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1885 | All years | 1887
The Historical and Scientific Society of Manitoba consists of the following classes of members and subscribers:
Life Members $25.00
Active Members $5.00 per annum
Associate Members $3.00 per annum
Quarterly Subscribers $1.25 per quarter
Members of the Council of Manitoba University and Undergraduates have access to the Isbister Library in custody of the Society.
Officers and Executive Council, 1887:
President - Rev. Professor Hart
1st Vice-President - A. H. Whitcher
2nd Vice-President - Stephen Nairn
Corresponding Sec'y - D. M. Stewart
Treasurer - R. E. W. Goodridge
Recording Secretary - W. H. Hughan
Executive Council, consisting of the above Officers and the following gentlemen:
Hon. A. A. C. LaRiviere
A. Bowerman, M.A.
Alex. McArthur, Ex-President
Hon. Gilbert McMicken
Hon. Judge Ardagh
Angus McCharles
Rev. Dr. Bryce, Ex-Pres.
R. D. Richardson
F. H. Turnock
Committees for 1887
Hon. Judge Ardagh, Chairman
R. E. W. Goodridge
Hon. Gilbert McMicken
R. D. Richardson
W. H. HughanLibrary, Museum & Publication
Rev. Dr. Bryce, Chairman
A. H. Whitcher
Rev. Prof. Hart
A. Bowerman, M.A.
Stephen NairnArchaeology
A. McCharles, Chairman
Hon. A. A. C. LaRiviere
D. M. Stewart
F. H. Turnock
Alex. McArthur
Honorary Members
Lord Dufferin
Professor Spencer F. Baird
Sir John Rose
F. Parkman
Principal Dawson
Dr. Wilson, Toronto
Col. Palliser
Dr. John Rae
Principal Grant
General Lord Wolseley
U.S. Consul Taylor
Hon. Donald A. Smith, 1886
Sir George Stephen, 1886
Sandford Fleming, 1886
Marquis of Lorne, 1886
Lord Lansdowne, 1886
Archdeacon McDonald, 1886
Rev. John McDougall, 1886
Rev. Pere Lacombe, 1886
General Lefroy
Sir John A. Macdonald
Corresponding Members, 1879-80
Prof. H. Y. Hind
Dr. Tache, Ottawa
Joseph Fortescue, Isle a la Crosse, via Prince Albert
Archibald MacDonald, Fort Qu'Appelle
Richard Hardisty, Edmonton
S. R. Parsons, Montreal
James MacDougall, Edmonton
Horace Belanger, Fort Cumberland
Robt. Campbell, Strathclair P.O.
Professor Bell, Montreal
George Dawson
C. Mair, Prince Albert
Roderick Ross, Fort Chippewyan, Athabasca
Alexander Matheson, Rat Portage
Lawrence Clarke, Carlton
Roderick Ross Macfarlane, Fort Chippewyan
Dr. W. MacKay, Fort Dunvegan, via Edmonton
Peter H. Bell, Michipicoton, Lake Superior
Professor Macoun, Belleville
Rev. A. B. Baird, Edmonton, 1882
Ernest E. Thompson, Toronto, 1883
Walter Dixon, Lake Francis, 1884
Henry J. Morgan, Ottawa, 1882
N. H. Cowdry, Regina, 1882
R. J. N. Pither, Ft. Francis, 1884, 1886
David Young, Palatka, Florida
Professor J. H. Panton, Guelph, Ontario
Rev. Mr. Burman, Griswold, Manitoba
Rev. John McLean
Mr. Spencer, Churchill, N.W.T.
Hon. Sam. A. Green, Boston, U.S.A.
