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This elementary school is situated in Swan River.
Laura Loma Bocock Meiklejohn (1903-1990)
William “Bill” Oleksy
Donald Charles “Don” Bewell (1933-2024)
Laura Loma Bocock Meiklejohn (1903-1990)
John Milner (Supervising Principal)
Paul Olenyk
School Year
Mrs. Edith Boyce (grade 1), Mrs. M. Chrustie (grade 3), Mr. L. Clench (grade 7), Mrs. H. Fullerton (grade 4), Miss Y. McLeod (grade 2), Laura Loma Bocock Meiklejohn (grade 6), Miss M. Miller (grade 5), William “Bill” Oleksy (grade 8)
Mrs. Edith Boyce (grade 1), Mrs. M. Chrustie (grade 3), Mrs. H. Fullerton (grade 4), Miss Martinussen (grade 5), Miss Y. McLeod (grade 2), Laura Loma Bocock Meiklejohn (grade 7), Mrs. Yanchuk (grade 6), William “Bill” Oleksy (grade 8)
Donald Charles “Don” Bewell (grade 8), Mrs. Edith Boyce (grade 1), Joe Gieni (grade 6), Mrs. S. Hayes (grade 4), Miss R. Martinussen (grade 5), Mrs. W. Oleksy (grade 7), Mrs. E. Sigurdson (grade 2), Mrs. T. Smith (grade 3)
Mrs. J. Alderson (grade 6), Steve Andreychuk (grade 5), Mrs. Edith Boyce (grade 4), Miss M. Dauk (grade 1), Laura Loma Bocock Meiklejohn (grade 8), Mrs. P. Nordquist (grade 2), Mrs. T. Smith (grade 3)
Mrs. J. Alderson (grade 6), Steve Andreychuk (grade 5), Mrs. Edith Boyce (grade 7), Laura Loma Bocock Meiklejohn (grade 8), Mrs. P. Nordquist (grade 4), Mrs. J. M. Peyton (grade 1), Mrs. T. Smith (grade 3), Mrs. H. L. Woodward (grade 2)
Mrs. Edith Boyce (grade 7), Miss A. Dauk (grade 1), Conrad Erickson (grade 6), Mrs. E. McIntosh (grade 4), Laura Loma Bocock Meiklejohn (grade 8), Mrs. J. M. Peyton (grade 5), Mrs. T. Smith (grade 3), Mrs. H. L. Woodward (grade 2)
Mrs. Edith Boyce (grade 7), Miss A. Dauk (grade 1), Conrad Erickson (grade 6), Mrs. E. McIntosh (grade 4), Laura Loma Bocock Meiklejohn (grade 8), Mrs. J. M. Peyton (grade 5), Mrs. T. Smith (grade 3), Mrs. H. L. Woodward (grade 2)
Mrs. Edith Boyce (grade 1), Miss A. Dauk (grade 2), Mr. J. Luschyn (grade 6), Miss E. Lysack (grade 2), Mrs. E. McIntosh (grade 4), Laura Loma Bocock Meiklejohn (grade 8), Mrs. B. Peyton (grade 5), Mrs. T. Smith (grade 3)
Heyes Elementary School (September 2023)
Source: Glen Toews
Heyes Elementary School (September 2023)
Source: Glen ToewsSite Location (lat/long): N52.10303, W101.27804
denoted by symbol on the map above
See also:
Historic Sites of Manitoba: Swan River School No. 1047 / Duncan School / Taylor Elementary School (Second Street North, Swan River)
Historic Sites of Manitoba: Swan River Collegiate Institute / Swan River South School (105 Second Street South, Swan River)
Historic Sites of Manitoba: Swan Valley Regional Secondary School (1483 Third Street North, Swan River)
“Staff of thirty teaching at Swan River,” Swan Valley Star and Times, 12 September 1957, page 1.
We thank Gerry Jonsson, Ed Dubray, and Glen Toews for providing additional information used here.
This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough.
Page revised: 21 December 2024
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