The Manitoba Yearbook - 2022

Things to See & Do in Manitoba

2023 2022     2021  /   2020   /  2019

A loosely chronological record of our visits to Manitoba locations...


McKellar's Bridge. Souris River. North of Margaret

Nelson Creek Bridge - Margaret


Deleau Catholic Cemetery (In the Village)

Drummond Bridge - Souris River - north of Lauder


Hesselwood School Site north of Deleau

South of Dunrea

St. Lupicin


From a Souris Bend trail

The Cypress River near the old site of Norquay (north of Somerset)


Lavenham, Main Street

Beaconsfield Cemetery & Church - west of Cardinal.

Buttrum School, south of Dunrea

Ste. Therese Chapel - Cardinal

Former Hydro Dam on the Little Saskatchewan River, northwest of Brandon.

The Little Sasktchewan River at Riverdale

Norte Dame

Bagot School Cairn


Hnausa Cemetery

The barge, Poplar River. being repaired at Hnausa Dock


Anne Collier Cairn - Jackson Lake



Stockton Ferry

Near Stockton Ferry

Hartney Junction - Between Belmont and Hilton

Souris City / Souris River  -  Just South of Hwy 2 near Wawanesa


Polonia Cemetery Rd.

Trail over the old railway bed, where it crosses a creek north of Minto.


Oliver Conservation Habitat Trail - NE of Carberry

Cadurcis Cemetery


Bethel Church Site.

For more about any of the locations visit....

Past & Present - Manitoba Communities