Rev. Wm. McWilliam, Prince Albert
James W. R. Swann, U.S.A. Acting Consul-General, St. Petersburg
Life Members
William Martin
J. H. Ashdown
Rev. A. E. Cowley
C. J. Brydges
Capt. L. M. Lewis
Wm. Cowan, M.D., Ex-President
Alexander McArthur, Ex-President
Rev. Dr. Bryce, Ex-President
Lieutenant Governor Aikins
Archbishop Tache
Chief Commissioner Wrigley
F. W. Stobart
Your council has to report the close of another successful year in the history of the society. Unlike most societies of its kind, the Manitoba Historical and Scientific Society has continued to strengthen from year to year. In reference to the number of new members added, the amount of fees received, or the full attendance at meetings both of the executive council and of the society, the year just closed has exceeded any of the preceding six years.
During the year the society, on the recommendation of the council added the following nine names to its list of honorary members, viz: Marquis of Lorne, Marquis of Lansdowne, General Sir Henry Lefroy, Archdeacon McDonald, Sir Donald Smith, Sir George Stephen, Rev. John McDougall, Rev. Pere Lacombe, Sandford Fleming, Esq. Much care was exercised in the selection of these names, and as these are the first added for several years, it is hoped the society may always exhibit the same caution, that its honor roll may be deserving of the name. Seven corresponding members were elected during the year, as well as twenty-seven active and ninety associate members. During the year, by a change in the constitution, the names of Dr. W. Cowan and Mr. Alexander Macarthur, retired presidents of the society, were added to the roll of life members, while His Honor the Lieutenant Governor, His Grace the Archbishop of St. Boniface, Mr. Chief Commissioner Wrigley, and Mr. F. W. Stobart became life members by the payment of the increased amount necessary. The associate membership has now widened the door for the admission of those of more limited means, and no one of respectability can now be deterred by the small annual fee of $3 from enjoying the benefits of the society’s library, reading room, museum and lectures. By the arrangement with the University of Manitoba, the privileges of associate member ship have been bestowed gratuitously upon some seventy students of the University, and the recipients have highly appreciated the advantages offered. Negotiations are in progress between the council and the Commercial Travellers’ Association for the admission of its members on the payment of a bonus by the Association. While rejoicing in the large accessions to its membership, the society is called upon to lament the loss during the year of two of the oldest members, and to sympathize with their relatives over their early demise. These are Sedley Blanchard, Q.C., and Mr. Rice M. Howard. The Hon. James Miller, D.C.L., Q.C., a newer, but very generous benefactor of the society, also died during the year.
The society now looks with pride upon its library, some 13,000 volumes, including the Isbister Library, and much the largest and best library in Manitoba. During the past year the additional volumes have been received up to XIX of the Encyclopaedia Britannica; also additional numbers of Hakluyt’s voyages, and the Canadian Hansard containing several of the earlier volumes difficult to obtain, purchased by the society, is now complete on our shelves; and the privilege has at last been obtained from the Dominion and Provincial governments of being on their regular distribution lists, as our society has been for several years on that of the government of the United States, for its publications. The Smithsonian Institution additions to the library have been large and valuable. Thanks are due to Messrs. Henderson, Waghorn, Blatchford and numerous Donators (whose names are in appendix) for additions to the library. The large amount of standard magazine literature now received by the society meets every variety of taste among members. The city newspapers, and provincial as well, have been supplied to the society free of cost, and thanks are due to their generous proprietors. The files department of the library has grown to great proportions and is much used. The museum has during the year received numerous archaeological, geological and other additions, and special thanks are due Mr. A. McCharles, for a collection of the Economic minerals of the Northwest, along with a suitable table for them given to the society.
During the year the completion of the city hall revived the question of accommodating the society in that building. Three rooms on the third floor were originally designed for the use of the society. The growth of library, files collection and museum has, however, been so great that the city hall accommodation is entirely unsuitable. The city hall cannot give space for a public library, unless of a trifling description. Our present quarters, comprising basement, first floor and second floor of a portion of Stobart’s block, are each 75 x 30 ft, and are found none too large for the purposes of the society. A committee was appointed by the council to look into the matter, but on account of the impossibility of accommodation, no action towards occupying the city hall rooms was taken.
