The Boulton School District was established formally in April 1889. A school building operated on the northwest quarter of 32-22-27 west of the Principal Meridian in what is now the Rural Municipality of Riding Mountain West. A new building was constructed in 1934 and a shelterbelt of spruce trees was planted around it in 1937.
The teachers of Boulton School were Miss Sharlins (1889), Mr. S. Mott (1890-1891), Miss Sutherland (1891-1893), Mr. E. B. Steele (1893-1895), Thomas Salvidge (1895-1896), James T. Gamey (1897-1898), R. W. Dunlop (1898), Nat Minish (1898-1899), Hugh McLaughlin (1900), Wallace A. Watson (1901), Miss Campion (1906), Miss Innis McDonald (1906), J. Mabel Davidson (1907-1908), R. H. Flewelling (1909-1910), Sarah A. Halland (1911-1912), M. J. Inkster (1912), H. H. McKeen (1912), Walter J. Cuntz (1913-1915), A. Cameron (1916), Miss H. McIntyre (1917), Miss Coulter (1917-1918), Mabel Stevens (1919), Miss M. Bone (1920-1921), R. E. Moffat (1921), Miss W. Hutcheson (1921-1922), Miss Bowles (1922-1923), Miss Annie Jackson (1924-1925), W. Joe Butcher (1925-1926), Miss Aitken (1927-1930), Miss O. Nield (1931-1932), Miss Dorothy Winstone (1932-1935), Miss Jessie D. Angus (1935-1937), Miss Mabel Morgan (1937-1940), Miss Renee Fox (1940-1942), Miss Dorothy Allen (1942-1943), Miss Violet Gallant (1943-1944), Nickolas Rebenchuk (1944), Elizabeth Busch (1944-1945), Miss Renee Fox (1945-1946), Stanley Gertz (1946-1947), Lovee Yunkovich (1947-1948), Miss Olive Oryniak (1948-1949), and Joyce Sitko (1949-1952).
The school closed in June 1952 and thereafter its remaining students were transported by bus to Inglis School No. 2107. The former school building was moved to a nearby farmyard where it was used for a time as a granary. A metal plaque at the original site commemorates it, along with a few mature trees from the former shelterbelt.
Boulton School (circa 1911)
Source: Archives of Manitoba, School Inspector Photos GR2664, C65.
Boulton School (no date) by H. L. Albright
Source: Archives of Manitoba, School Inspectors Photographs,
GR8461, A0233, C131-1, page 89.
Boulton School commemorative monument beside the former school shelterbelt (June 2012)
Source: Gordon Goldsborough
The former Boulton School building (circa 1990)
Source: Historic Resources Branch, Public School Buildings Inventory, slide 168.
The former Boulton School building, newly reshingled and now located near N50.97697, W101.25908 (August 2013)
Source: Gordon GoldsboroughSite Coordinates (lat/long): N50.94770, W101.20650
denoted by symbol on the map above
See also:
Historic Sites of Manitoba: Freefield School No. 1729 (RM of Riding Mountain West)
One Hundred Years in the History of the Rural Schools of Manitoba: Their Formation, Reorganization and Dissolution (1871-1971) by Mary B. Perfect, MEd thesis, University of Manitoba, April 1978.
A Study of Public School Buildings in Manitoba by David Butterfield, Historic Resources Branch, Manitoba Department of Culture, Heritage and Tourism, 1994, 230 pages.
R.M. of Boulton: Once Upon a Century, 1884-1984 by R.M. of Boulton, 1986, pages 33-35.
We thank Franz Kracher at Freefield Organics (NE12-23-28W) for providing additional information used here.
This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough.
Page revised: 8 October 2024
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