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Located at Oak Lake in what is now the Rural Municipality of Sifton, this one-storey building was commissioned by the local school district to replace the Oakwood School. Built during the first half of 1968 by contractor Al Sigurdson, it was further expanded prior to opening that fall. The school later became part of the Fort La Bosse School Division. Upon its closure in 1994, classes were consolidated into the Oak Lake Junior High School. As of 2018, the building is used for storage.
Winnifred Isabelle Steen “Winnie” Hatch (1911-2000)
Ken W. Zamzow
H. R. Hurren
Walter Sherrin Cheslock (1944-2023)
After 1994
D. Marie Anderson (grades 2-3), Donna Jean Cory (grade 3), Marion Myrta Douglas (Educable Mentally Handicapped, senior grades), Margaret Berenice Johnston (grade 6), Myrtle Bell Johnston (grade 4), Arlene Gale Lowton (grade 5), Suzanne Marie Phillips (grade 6), Jo-Anne Marie Radics (grades 1-2), Jessie M. Skinner (Educable Mentally Handicapped, primary grades)
D. Marie Anderson (grade 2), Marion Myrta Douglas (Educable Mentally Handicapped, senior grades), Roberta Lillian F. Henry (grade 3), Myrtle Bell Johnston (Educable Mentally Handicapped, primary grades), David Gerald Turner Joynt (grade 6), Arlene Gale Lowton (grade 5), Suzanne Marie Phillips (grade 6), Alice Kathryn Olive (grade 1), Eleanor Blanche Seafoot (grades 1-3)
D. Marie Anderson (grade 2), Suzanne Marie Phillips Ellis (grade 4), Margaret Berenice Johnston (grade 6), Myrtle Bell Johnston (Educable Mentally Handicapped [E. M. H.], primary grades), Arlene Gale Lowton (grade 5), Kathryn McLachlan (grade 3), Alice Kathryn Olive (grade 1), Eleanor Blanche Seafoot (grades 2-3), Frances Jean Taylor (E. M. H., senior grades)
D. Marie Anderson (grade 2), Audrey Mae Appleyard (grade 3), Frances Ann Dagg (Educable Mentally Handicapped [E. M. H.], primary grades), Margaret Berenice Johnston (grade 6), Annette D. Klatt (E. M. H., senior grades), Iris Anne Michasiw (grade 5), Alice Kathryn Olive (grade 1), Elizabeth Mary Pearson (grade 4), Eleanor Blanche Seafoot (grades 2 & 4)
D. Marie Anderson (grade 2), Iris Anne Michasiw Bradley (grade 5), Frances Ann Dagg (Educable Mentally Handicapped [E. M. H.], senior grades), Margaret Berenice Johnston (grade 6), Marian Fay Kalynuk (grade 3), Annette D. Klatt Logeot (E. M. H., primary grades), Maxine Beth Martin (grade 2, 1973), Alice Kathryn Olive (grade 1), Elizabeth Mary Pearson (grade 4), Eleanor Blanche Seafoot (grade 5)
Iris Anne Michasiw Bradley (grade 5), Joan Elizabeth Chrun (grade 3), Patricia Iris Cross (kindergarten), Margaret Berenice Johnston (grade 6), Marian Fay Kalynuk (grade 2), Beverley Arlene Leckie (Educable Mentally Handicapped [E. M. H.], senior grades), Annette D. Klatt Logeot (E. M. H., primary grades), Alice Kathryn Olive (grade 1), Elizabeth Mary Pearson (grade 4), Eleanor Blanche Seafoot (grades 5-6)
Iris Anne Michasiw Bradley (grade 5), Patricia Iris Cross (kindergarten), Margaret Berenice Johnston (grade 6), Marian Fay Kalynuk (grade 2), Beverley Arlene Leckie (Educable Mentally Handicapped [E. M. H.], senior grades), Annette D. Klatt Logeot (E. M. H., primary grades), Alice Kathryn Olive (grade 1), Elizabeth Mary Pearson (grade 4), Eleanor Blanche Seafoot (grades 5-6), Carol Ternowski (grade 3)
Auralee Ann Bowering (grade 2), Iris Anne Michasiw Bradley (grade 5), Lynne Marie Cheslock (grade 4), Patricia Iris Cross (kindergarten), Margaret Berenice Johnston (grade 6), Laura Jean Langedahl (grades 5-6, 1975), Annette D. Klatt Logeot (Educable Mentally Handicapped, 1975 primary grades), Stanley Glen Patrick “Stan” Lundy (grades 5-6), Alice Kathryn Olive (grade 1), Doris Vivian Pratt (E. M. H., 1976 primary grades), Margaret Darlene Roblin (grades 1-2), Eleanor Blanche Seafoot (grade 3), I Slimmon (grades 5-6, 1975)
