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Inglis grain elevators, May 2003.
Source: David Firman
“When the Caribou failed”: Ilia Tolstoy in the Barren Lands, 1928-1929 by Graham A. MacDonald
Small Farmers, Big Business, and the Battle over the “Prairie Sentinels” by Karen Nicholson
The Churches of Early Winnipeg by James B. Hartman
Catharine M. Mastin (editor), The Group of Seven in Western Canada. Essays by Catharine M. Mastin, Robert Stacey, Marcia Crosby, Liz Wylie, Anna Hudson, Ann Davis by Marilyn Baker
Victor P. Lytwyn, Muskekowuck Athinuwick: Original People of the Great Swampy Land by David McCrady
Page revised: 5 September 2017