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The Cameron School District was established in May 1885, named for members of the Cameron family who homesteaded in the vicinity, including patriarch Alexander Cameron and his sons Archibald Cameron, Duncan Cameron, Neil Cameron, and M. Hugh Cameron. A one-room schoolhouse was erected at this site on the southeast quarter of 29-15-18 west of the Principal Meridian, in what is now the Rural Municipality of Minto-Odanah. In late 1915, it was consolidated, along with Cadurcis School No. 179, into Cameron Consolidated School No. 406. The brick veneer building at the site, erected at a cost of $4,939 on a design by Winnipeg architect E. D. Tuttle, was opened officially on 2 January 1917. The school closed in 1966. A monument was dedicated at the site on 26 July 1986.
Mrs. Islay A. Jackson
Roy E. White
Among the teachers of Cameron School were Peter McTavish, Mr. Baker, Mr. Mathers, Miss Brown, James Gamey, Catharine Cameron, Malcolm Campbell, H. Sharpe, K. C. Cameron, Mabel A. Taylor, W. L. Hammond, M. E. Rutherford, M. Mustard, D. Huehnichen, Sadie Cameron, H. A. Rivers, Letta M. Dickie, C. J. Jackson, P. Brisbin, Kathleen Barnes, Elsie K. Gardner, Flora Matheson, George W. Burrell, Maud Roddick, Henrietta Herkes, Edith E. Nelson, V. M. Sandercock, E. M. Taylor, Mr. Kerchar, Florence Andrew, B. F. McLeod, E. Fraser, Marion Price, Anne Marguerite Loutit, Elva E. Moffatt, Helen Dawson, Anne Angell, Flora Matheson, Margaret Lane, Merle Lund, Myfanwy Jones, Dorothy Lampard, Ivy Northcott, Ruth Fairlie, Helen Lawn, Wes Denstedt, Roberta Loutit, Gladys A. Grant, Frank Wilson, Olive Milne, Monica Youle Connors Mortemore (?-1945), Gwen Campbell, Gloria Ward, Shirley McPherson, Doris Gronbeck, Doreen Fleming, C. O. Strom, Mrs. Mary Perry, Muriel Stitt, Jean Gunn, M. E. Gill, Mrs. Pearl McLoughry, Don Fraser, Mr. Schultze, Ed Turner, Wilma Hedley, Elsie Jackson, Mrs. Andy Hood, A. Borys, V. S. Molchenko, Mrs. F. A. Vidal, and Mrs. Thelma Wilkinson.
Cameron School (no date) by W. C. Hartley
Source: Archives of Manitoba, School Inspectors Photographs,
GR8461, A0233, C131-1, page 44.
The former Cameron School building (June 2011)
Source: Gordon Goldsborough
Cameron School commemorative monument (June 2011)
Source: Gordon Goldsborough
Interior of Cameron Consolidated School (July 2011)
Source: Christian Cassidy
Interior of Cameron Consolidated School (July 2011)
Source: Christian Cassidy
Interior of Cameron Consolidated School (July 2011)
Source: Christian CassidySite Coordinates (lat/long): N50.29971, W99.90788
denoted by symbol on the map above
See also:
Early Days of Minnedosa by Mrs. E. J. Brown
MHS Transactions, Series 3, 1964-65 SeasonOther photographs of Cameron Consolidated School by Christian Cassidy (July 2011).
“Tenders wanted,” Minnedosa Tribune, 29 June 1916, page 3.
Annual Reports of the Manitoba Department of Education, Manitoba Legislative Library.
History of Cameron, 1886-1961. [Manitoba Legislative Library, F5648.C34 His]
One Hundred Years in the History of the Rural Schools of Manitoba: Their Formation, Reorganization and Dissolution (1871-1971) by Mary B. Perfect, MEd thesis, University of Manitoba, April 1978.
A Study of Public School Buildings in Manitoba by David Butterfield, Historic Resources Branch, Manitoba Department of Culture, Heritage and Tourism, 1994, 230 pages.
We thank Jim Anderson and Nathan Kramer for providing additional information used here.
This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough and Christian Cassidy.
Page revised: 16 August 2020
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