1. Introduction
2. The Distant Past
3. First Nations
4. The Fur Trade
European Settlement
Notable People
7. Railway Era
8. Resources
The Distant
The convenient river crossing that came to be called Sourisford, is
near the crossroads of ancient trading routes used by First Nations
groups. One, which passed from the Turtle Mountain westward, was
adapted by the Boundary Commission; the other, the Yellowquill Trail,
angled southwest from the Portage La Prairie area.

The general vicinity was a natural place for both lasting villages and
temporary campsites.
Two archeologically significant national historic sites are located in
the immediate vicinity. Those sites each feature Interpretive Signs.
Sourisford Linear Burial Mounds
The mounds at this site are remnants of the largest concentration of
ancient burial mounds in Canada. Archeologists believe that the
casualties of harsh winters were ceremoniously buried when the ground
thawed – an event of cooperative behavior and cultural importance.
Artifacts found in the mounds have included stone tablets, clay
mortuary vessels, and shell gorget masks made from Gulf Coast conch
The people who left the Sourisford Linear Mounds are known only as the
Mound Builders. They are thought to be related through common ancestry
to—or influenced by contact with—the Mississippian peoples who lived
along the mid and lower reaches of the Mississippi River. The idea of
burial mounds spread from these Mississippian people, who in turn drew
their influences from Central American civilizations even farther south.
The Mound Builders were a nomadic bison hunting society who moved about
according to a seasonal cycle, summering on the plains. The burial
mounds at Sourisford date back to 800 AD, over 1,000 years ago.
The Brockinton Site
The Brockinton National Historic Site of Canada is a multi-component,
stratified archaeological site located on the east bank of the Souris
River a few kilometres north of the Sourisford Crossing. Located on a
steep slope between the flood plain and the prairie the site consists
of a thin crescent-shaped strip of low-lying land that has yielded
evidence of three distinct periods of occupation, dating from 800 to
1650 A.D
During its earliest occupation around 800 AD, the spot was used as a
bison kill and butchering site by an unknown Plains group. They used
contours of the landscape to drive bison down the valley to the
riverbank, where they built a structure known as a pound. The pound
consisted of a collection of posts driven into the ground in a row
among the trees growing on the bank. The structure was about 1.5 metres
thick and held together using horizontal branches and saplings
intertwined among the posts and trees. Gaps in the structure were
covered with hides. Bison would then be herded down the steep valley of
the Souris River to run, tripping and tumbling, into the structure.
This proved to be an efficient method of killing bison with a minimum
of bone breakage. The site has yielded a large number of small
side-notched arrows, ranging from 10 to 45 pounds of material per
square meter.
An Interpretive Sign, recently placed at the site.
The pound at Brockinton was a rare find, not so much because of its
use, but rather what was done with it after it had served its purpose.
Though evidence suggests that the site was hurriedly abandoned, extreme
care was taken in leaving the landscape as it had been. After its use
the pound was dismantled to the point that the holes left by the posts
were filled in with vertically placed bison bones. The site is one of
the first and certainly the best-documented cases of such a rare
Bison bones in the Souris River's bank at the Brockinton Site – readily
found in 2014
Going back in time, the Duck Bay Culture, a regional variant of the
Blackduck complex found in northern Ontario, used the site for camping
sometime between 1100 and 1350 AD. They adapted to the seasonal bison
hunting of plains people and adopted a number of traits found in plains
cultures, such as the use of Knife River flint, which came from western
North Dakota and was used for tool-making. Another adopted trait was
the use of a flat milling stone to grind up seeds. Artifacts found at
the site from this era include: shards of large woodland pottery
(distinguished by cord wrapped impressions and shallow stamps),
endscrapers, bifaces and three mini stone awls. The site produced
projectile points with broken bases that had been abandoned when arrows
had been repaired with new points, and a channeled sandstone abrader
for smoothing wooden shafts, a rarity in Manitoba. The animal remains
discovered at the site reflect a mixed economy fed by bison, canines,
beaver, deer and fish.
Most recently, an indigenous group known as the Williams culture used
the location as a camping site, dating back just over 400 years ago
(1600 AD). This was a group of plains First Nations who were primarily
dependent upon the bison. They produced uniquely decorated pottery
pieces: small bowls with twisted cord impressions in triangular and
horizontal patterns, and tiny stamps created using materials such as
reeds, bird feathers, quills or tiny bird bones. Some of the pottery
pieces have a more broad decoration with smoother surfaces. These
pottery fragments suggest a tie to the Oneota culture in southern
Minnesota or Iowa. The Oneota included several groups that occupied the
area of these states between 1000 and 1650 AD. Significantly, the
Brockinton site was the first excavated evidence of the Williams

A Bison Pound
(Vantage Points Collection – TM-SPHA)
This tradition is not usually found on the plains, but rather has a
widespread distribution in the wooded portion of south-eastern
Manitoba. This appears to be the only occurrence of these peoples in
Canada, who are represented by a uniquely decorated, rich and varied
ceramic assemblage.
The relationship between the site and the neighbouring Linear Mounds
National Historic Site of Canada is also of interest. All these things
give us a more complete picture of the First Nations associated with
the site.
It was designated a Canadian National Historic site in 1973 because it
confirms that dynamic cultural changes that occurred in this region
before contact with Europeans.
Snyder II Site
It is a common perception that most plains Aboriginal peoples were
nomadic wanderers who were largely dependent on what has been described
as the “mobile supermarkets of the vast herds of migratory bison.”
Although this was true of some First Nations, the Snyder II site south
of Melita suggests that agricultural activities in southwest Manitoba
did not begin with European settlers.
The site is on the bank of the Gainsborough Creek just half a kilometer
west of its junction with the Souris River. In 1970, and again in 2006,
Archaeologist Leigh Syms made an excavation of the site, which produced
direct evidence of pre-contact native agricultural activities.
A replica of a shell mask/gorget found at the
Snyder II
(Vantage Points Collection – TM-SPHA)
Syms excavated a bell-shaped storage pit at the site, which measured
over a metre deep. The lower portion of the pit revealed two distinct
hearths with concentrations of fire ash, artifacts, evidence of a sweat
lodge, and bison scapulae (shoulder blades). The bison scapulae were a
particularly significant find in an agricultural sense because of their
use as hoeing implements—evidence that the soil was being worked in the
immediate area.
The storage pit itself was used to store surplus produce, an indication
of a semi-sedentary occupation. The people who worked the land here
would either have lived in a permanent village or were around for
enough of the year to maintain crops and live off of the storages they
made in pits such as this one.
Evidence of a village occupation is scattered over many acres of the
neighbouring cultivated field. This field, among others, exhibits
depressions on its surface, which Syms speculates is indicative of at
least seven other pits. The activities of modern agriculture have wiped
out evidence of how many other storage pits there might have been, in
addition to whatever gardens or fields the village residents might have
worked. These fields were probably located on the nearby floodplain
below the storage pits.
Syms concluded that the Snyder II site was used as a village during the
protocontact period: that is, during the time when local Aboriginal
groups were receiving some European items through trade, but before
Europeans set up trading posts in the area. The site dates very loosely
to 1610 AD.
The pit also revealed pottery shards from several Late Plains Woodland
vessels—artifacts that have not been found before on the Canadian
plains. These artifacts were dated to about 340 years ago.