In no year have the public meetings of the society been so well attended as during the last. The order of papers has also been higher than in any previous year, almost all the papers read being the result of original work in the departments of Archaeology, history, geology, natural history, physical geography and mathematics. The following is a list of the nine papers read during the year:
1. On the proposed change of time marking to a decimal system. A plea that the duodecimal system be retained, by R. E. W. Goodridge, honorary treasurer to the society; on the 25th February 1886, published.
2. The Celt in the Northwest. Read afterward before the Celtic Society, Montreal; by the Rev. Dr. Bryce, President of the society; on the 25th March, 1886, published.
3. The Chinook Winds, and other Climatic Conditions of the Northwest, by A. Bowerman, M.A., Principal Collegiate Department, Winnipeg public schools, 22nd April, 1886, published.
4. The Mammals of Manitoba, by Mr. Ernest E. Thompson, formerly of Carberry, Man., and a corresponding member of the society; 27th May, 1886. published.
5. The Souris River, its Monuments, Fortifications, Mounds and Forts; by Rev. Dr. Bryce, President of the society; illustrated; published.
6. A page of history, the French Element in the Canadian Northwest, by the Rev. Louis Drummond, S. J. ; 25th Nov., 1886, published.
7. A Prairie Tragedy, the Fate of Thomas Simpson, the Arctic Explorer, by Alex. McArthur, ex-president; 23rd December, 1886, published.
8. Footsteps of Time on the Red River Valley, with especial reference to Salt Springs and Flowing Wells, by A. McCharles, chairman of archaeological committee.
4. The Winter Birds of Manitoba, by Alex. McArthur, January 27th, 1867, published.
The finances are in a very good condition, and it is largely through the perseverance of the secretary of the society that they are so. Theories of finance are plentiful enough, but the fact that the society—a purely voluntary association—has held on its way so successfully, and in times when controllable expenditure has been reduced to a minimum by most of our business men, can only be explained by the indefatigable work of the secretary in collecting the revenues; and the council recommends to their successors that the salary of the secretary be increased to $900 per annum.
It is recommended that the reading room and library be henceforth open from 10-1; 2-6:30; 7:30-10, each lawful day.
The society returns its warmest thanks to the city for its grant of $500, and to the Provincial Government for the grant of $250 It would also refer to the amicable and helpful relations in which the University of Manitoba and this Society stand to each other.
The following abstract of the treasurer’s account, which speaks for itself, is appended hereto:
Feb. 1, 1886. Balance from last year General account $25.11; Library account $12.26; members fees received during year: Jan. 31, 1887 Life members, 5 @ $25 $125.00; active members, 102 @ $5 $510.00; active members for fractions of year $16.75; associate members, 149 @ $3.00 $447.00; associate members for fractions of year $13.50; arrears from last year $17.00; quarterly subscriptions to library, 50 @ $1.25 $62.50; annual grant from Provincial Government $250.00; annual grant from City Council $500.00; University of Manitoba for care of the Isbister library for 1886 and 1887 $100.00; University return of insurance paid on Isbister library for 1886 and 1887 $52.40; donations $30.75; sale of Society’s publications $29.15; sale of Society’s catalogues, $5.45; do. surplus books, 50¢; rent of room to College of Physicians, three days, $8; admission to museum, $1.25; carriage of books refunded, 30¢, lost book 80¢, balance carried forward against year 1887, $3.42. Total, $2.211.14.
Jan. 31, 1887, By secretary’s salary for 13 months ending this day, $865.66; rent of rooms do., $520; extra grant to secretary for catalogue Isbister library, $50; heating rooms till April, 1886, $137.50; gas for 1886, $116.86; coal, $4.25; insurance, $73; fittings $60.81; printing $98.59; magazines and periodicals till end of 1886 (1 year), $92.52; books $76.37; binding $4.15, stationery $28.03; postage aid postal cards $39.21; rent of post office drawer $6; advertising $6; carriage of books received $8.18; caretaking and cleaning $12.75; sundry petty expenses, ice, etc $10.35; total $2.211.14.
