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“Reflections,” Ross Lake Subdivision, Flin Flon, 1949
Source: Western Canada Pictorial Index
Manitoba’s Resource Towns: The Twentieth Century Frontier by Robert Robson
Manitoba Bibliography / 1987 by K. M. Gillespie
History and Live Theatre in Winnipeg by Barry McCarten
The Sacking of Peter Fidler’s Brandon House, 1816 by C. Stuart Houston and Mary I. Houston
Memories of Christmas by Flora Stevens, Idell Brady and Vera Fryer
Documents and Archives: The Archives of La Société historique de Saint-Boniface by Gilles Lesage
Imports and Exports in the Manitoba Economy 1870-1890 by Gerald Friesen
Christine Mander, Emily Murphy: Rebel. First Female Magistrate in the British Empire by Linda Kealey
Thomas P. Socknat, Witness Against War: Pacifism in Canada 1900-1945 by Harry Loewen
Victor Levant, Quiet Complicity: Canadian Involvement in the Vietnam War by Alvin Finkel
George F. G. Stanley (editor), The Collected Writings of Louis Riel, 5 Volumes by Michael Gauvreau
Nancy M. Sheehan, J. Donald Wilson and David C. Jones (editors), Schools in the West: Essays in Canadian Educational History by David G. Burley
L. Klippenstein, A. Ens and M. Franz (editors), Resources for Canadian Mennonite Studies - An Inventory and Guide to Archival Holdings at the Mennonite Heritage Centre by David Neufeld
Page revised: 4 September 2017