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Presbyterianism arrived in Manitoba during the late 18th century due to a large influx of Scottish and Irish immigrants as well as United Empire Loyalists emigrating from the United States. The beginning of Knox Presbyterian Church in Selkirk was in 1876 when a group of six individuals would meet in a log house. The first section of the current church was built in 1895 on Eveline Street, that was shortly after the group moved into a 36 by 38 foot church on Clandeboye Avenue.
This church was originally funded by the Andrew Carnegie Foundation and the sanctuary in use today was designed in 1903 by English-born architect Samuel Hooper and constructed in 1904. Early sections of the church are on a fieldstone foundation and recent additions to the building stand on top a concrete foundation. Much of the interior still has the original woodwork. The beautiful, large stained glass windows were installed in 1904. In the following years, Leo Mol designed three additional, smaller stained glass windows which are displayed in the Sanctuary. The most recent addition, the fellowship hall, was built in 1967.
Church members are active members of the community and are proud supporters of such local organizations as Nova House Women’s Shelter, Youth for Christ, Daily Soup Kitchen, and the Selkirk Food Bank. The church is involved with the African Children’s choir, Asante Children’s choir and denominational ministries that take place across Canada and the world. Services are held every Sunday morning at 10:30 AM and Sunday School for children takes place at the same from September to June. Congregational activities include bi-weekly bible studies on Wednesday evenings, a monthly movie night, and a bi-monthly men’s ministry.
Among the clerics who worked at Knox Presbyterian Church through the years were Alexander T. Macintosh (?-?) and William L. Findlay (1909-1918).
Knox Presbyterian Church (circa 1934)
Source: Natalie Macintosh
Knox Presbyterian Church (no date)
Source: Natalie Macintosh
Knox Presbyterian Church (September 2010)
Source: Gordon Goldsborough
Knox Presbyterian Church (May 2019)
Source: Rose Kuzina
Knox Presbyterian Church (June 2020)
Source: Jaydi Overwater
Interior of Knox Presbyterian Church (April 2016)
Source: George Penner
Stained glass window inside Knox Presbyterian Church (December 2018)
Source: Grahame MacfarlaneSite Coordinates (lat/long): N50.14158, W96.87197
denoted by symbol on the map above
See also:
Historical Tour: Selkirk, Manitoba by Wendy G. Smulan
Manitoba History, Number 34, Autumn 1997
“Local and general,” Gladstone Age, 11 November 1909, page 4.
“Three Presbyterian pastors say farewell,” Manitoba Free Press, 30 March 1918, page 18.
Heritage Buildings of Selkirk, City of Selkirk.
Information sheet available at Knox Presbyterian Church, 2018.
We thank Natalie Macintosh, George Penner, Grahame Macfarlane, Rose Kuzina, Joen Hadfield, and Oksana Preachuk and Jaydi Overwater (City of Selkirk, Culture Recreation & Green Transportation Department) for providing additional information used here.
This page was prepared by Connor Macfarlane and Gordon Goldsborough.
Page revised: 27 August 2020
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