Memorandum. The receipts from members for 1886 as above—amounting to $1,125.25, are $150 over last year, 1885—as, in order to compare correctly the two years, it is necessary to add about $300 to the $679.25 shown in last year’s statement—that sum having been included in the receipts of 1884, although received in advance for 1885.
At the present date, besides the balance of $3.12 as above, there is still owing $87.50 for heating to date not yet paid, $8 to Free Press, $13 for books and stationery. $1.25 J. H. Ashdown, and for magazines and periodicals for the current half year ending June 30 next the sum of $92.65. The sum of $250 has already been received for members’ subscriptions for current year 1887. Respectfully submitted,
R. E. W. Goodridge,
Hon. Treasurer.
Winnipeg, Feb. 4th, 1887.
In the beginning of the year the council published the proceedings at the annual meeting, as well as a list of the officers of honorary, corresponding and life members, and the constitution and by laws in full meeting, a pamphlet of 33 pages. Most of the papers read during the year have been published, the authors in many cases bearing half the expense. A new demand is being made on the society. The geological publications of the society are nearly exhausted, and the demand for them continues. The president’s pamphlet on “The Mound Builders” is entirely out of print, and is also sought for. If a sufficient sum of money could be obtained from some source, the transactions of the society would form sufficient material for a presentable and valuable volume of the society’s twenty-eight transactions.
The society maintains friendly relations with some 100 learned societies, and has now some 200 exchanges. This brings in an enormous quantity of valuable and seasonable literature to the society free of charge. Our society is also one of the thirteen Canadian societies, selected by the Royal society of Canada for affiliation to itself. At the last meeting of that body, in Ottawa, the President, Dr. Bryce, represented this society, gave, in a short statement of the work done here, and contributed a paper on “Famous Journeys in Rupert’s Land,” which is being published in the proceedings of the Royal society. A former vice-president of this society, Mr. C. N Bell, also read a paper before the Royal society on “The Mound Builders,” which was well received.
The society’s rooms are now become so well known and attractive that large numbers of visitors from abroad find their way to the reading room and museum. No less than seventy visitors from abroad called at the rooms during the month of July. During the year the society received the Honorable the Premier of the Dominion Sir John Macdonald in the rooms of the society, and was glad to accept his expressions of approval of the work done by the society. In handing over the affairs of the society to their successors the members of the executive council would recommend the active increase of the library, and also the prosecution of the leading branches of scientific research for which the Northwest offers so many facilities.
All of which is respectfully submitted,
George Bryce, LLD, President.
The annual meeting of the Historical. and Scientific Society was held Tuesday afternoon, the president, Rev. Dr. Bryce, in the chair, and about thirty members being present.
The annual report of the council was read by the president, and the financial statement by the treasurer, Mr. R. E. W. Goodridge. After being discussed at some length by Mr. Alex. McArthur and others, who suggested various particulars in which they thought the objects of the society could be more successfully promoted, the reports were adopted on motion of Mr. A. McCharles, seconded by Mr. D. M. Stewart.
The election of fifteen members of the executive council, and of the officers of the society was then proceeded with, Messrs. J. H. Brock, W. J. Akin and R. E. W. Goodridge being appointed scrutineers. The ballotting resulted in the election of the following as members of the council:
Rev. Prof. Hart, Messrs. R. E. W. Goodridge, W. H. Hughan, A. Bowerman, A. H. Whitcher, Hon. A. A. C. LaRiviere, Alex. McArthur, A. McCharles, Judge Ardagh, Rev. Dr. Bryce, J. B. McKilligan, Stephen Nairn, D. M. Stewart, R. D. Richardson and Hon. Gilbert McMicken. Mr. McKilligan announced that he would not be able to act, and Mr. F. H. Turnock, who was the next highest on the list of members ballotted for, was declared elected.
