Historic Sites of Manitoba: Innovation Plaza (University of Manitoba, Winnipeg)

This site on the Fort Garry Campus of the University of Manitoba was established in 2013 to celebrate and honour its academic staff who have demonstrated sustained excellence and global impact and influence through a body of research, scholarly works, or creative activities with a series of commemorative busts.




Henry Bruce Chown (1893-1986)

20 May 2016

Carol Ann Warner Shields (1935-2003)

8 September 2016

Baldur Rosmund Stefansson (1917-2002)

22 August 2013

Photos & Coordinates

Innovation Plaza

Innovation Plaza (January 2021)
Source: Rose Kuzina

Innovation Plaza

Innovation Plaza (April 2021)
Source: George Penner

Site Coordinates (lat/long): N49.81009, W97.13313
denoted by symbol on the map above

See also:

Historic Sites of Manitoba: Science Building / Buller Building (45 Chancellors Circle, Winnipeg)


Innovation Plaza opens, celebrates Father of Canola,” UM News, 22 August 2013.

Honouring health pioneer Dr. Henry Bruce Chown,” UM News, 21 May 2016.

Paying tribute to the legacy of a literary lion,” UM News, 8 September 2016.

We thank Rose Kuzina and George Penner for providing additional information used here.

This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough.

Page revised: 4 May 2021

Historic Sites of Manitoba

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