Auralee Ann Bowering (grade 2), Iris Anne Michasiw Bradley (grade 5), Lynne Marie Cheslock (grade 4), Patricia Iris Cross (kindergarten), Stanley Glen Patrick “Stan” Lundy (grade 5), Alice Kathryn Olive (grade 1), Doris Vivian Pratt (Educable Mentally Handicapped, primary grades), Margaret Darlene Roblin (grades 1-2), Eleanor Blanche Seafoot (grade 3), Donna Jean Smith (grade 6)
Elsie Lorraine Boys (Special Education), Iris Anne Michasiw Bradley (grade 5), Lynne Marie Cheslock (grade 4), Patricia Iris Cross (kindergarten), Auralee Ann Bowering Leadbeater (grade 2), Stanley Glen Patrick “Stan” Lundy (grade 5), Alice Kathryn Olive (grade 1), Margaret Darlene Roblin (grades 2-3), Eleanor Blanche Seafoot (grade 3), Donna Jean Smith (grade 6)
Elsie Lorraine Boys (Special Education), Iris Anne Michasiw Bradley (grade 5), Lynne Marie Cheslock (grade 4), Patricia Iris Cross (kindergarten), Auralee Ann Bowering Leadbeater (grade 2), Stanley Glen Patrick “Stan” Lundy (grade 5), Alice Kathryn Olive (grade 1), Margaret Darlene Roblin (grades 3-4), Eleanor Blanche Seafoot (grade 3), Donna Jean Smith (grade 6), Geraldine Stouffer (grade 4, 1979)
Elsie Lorraine Boys (Special Education), Iris Anne Michasiw Bradley (grade 3), Walter Sherrin Cheslock (grade 5), Ernest James Creasy (grade 5), Patricia Iris Cross (kindergarten), Alice Kathryn Olive (grade 1), Margaret Darlene Roblin (grades 3-4), Eleanor Blanche Seafoot (grade 2), Donna Jean Smith (grade 4)
Elsie Lorraine Boys (Special Education), Iris Anne Michasiw Bradley (grade 3), Walter Sherrin Cheslock (grade 5), Patricia Iris Cross (kindergarten), Alice Kathryn Olive (grade 1), Margaret Darlene Roblin (grade 2), Donna Jean Smith (grade 4), James Robert Strait (grades 4-5)
Iris Anne Michasiw Bradley (grade 3), E. “B.” Cairns (Special Education), Walter Sherrin Cheslock (grade 5), Patricia Iris Cross (kindergarten), Alice Kathryn Olive (grade 1), Donna Jean Smith (grade 4), Darlene Wilkinson (grade 2)
Iris Anne Michasiw Bradley (grade 3), Walter Sherrin Cheslock (grade 5), Patricia Iris Cross (kindergarten), Alice Kathryn Olive (grade 1), Donna Jean Smith (grade 4), Darlene Wilkinson (grade 2)
Iris Anne Michasiw Bradley (grade 3), Walter Sherrin Cheslock (grade 5), Patricia Iris Cross (kindergarten), Annette D. Klatt Logeot (grade 2), Alice Kathryn Olive (grade 1), Donna Jean Smith (grade 4)
The former Assiniboine School at Oak Lake (March 2019)
Source: Gordon Goldsborough
The former Assiniboine School at Oak Lake (March 2019)
Source: Gordon GoldsboroughSite Coordinates (lat/long): N49.76659, W100.62365
denoted by symbol on the map above
See also:
Historic Sites of Manitoba: Assiniboine School (175 Winston Road, Winnipeg)
Historic Sites of Manitoba: Assiniboine School No. 148 (RM of Whitehead)
Historic Sites of Manitoba: Assiniboine School / David Livingstone School (1303 Assiniboine Avenue, Brandon)
“School addition bids accepted,” Brandon Sun, 22 April 1968, page 5.
“Those song sheets again,” Brandon Sun, 26 November 1968, page 3.
“Piault scholarships,” Brandon Sun, 15 November 1972, page 3.
School division half-yearly attendance reports (E 0757), Archives of Manitoba.
Manitoba School Records Collection, Assiniboine School - Daily Registers, GR0466, Archives of Manitoba.
Manitoba School Records Collection, Fort La Bosse School Division No. 41 (Assiniboine Elementary) - Daily Registers, GR0466, Archives of Manitoba.
Ox Trails to Blacktop by Oak Lake History Committee, 1982, Manitoba Legislative Library, F 5649.O23 Oxt.
“Teachers wanted,” Brandon Sun, 15 August 1991, page 20.
We thank Denise Griffith (Oak Lake & District Museum) and Gordon Goldsborough for providing additional information used here.
This page was prepared by Nathan Kramer.
Page revised: 5 November 2023
Historic Sites of Manitoba
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