The officers elected were as follows: President, Rev. Prof Hart; 1st vice president, Mr. A. H. Whitcher: 2nd vice president, Mr. Stephen Nairn; corresponding secretary, Mr. D. M. Stewart; treasurer, Mr. R. E. W. Goodridge; recording secretary, Mr. W. H. Hughan.
On motion of Mr. Whitcher, seconded by Mr. Bowerman, Mr. Akin was re-appointed auditor.
On motion of Mr. Richardson, seconded by Mr. McCharles, it was resolved: That the executive council are hereby recommended to employ the services of a short hand reporter, or some other competent person, to obtain a personal interview with some of the older settlers of the country and get from them verbal statements of incidents connected with the early history of the country which they may be willing to make; and that the council ask the Governments for a special grant to obtain this information. The motion led to a discussion in which some of the difficulties in the way of obtaining facts concerning the early history of the country were pointed out. The President and Mr. McArthur, in particular, spoke of endeavors which they themselves had made to acquire historical information by conversation with old settlers, and of the difficulty of arriving at what was desired in that way. It was shown that the income of the society would not admit of any considerable expenditure for the purpose indicated, but it was thought that either the Local or the Dominion Government, or both, might be induced to supply the requisite funds.
The meeting adjourned at about six o’clock.
Learned Societies at Home and Abroad
Proceedings, Transactions, Journals, Magazines, Reports, Bulletins, &c; and to whom our Publications are forwarded
6531—Royal Geographical Society, London, England, Proceedings.
6532—Public Library, Toronto, Annual Report, 1885.
11762— do do Finding List of Library.
6547—New York Microscopical Society, Journal for 1886.
6549—Societe de Geographic Commerciale Du Havre, Bulletins 1885-6.
6550—Geographical Society, Quebec, Transactions vol. 1, No. 4, 1885.
6551 to 6657—American Institute of Mining Engineers, Pamphlets, 1886; Map.
6658—Harvard University, Bulletins, 1886.
6659—Boston Public Library, Bulletins, 1886.
6660—Quekett Microscopical Club, England, Journal, 1886.
6661—Society of Arts, London, England, Weekly Journal, 1886.
6662—Canadian Entomologist, vols. 1 to 17 and continuation.
6665—Canadian Journal, Toronto, 1886
6691—Annalen des K. K. Natur Historischen Hof Museums, Wien, 1885.
6694—Province of Nova Scotia, Library Commissioners.
6707—Public Museum, Milwaukee, Annual Reports, 1885-6.
6800—City of Boston, Public Library, 34th Annual Report.
6830—Ottawa Field Naturalists Club Transactions.
6859—Oneida Historical Society, Reports 1879-80.
do do Transactions, 1881-4.
6948—Wisconsin State Historical Society, Annual Report, 1886.
6950—Engineers Club of Philadelphia, Reports 1886; Proceedings.
6953—Manitoba College Journal, from commencement.
6963—American Museum of Natural History, Bulletins and Reports 1885-6.
6995—Royal Society of New South Wales, Reports, 1884.
6997—United States National Museum, Proceedings, 1881-4.
11611-2—American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia, Proceedings
11635—Society of Chemical Industry, England, Journal, ‘86.
11637—Buffalo Historical Society, Annual Report, 1886
11641—Am. Swed. Pub’g. Society, Swedenborg’s Divine Love and Wisdom.
11662—Canadian Natural History Society, Record of Science, 1886.
11663—Victoria Institute, London, Eng., J ournal of Transactions, vol. 19.
11664—Nova Scotia Institute of Natural Science, Transactions, 1884-5.
11665-6—Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y., Upper Devonian Classification, Elements of Historical Palaeontology and the Register.
