg Free Press, 11 April 1953, page 18.
“2 Winnipeg children, 2 Mounties drowned [Ronald Charles Bloomfield & Joseph Kasimir Sander],” Winnipeg Tribune 10 July 1954, page 1.
Obituary [Joseph T. Thompson], Winnipeg Free Press, 20 December 1961, page 28.
Notice to creditors [Ervin Jack Giesbrecht], Winnipeg Tribune 4 July 1964, page 40.
Obituary [Corporal Jack Giesbrecht], Winnipeg Tribune 22 July 1964, page 18.
Obituary [Charles Wickens Morrish], The Pas Herald, 13 April 1966, page 8.
Obituary [Cpl. George R. Hawkins], Brandon Sun, 7 June 1968, page 13.
“Doctors study any luck of tick bite to death,” Brandon Sun, 12 June 1968, page 3.
“4 charged with murder [Leonard Shakespeare],” Winnipeg Free Press, 21 July 1969, page 7.
“Mountie believed drowned [J. A. O’Malley],” Winnipeg Free Press, 29 October 1970, page 1.
“Siege ends with death of Constable [Harold Stanley Seigel],” Winnipeg Free Press, 27 September 1971, page 1.
“Trial of man in slaying of prison guard adjourned [Stanley Green],” Winnipeg Free Press, 18 February 1975, page 54.
“Trial publicity ban removed [Stanley Green],” Winnipeg Free Press, 21 February 1975, page 3.
“Penal guards fear dangerous trend [Stanley Green],” Winnipeg Free Press, 2 July 1975, page 3.
“Boat burns, 1 dead,” Winnipeg Free Press, 28 July 1976, page 1.
Obituary [Allan Assiniboine],” MacGregor Herald, 1 September 1976, page 14.
“Collision kills constable [Bruce Davis],” Brandon Sun, 9 January 1979, page 2.
“RCMP Officer killed,” Brandon Sun, 9 January 1979, page 2.
“Civil servant dies in crash [Robert Craig Logan],” Winnipeg Free Press, 4 November 1983, page 8.
Obituary [Robert Craig Logan], Winnipeg Free Press, 5 November 1983, page 66.
“Slain guard was poised for early retirement,” Winnipeg Free Press, 16 July 1984, page 4.
Obituary [Joseph George Wendl], Winnipeg Free Press, 16 July 1984, page 28.
Obituary [Special Constable Robert William Cochrane Thomas], Winnipeg Free Press, 8 March 1986, page 39.
“Funeral bares community’s grief,” Winnipeg Free Press, 11 March 1986, page 4.
Obituary [Keith Murray Bartley], Winnipeg Free Press, 9 December 1989, page 51.
Obituary [Lawrence “Larry” Quinn], Winnipeg Free Press, 16 June 1990, page 50.
Obituary [Malcolm Normaine Williams], Winnipeg Free Press, 1 May 1995, page B5.
“Chopper shook before crash,” Winnipeg Free Press, 30 June 1995, pages A1 & A14.
“Love of ourdoors led him to firefighting,” Winnipeg Free Press, 30 June 1995, page A14.
Obituary [Kenneth Wayne Skwark], Winnipeg Free Press, 3 July 1995, page B5.
“Winnipegosis man killed in helicopter crash,” Dauphin Herald, 4 July 1995, page 3.
“Chopper judged normal,” Winnipeg Free Press, 4 July 1995, page B1.
“‘Selfless service’ hailed as firefighters buried,” Winnipeg Free Press, 6 July 1995, page B2.
“Giroux firefighter run over by truck,” Steinbach Carillon, 7 February 1996, page 1.
“Firefighter accidentally kills partner [George Anderson Adams],” Winnipeg Free Press, 4 February 1996, page A3.
Obituary [George Anderson Adams], Winnipeg Free Press, 4 February 1996, page C9.
Obituary [Frank Hugh Watt], Brandon Sun, 22 January 1997, page 8.
“Mounties mourn colleague [Peter Magdic],” Brandon Sun, 20 November 2001, page 1.
Obituary [Allan Graham Turner], Winnipeg Free Press, 24 February 2001, page C16.
Obituary [Brian Edward Johnston], Winnipeg Free Press, 3 July 2002, page C6.
Obituary [James Roger Woodman], Winnipeg Free Press, 26 Apil 2004.
Obituary [Harris Clarke Diack], Winnipeg Free Press, 20 June 2006.
Obituary [Harold A. Lessard], Winnipeg Free Press, 7 February 2007.
Obituary [Henry Harold Philpott], Winnipeg Free Press, 24 December 2007.
Obituary [Ray Zillman], Winnipeg Free Press, 5 July 2008.
Obituary [Frank Albert John Spooner], Winnipeg Free Press, 13 August 2008.
Obituary [Fred Edgar Roy], Winnipeg Free Press, 16 October 2008.
Obituary [John Campbell], Winnipeg Free Press, 5 November 2009.
Obituary [Gordon Earl White], Winnipeg Free Press, 20 October 2012.
Obituary [Brian Bruce Brusegard], Winnipeg Free Press, 4 January 2014.
Obituary [Rick Johnson], Winnipeg Free Press, 21 March 2017.
Obituary [Allan Douglas Poapst], Winnipeg Free Press, 18 December 2019.
Obituary [Albert Zembik], Winnipeg Free Press, 26 March 2022.
Bill 22 - The Firefighters, Peace Officers and Workers Memorial Foundations Act, Legislative Assembly of Manitoba.
“Breaking new ground on the Manitoba Workers Memorial,” Manitoba Government and General Employees’ Union - News and Resources, 28 April 2018.
Obituary [Gerald Bruce Smith], Winnipeg Free Press, 16 June 2021.
Obituary [Kenneth Joss], Winnipeg Free Press, 27 November 2021.
Rhonda L. Commodore, Corrections Museum of Manitoba.
“New monument honours Manitoba workers who died on the job,” Winnipeg Sun, 28 April 2022.
“Winnipeg memorial to workers who died on the job unveiled,” Winnipeg Free Press, 28 April 2022.
“Manitoba Workers Memorial unveiled during Annual Day of Mourning,” Manitoba Government and General Employees’ Union - News and Resources, 28 April 2022.
“Manitoba Government observes International Day of Mourning for those impacted by workplace tragedy,” Government of Manitoba - News Bulletin, 28 April 2022.
Obituary [Lionel Aime Gauthier], Winnipeg Free Press, 17 December 2022.
Obituary [Lionel Aim Gauthier], Birchwood Funeral Chapel.
Obituary [Brian Earl Fuller], Winnipeg Free Press, 5 July 2023.
Obituary [Brian Fuller], Birchwood Funeral Chapel.
Obituary [Edward Paul “Ted” Jordan], McKenzies Portage Funeral Chapel.
Events - National Day of Mourning, Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety.
Canadian Virtual War Memorial, Veterans Affairs Canada.
This page was prepared by Nathan Kramer and Gordon Goldsborough.
Page revised: 23 February 2025
Historic Sites of Manitoba
This is a collection of historic sites in Manitoba compiled by the Manitoba Historical Society. The information is offered for historical interest only.
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