The Friedensfeld School District was formed in 1911 and a school was built on the corner of SE13-6-6 east of the Principal Meridian, in the Rural Municipality of Hanover. In 1926, the school was moved to the corner of SE14-6-6E. With an annual enrolment that rose as high as 60 students, the school remained in use until June 1966 when, due to province-wide school consolidation, the school district was incorporated into Hanover School Division No. 15. The school building and 20 acres of land were purchased by local residents and converted into Friesensfeld Community Centre and Park.
A monument erected on 27 July 2002, at a site about one mile west of the school site (N49.47409, W96.67030), was dedicated to the pioneers, trustees, teachers, and students of the Friedensfeld community.
Among the teachers who worked at Friedensfeld School through the years were August Paul Salemka (1911-1928), Henry Andres (1928-1931), Henry Kreutzer, Mrs. M. Warkentin, Rudy Reimer, James Oswald, Irmgard Dueck, Andrew Rieger Sobering, Sebastian Rieger, Henry Rosner, Lawrence Ulassy, Elmer Bartel, Jacob Penner, John Frank Boitson, W. F. Fennell, Mr. Frenzel, Mrs. Warkentin, and Lawrence Easy.
Friedensfeld School (no date)
Source: John Schellenberg, Schools - Our Heritage, 1985.
Friedensfeld School commemorative monument at N49.47409, W96.67030 (September 2010)
Source: Gordon GoldsboroughSite Coordinates (lat/long): N49.47331, W96.64671
denoted by symbol on the map above
One Hundred Years in the History of the Rural Schools of Manitoba: Their Formation, Reorganization and Dissolution (1871-1971) by Mary B. Perfect, MEd thesis, University of Manitoba, April 1978.
Schools - Our Heritage: From 46 School Districts to Hanover Unitary School Division (1878-1968) by John K. Schellenberg, The Board of The Hanover School Division No. 15, May 1985, ISBN 0-919673-93-7.
Obituary [John Frank Boitson], Winnipeg Free Press, 14 March 1968, page 33.
We thank Glen Klassen and Ernest Braun (EastMenn Historical Society), Lori Lange, and Leland Riesen for providing information used here.
This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough.
Page revised: 30 December 2022
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