11670—Ontario Agricultural College, Annual Report.
11671—Academia Nacional des Ciencias en Cordoba, Boletin 1885. Argentine Republic, 1886.
11674—Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Montreal, Journal, 1885.
11675—Nat. His. Soc. of Glasgow, Proceedings, 1884-5 and Index 51 to 83.
11677—Imperial Federation League, Journal, 1886, “Fifty Years of Progress.”
Liverpool Microscopical Society, Circulars, 1886.
11685—New England Historic Genealogical Soc’y., Proceedings, 1886 and Register.
11690—Financial Reform Association, Liverpool, Eng, Almanack, 1886.
11753—Peabody Academy of Science, 18th Annual Report.
11754—British and American Archaeological Society of Rome, Journal.
11758—Colorado Scientific Society, Proceedings.
11766—Society of Chemical Industry, London, Eng., Journal, 1886.
11767—Geologists’ Association, London, Eng., Proceedings.
11773—Leeds Philosophical and Literary Soc’y , Eng., Annual Report; 1885-6.
11779—Canadian Institute, Toronto, Proceedings, 1886.
11810—American Congregational Asso., Boston, Annual Report, 1886.
11830—Association of Engineering Societies, Journal, 1886
11853—Essex Institute, U. S. A., Bulletins, 1886.
11858—Worcester Society of Antiquities, Proceedings, 1885.
11864—Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences, Bulletins
11868—Royal Colonial Institute, London, Eng., Catalogue and Proceedings, 1885-6
11870—American Antiquarian Society, Journal
11874—Royal Society of Canada, Proceedings, &c., vol. 3.
11884—British Association for Advancement of Science, 1885, Report.
11900—Hamilton Association Journal, Part 2, vol. 1.
11917—Royal Observatory Edinburgh Star Catalogue.
11921—New-castle-on-Tyne Public Library, 1884-6
11938—Philosophical Society, Glasgow, Proceedings, vol. 17.
12005—Manitoba University Calendar, 186.
12022—Massachusetts Historical Society, Proceedings, 1885-6.
12073—Sanitary Institute of Great Britain, vol. VII.
Library Company of Philadelphia, U.S.
Through Kindness of Lloyd. P. Smith, Esq.
Pamphlets and Volumes, eighty-two in number; and Bulletins, for 1886.
Smithsonian Institution, Washington, U.S.
6996—Report 1883, Report 1884, vols. 1 and 2.
11836-7—International Exhibition Volumes, “War” and “The Navy.”
11875-6—List of Foreign Correspondence.
List of Institutions in the United States.
Geological and Natural History Survey of Canada
11672—Summary Report to 31st December, 1885.
11940—Catalogue, Minerals at Colonial & I. Exhibition.
12008—Annual Report, vol. 1, 1885, Maps to accompany.
Hon. Samuel A. Green, Boston. 11716-38—Pamphlets, 22. 12023-31—Pamphlets, 9.
Government of the United States
6530—U. S. Geological Survey, Mineral Resources, 1883-4.
6664—Reports, Commissioners of Education, 1883-4.
6674—do Department of Agriculture, 1886, and Bulletins.
6675—Geological Survey, Bulletins for 1886.
6826— Geological Survey, Annual Report, 1883-4.
41794—Geological Survey, Monographs IX.
6828—Secretary of War, Washington, Report, vol. 4, 1884.
6862—Secretary of the Treasury, Reports, 1885, vols. 1 and 2, 1886.
6962—Mining Laws of the United States.
Final Reports, 10th Census.
11618-9—Bureau of Education, Washington, Circulars.
11631-3—Indian affairs Reports, 1883-4-5.
11701-7—Dept. of State, Treaty Papers, Foreign & Commercial Relations.
11710-1—Dept. of the Interior, Ivan Peteroff ‘s Alaska. Elliot’s Report on Seal Islands of Alaska.
