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“Charlie and Lazarus at Eve’s Falls on the Upper Nelson, 1964”
Source: Brian Grover |
Christianity, Missionaries and Plains Cree Politics, 1850s-1870s
by Tolly Bradford
The Winnipeg Monorail Proposal of the 1970s: Using Technological Innovation to Reinvigorate Transit Tom
by Lawrence D. Taylor
Hydrometric Surveys of the Nelson River in the 1960s
by Brian Grover
“The Goal That Was Made Cannot Be Countermanded”: The 1947 Winnipeg Hadassah Shoppers’ Guide and Cook Book
by Bruce Sarbit
“Help for Manitoba’s Farmers and Housewives”: The Salvation Army as an Official Immigration Agency
by Gordon Moyles
Captain Robert N. Clements, MC, Merry Hell: The Story of the 25th Battalion (Nova Scotia Regiment), Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1914-1919. Brian Douglas Tennyson, (editor)
by Meg Stanley
Robert Teigrob, Living with War: Twentieth-Century Conflict in Canadian & American History and Memory
by C. J. Taylor
Larry D. Rose, Mobilize! Why Canada Was Unprepared for the Second World War
by Graham MacDonald
Jody Perrun, The Patriotic Consensus: Unity, Morale, and the Second World War in Winnipeg
by Joshua Koop
Cool Things in the Collection: Reverend Salton’s Magic Lantern
by Tim Worth
Page revised: 27 December 2020