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Noted in government records as Plewes School District when it was established formally in March 1939, it was known locally as Glenmoor through its entire history. A schoolhouse operated at NW27-15-8E in the Rural Municipality of St. Clements.
John Oberton (1924-2004)
Anthony Kozachenko
Thomas Ladobruk
Myron Emil Smuk
School Year
John Oberton (grades 7-11), Miss M. Louise Walker (grades 1-6)
Anthony Kozachenko (grades 7-11), Thomas Ladobruk (grades 1-6)
Myron Emil Smuk (grades 1-6), Thomas Ladobruk (grades 7-11)
Myron Emil Smuk (grades 1-6), Thomas Ladobruk (grades 7-11)
Myron Emil Smuk (grades 1-6), Thomas Ladobruk (grades 7-11)
Joyce Bernice Gmiterek (grades 1-4), Myron Emil Smuk (grades 5-8)
Among the other teachers of Glenmoor School were Irene Evelyn Hunchak (1940), Lily Schaefer (1940-1941), Catherine Isaak (1941-1943), Eleanor Olga Neuman (1943), Cornelius John Jaenen (1944), Ivan J. Packulak (1944-1945), Clarence William Trapp (1945-1946), Douglas Fred Patterson (1947-1948), Harold Arthur Bathgate (1948-1949), Charles J. Salinos (1949-1950), Olga Zaborniak (1951), George Sandford Ward (1951), Mrs. Iris J. Kolody (1952), John Oberton (1952-1953, 1954-1956), Ignatius Joseph Zaborniak (1953-1954), Miss Louise Walker (1956-1957), Anthony Kozachenko (1957-1958), Thomas Ladobruk (1957-1959), and Myron E. Smuk (1962-1968).
Site Coordinates (lat/long): N50.30950, W96.42151
denoted by symbol on the map above
One Hundred Years in the History of the Rural Schools of Manitoba: Their Formation, Reorganization and Dissolution (1871-1971) by Mary B. Perfect, MEd thesis, University of Manitoba, April 1978.
Lac du Bonnet topographic map, 62I/8, Edition 2, Series A743 [Archives of Manitoba].
East Side of the Red, 1884-1984 by St. Clements Historical Committee, 1984.
Manitoba School Records Collection, Glenmoor School District No. 2293 Daily Registers, GR0565, Archives of Manitoba.
This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough and Nathan Kramer.
Page revised: 2 December 2024
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