11788-9—do do 10th Census, Waterpower, Wages and Necessaries of Life.
11952—Norman. J. Colman: 2nd Annual Report, Bureau of Animal Industry, Report, 1886.
11965—C. D. Walcott: Classification of the Cambrian System.
Dominion Government, Ottawa
6531-43—Sessional Papers, Nos 1 to 13, Vol. 18.
6544—Journals of the House of Commons, vol. 19, 1885.
6545—do Senate, vol. 19, 1885.
6546—Census of Canada, vol. 4, 1880-1,
6700—Meteorological Service, Toronto Weather Reports, 1886. do do do do 1883.
11663—Census from 1884-5 Dr. Tache, Deputy Minister of Agricul.
11709—Departement de l’Agriculture, Report, 1885.
Distribution Office, House of Commons, Ottawa
6666—Forty-four Departmental Reports.
6669—Votes and Proceedings of House of Commons:
6670—Minutes of the Senate of Canada. Bills of the 4th Session, Fifth Parliament, 1886. Hansard’s Debates from the commencement (with the exception of three volumes purchased) through the kindness of Mr. Botterell.
Individual Contributions from Winnipeg and Elsewhere
James Henderson. 6663—Directory for 1879. 6548—Winnipeg Directory, 1886. 12084—Directory and Gazetteer, 1887. 12105—C.P.R. Pocket Gazetteer, 1887.
J. R. Waghorn. 12096—Time Table, Feb. 1887.
Hon. C. P. Brown—Large Map of Manitoba.
Jacob Smith—Dominion Map, 1882. (mounted.)
Lt. Gov. Dewdney—N. W. T. Gazette, vols. 1 and 2.
Auguste Dupuis—“Fruit trees, Ornamental, &c., and Vines.”
Walter Moberly—Rocks and Rivers of British Columbia.
A. H. Whitcher—Map of Manitoba and Northwest Territories, 1885. Dominion of Canada, Guide Book. “Great Northwest, Prairie Lands.” “Facts and Figures.” Pocket Map, Northwest Territories. Lansdowne Speeches. Sheldon’s “To Canada and Through It.” “Province of British Columbia.”
Joseph Wolf—Case of Maps (folded), East, Centre and West, British Territory in North America.
Rev. Dr. George Bryce—The Five Forts of Winnipeg.
C. N. Bell—Treatise on Diseases of Indians by Percy W. Mathews, H.D.C., York Factory.
A. G. Ardagh—Hudson’s Bay Charts, 1885.
Major C. A. Boulton—Reminiscences of the Northwest Rebellions.
Rev. Mr. Quinn, Emerson, History of County of Pictou, N. S., by Rev. S. Patterson, D.D.
Alex. McKenzie—Renati Rapini, 1672.
Rev. A. A. Cameron—“New Jerusalem Magazine” and “Church Messenger.”
Gen. C. W. Darling, Utica, N. Y.—Anthropophagy.
Rev. John McLean, Fort McLeod—Lone Land Lights, Methodist Annual, 1885.
Secretary Board of Trade, Winnipeg—Report 1885, 2 doz. copies.
Ven. Arch. McDonald, Athabasca—Book of Common Prayer in Takudh.
Acton Burrows—Crop Reports, 1886. 11th Report, Montreal Horticulture Society.
Miss Jazdowski—Charles Kingsley’s Life, 2 vols.
Ernest E. Thompson—The Birds of Western Manitoba. The Destruction of our Native Birds.
T. H. Parr—2 Ordnance Maps of Yorkshire, Eng. Typographical Dictionary of England, 2 vols. Life of Louis Phillipe.
T. H. Lewis, St. Paul, Minn. —4 Pamphlets on the Mounds,
Robt. Clarke & Co., Cincinnati—Bibliotheca Americana, 1886.
