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Agents / Buyers | Photos & Coordinates | Sources
A wooden grain elevator at the railway siding of Cameron (named for Melita implements dealer A. E. Cameron, who owned the land on which the community was established), in what is now the Municipality of Two Borders, was built by the Lake of the Woods Milling Company in 1902. Served by the now-abandoned CPR Lyleton Subdivision, and renovated in 1927, it became part of Ogilvie Milling after the two companies merged in 1954 and was purchased by Manitoba Pool in 1959. It was closed in 1970 and sold into private ownership. At the time of a 2014 site visit, the elevator appeared to be unused.
It is believed to be Manitoba’s oldest grain elevator on its original site.
Agent / Buyer
W. E. Ashton
F. N. Downie
J. Smith
D. D. Cameron
K. E. Charles
D. A. Charles
G. W. Pedden
Former Lake of the Woods grain elevator at Cameron (August 1992)
Source: Historic Resources Branch, Grain Elevator Inventory, slide 2273.
Former Lake of the Woods grain elevator at Cameron (August 2014)
Source: Jean McManus
Former Lake of the Woods grain elevator at Cameron (October 2015)
Source: Rob Tisdale
Aerial view of former Lake of the Woods grain elevator at Cameron (July 2016)
Source: Gordon Goldsborough
Former Lake of the Woods grain elevator at Cameron (September 2019)
Source: George Penner
Aerial view of former Lake of the Woods grain elevator at Cameron (June 2023)
Source: Gordon Goldsborough
Aerial view of former Lake of the Woods grain elevator at Cameron (June 2023)
Source: Gordon Goldsborough
Former Lake of the Woods grain elevator at Cameron (July 2024)
Source: Jean McManusSite Coordinates (lat/long): N49.08092, W101.07792
denoted by symbol on the map above
See also:
Historic Sites of Manitoba: Lake of the Woods Grain Elevator / Manitoba Pool Grain Elevator (Elva, RM of Two Borders)
Historic Sites of Manitoba: Lake of the Woods Grain Elevator (Harmsworth, RM of Wallace-Woodsworth)
Historic Sites of Manitoba: Lake of the Woods Building (212 McDermot Avenue, Winnipeg)
Record of Country Elevator Receipts, Expenses 1922-23 to and including 1955-1956, Lake of the Woods Milling Company Limited, University of Manitoba Archives & Special Collections, Ogilvie Flour Mills Fonds, MSS120 Box 146 File 1.
A History of Grain Elevators in Manitoba by John Everitt, Historic Resources Branch, Manitoba Department of Culture, Heritage and Tourism, circa 1993.
Geographic Names of Manitoba, Manitoba Conservation, 2000.
We thank Jean McManus, Rob Tisdale, and George Penner for providing additional information used here.
This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough.
Page revised: 30 December 2024
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