The Lyonshall School District was established formally in 1883 and a one-classroom wood frame school building was erected on the southwest quarter of 34-2-18 west of the Principal Meridian, in what is now the Rural Municipality of Killarney-Turtle Mountain. The school closed in 1966 and its district was dissolved the next year, and its catchment area was divided between the Ninga School District No. 485 and Killarney School No. District 252. The school building is no longer present at the site but a metal sign commemorates it.
Among the teachers of Lyonshall School were Mary Reeves (1883-1884), Eliza Anne Jones (Spring 1885 - Fall 1888, Spring-Fall 1890), Asenath May (Spring-Fall 1889), James W. Maywood (Spring 1891 - pt Fall 1892), M. Olive Jones (pt Fall 1892, Spring 1899 - Fall 1901), Jennie Weir? (Spring-Fall 1893), Lottie Hopwood (Spring 1894 - Spring 1896), Caroline E. Drake (Fall 1896 - Fall 1897), Lydia Buchanan (Spring-Fall 1898), records not available (Spring 1902 - Fall 1904), Laura A. Manz? (Spring 1905), Maggie Henderson (Fall 1905 - Fall 1906, Spring 1910), Benjamin Atkin Higgins (Spring-Fall 1907), Elizabeth Blanche “Bertha” Teeter (Spring 1908 - Fall 1909, Fall 1910 - Spring 1911), Florence G. Galloway (Fall 1911), Laura Gernmill? (Spring-Fall 1912), Kemp Cossan (Spring-Fall 1913), Edna I. Kerr (Spring 1914 - Spring 1916), Lena M. Brown (Fall 1916 - Fall 1917), Mary Mignon Taylor (Spring-Fall 1918), Annie S. Christian (Spring 1919 - Fall 1920), Evelyn Norah Urry (Spring 1921 & January-February 1922), Nettie Cramer (February-June 1922), Carrie B. Doughty (Fall 1922 - Spring 1923), Laura M. Fisher (Fall 1923 - Spring 1924), Mary Ellen A. McMillan (Fall 1924 - Spring 1925, Spring 1926), Muriel E. Hedden (Fall 1925), Evelyne Gertrude Jennings (Fall 1926 - Spring 1931), Eva Ruth Stone (Fall 1931 - Spring 1935), Mary C. Erlandson (Fall 1935 - Spring 1937), Richard Neilson (Fall 1937 - Spring 1940), Mary Jean Reid (Fall 1940 - Spring 1942), Elizabeth Kathleen Chambers (Fall 1942 - Spring 1944), Helen Harriet Gordon (Fall 1944 - Spring 1945), Ellen Marguerite Johnston (Fall 1945 - Spring 1948), Jean Campbell Currie (Fall 1948 - Spring 1949), Joyce Evelyn Floyd (Fall 1949 - Spring 1950), Margaret Beryl McConochie (Fall 1950 - Spring 1952), Phyllis Evelyn Pulfer (Fall 1952 - Spring 1953), Patricia Ethel Strowger (Fall 1953 - Spring 1954), Helen Margaret McCorquodale (Fall 1954 - Spring 1955), Dorothy Ruth McCallum (Fall 1955 - Spring 1956 & August 1956), Jean Margaret Jacques (September 1956 - June 1957), Joyce Elaine Vidal (Fall 1957 - Spring 1958), and Eva May Bartley (Fall 1958 - Spring 1966).
Lyonshall School (no date) by W. J. Parr
Source: Archives of Manitoba, School Inspectors Photographs,
GR8461, A0233, C131-1, page 77.
Lyonshall School (March 1953)
Source: Milan Lukes
Lyonshall School commemorative sign (October 2011)
Source: Gordon GoldsboroughSite Coordinates (lat/long): N49.16688, W99.81749
denoted by symbol on the map above
Board of Education registers (A 0050), GR7643, Archives of Manitoba.
Summative half-yearly returns for school districts (A 0051), GR0571, Archives of Manitoba.
Board of Education meeting minutes and office files (A 0052), GR1622, Archives of Manitoba.
School division half-yearly attendance reports (E 0757), Archives of Manitoba.
Manitoba School Records Collection, Lyonshall School District No. 223 - Daily Registers, GR4072, Archives of Manitoba.
One Hundred Years in the History of the Rural Schools of Manitoba: Their Formation, Reorganization and Dissolution (1871-1971) by Mary B. Perfect, MEd thesis, University of Manitoba, April 1978.
Reflections: Turtle Mountain Municipality and Killarney, 1882-1982, page 111.
We thank Milan Lukes for providing additional information used here.
This page was prepared by Nathan Kramer and Gordon Goldsborough.
Page revised: 10 November 2024
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