T. A. Struthers—Land Map of Manitoba. British Columbia. C. P. R Lands’ Map No. 1. Holt’s Souvenir of the Province of Manitoba.
Capt. William Clark—The Canadian Gazette, Eng., Oct. 21.
L. Friederichsen & Co., Hamburg—Verlagskatalog Der Geographischen Verlags-Handlung. London, (England,) Industrial Review.
Wesbrook & Fairchild—Union Journal, Berlin.
W. D. Blachford—Graphic, 1879, bound in two vols.
E. E. Thompson—vol. 1, Rogers’ History of Canada.
H. N. Ruttan—The Water Supply of the City of Winnipeg. Steeles’ Buyers and Shippers Guide, 1887.
F. H. Turnock—Map of the Northwest of Canada, 1886.
Mrs. A. Colquhoun—Andreys Recompense. A Race for a Wife. A Terrible Temptation. Rogues and Vagabonds. Mrs. Geoffrey. Molly Bawn. A Mental Struggle. Paul Clifford. A Wonderful Woman. Wife in Name Only. Marian Grey. Tell Your Wife. Adrian Vital. Ida Chaloners Heart.
George M Dawson, Ottawa—The Canadian Rocky Mountains.
Angel Anginano, Mexico— Coordenadas Geograficas, (2 copies.)
W. R. McArthur—The Saturday Review.
Donations to the Society’s Museum
Alex. McArthur—Poison Ivy (Rhus Toxicondrum)
Rev. M. Burman, Griswold—Silver Coin, 17.
Alex. McKenzie—34 Coins and three Fossils. Australian Insects.
J. A. McDonall, Manitou—Fossil Box from C.P.R. well, Manitou. Box of Relics from Calf Mountain Mound. Qu’Appelle Vidette Office-First Ballot Paper, N.W.T.
Revs. McLachlan and Baird—Swan Shot at Red Deer River Spring, 1886.
S. A. Bedford and E. A. Bailey, Winnipeg—Cavalry Carbine, Pistol and Sword, Relics of the Windmill Fight, Prescott, Ont., ‘38.
Dr. O’Donnell, City—Fresh Water Clam found at Sturgeon Creek.
D. Smith, Dominion Works Office—Conglomerate Coral and Fossils.
Emanuel Ohlen—Meteoric Stones found in Sweden.
Fred. Driscoll, City—New York Albion, of Aug. 26, 1843.
W. E. Morgan, C. E.—Three Trilobites, from Mound Stephen; Conglomerate, from Kicking Horse River.
Hon. Alfred Boyd—Copy of Proceedings, Legislature of Rupert’s Land, Louis Riel, Pres.
Mr. Waugh—No. 1, The Sun, New York, 1883.
City and Provincial Newspaper
Winnipeg Daily Free Press
St. Boniface Le Manitoba.
Post Office Guide.
The Emerson International.
The Minnedosa Tribune.
Selkirk Record.
Fort McLeod Gazette.
Regina Leader.
Manitoba News, Morden.
The Weekly Tribune-Review, Portage la Prairie.
The Commercial.
The Virden Advance.
The Qu’Appelle Vidette.
Gladstone Age.
The Manitou Mercury.
Rapid City Standard.
The Prince Albert Times
The Neepawa Register.
Calgary Herald.
Winnipeg Daily Manitoban.
Winnipeg Weekly Free Press.
Nor’-West Farmer.
Manitoba Gazette.
Manitoba Liberal, Portage la Prairie.
The Brandon Sun.
Edmonton Bulletin
Saskatchewan Herald.
The Stonewall News.
The Lethbridge News.
Winnipeg Spectator.
The Regina Journal.
Heims Kruigla.
Winnipeg Siftings.
The Industrial News.
Rapid City Spectator.
The Emigrant.
The Birtle Observer.
The Medicine Hat Times.
Moosomin Courier.
Shoal Lake Echo.
Qu’Appelle Progress.
Page revised: 13 January 2013