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A wooden grain elevator in Dunrea, on the CNR Hartney Subdivision in what is now the Rural Municipality of Prairie Lakes, was built in 1928 by the Manitoba Pool Elevators. Its 70,000-bushel capacity was expanded in 1968 by a 110,000-bushel crib annex. Renovated in 1983 and 1987, the facility was closed by Agricore in mid-2001 and sold into private hands. In the evening of 12 March 2006, a blaze in the facility was fought by firefighters from Dunrea, Ninette, and Killarney. The wood burned down to the level of grain in the bins, some of which was later salvaged, and the remainder was demolished.
Agent / Buyer
Clarence Walter Haralson (1907-1962)
J. M. Moore
Les S. Greves
Len C. Clark
Lee McMillan
Former Manitoba Pool grain elevator at Dunrea (1999)
Source: Mike Lisowski
Former Manitoba Pool grain elevator at Dunrea (2004)
Source: Bernie Freeman
Former Manitoba Pool grain elevator at Dunrea (July 2005)
Source: Glenn Dickson
Former Manitoba Pool grain elevator at Dunrea on fire (March 2006)
Source: Winnipeg Free Press, 14 March 2006, page 6.Site Coordinates (lat/long): N49.40674, W99.72984
denoted by symbol on the map above
Digital orthophotographs, Manitoba Land Initiative, Government of Manitoba.
Manitoba Pool Fonds, S. J. McKee Archives, Brandon University.
Obituaries and burial transcriptions, Manitoba Genealogical Society.
“Elevators open – for now,” Russell Banner, 17 April 2001, page 1.
“Fire destroys Dunrea elevator,” Winnipeg Free Press, 14 March 2006, page 6.
“Grain salvaged after fire,” Baldur Gazette, 21 March 2006, page 1.
We thank Justin De Baets for providing additional information used here.
This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough, Mike Lisowski, Bernie Freeman, and Glen Dickson.
Page revised: 10 May 2021
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